Trojan Weekly - March 17, 2025
March Is Leadership Month
Dear Families,
Murphys Irish Days is approaching, and our town will be bustling with activity. Keep an eye out for MPC in the Murphys Irish Day Parade. They'll be promoting our upcoming fundraiser, "Chicken in a Barrel," which celebrates its 36th year on Saturday, June 7, from 12-5 PM in Murphys Park. It's always a joy to see our students participating in the parade and connecting with family and friends throughout the festivities.
Kindly, Josh
- The last week of after school tutoring for this year will be the week of March 24th. However, the children are welcome to continue to log onto the tutoring program from home two days per week.
- Next week I will continue ALICE Safety Training with fourth grade. Last week, Mr. Nunn's class did a great job with discussing this drill, and I look forward to working with the next group.
- If you have a transitional kinder or kindergartner ready to start school next year, please give Judy a call to set up an appointment for Kinder/TK Registration. Feel free to pass this on to other folks who live in our attendance boundaries.
Monday 3/17
Ms. Oliver's Class to UPWD Water Facility -8:15 - 11:15am
Good News Club
Volleyball Practice - 2:10 – 3:30pm
Tuesday 3/18
Hawks Hub -AMS Room 9 - 2:05 – 5:05pm
Library For Families - 2:00 - 2:45pm
After School Tutoring - 2:05 - 3:10pm
AME Girls Volleyball Game @ Aroche - 3:30 - 4:30pm
Middle School Volleyball Club - 5:00 - 8:00pm
Wednesday 3/19
Hawks Hub -AMS Room 9 - 2:05 – 5:05pm
Nature Bowl Practice - 2:00 – 3:15pm
AME Girls Volleyball Game VS HFE - 3:30 - 4:30pm
AME Girls Volleyball Game VS Mark Twain - 4:30 - 5:30pm
Thursday 3/20
4/5 Ski Trip - 8:40am – 5:10pm
Ms. Klassen/Winters Classes Walk to Murphys Senior Center12:00 – 1:00pm
Library For Families - 2:00 - 2:45pm
Hawks Hub -AMS Room 9 - 2:05 – 5:05pm
After School Tutoring - 2:05 - 3:10pm
AME Girls Volleyball Practice - 2:15 - 3:30pm
Middle School Volleyball Club - 5:00 - 8:00pm
Friday 3/21
Crazy Sock Day (World Down Syndrome Day)
SRT Performance - 12:45pm
Hawks Hub -AMS Room 9 - 2:05 – 5:05pm
Have A Great Weekend!
This Picture Made My Day - TK Snow Play
World Down Syndrome Day & Crazy Socks Day
On March 21st, AME will be celebrating World Down Syndrome Day! This special day is observed around the world to raise awareness and show support for individuals with Down syndrome, highlighting their contributions to our communities.
Why March 21st? The date signifies the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome, which causes Down syndrome. It's a day dedicated to advocating for the rights, inclusion, and well-being of those with Down syndrome.
To make this celebration extra fun, we invite all students to participate in our Crazy Socks Day! Wearing brightly colored or mismatched socks is a symbolic way to spread awareness and start conversations about inclusion and diversity. So, let's get creative and show our support by wearing the wildest socks we can find!
Calaveras County Science Fair
Congratulations to all participants in the 40th Annual Calaveras County Science Fair! Several of our students placed in the top three in their categories:
- Robbie and Logan: First Place
- Kaylyn and Eliot: Second Place
- Morgan: Third Place
Earning these cash prizes at a county-level competition demonstrates these students' exceptional understanding of the scientific method and creative thinking. Their hard work and innovative projects clearly impressed the judges!
Trout Dissection Lesson
Today our students had an incredible learning opportunity as Dr. Clint Collins from Sacramento State University and Jessica Self from WPUD guided them through a trout dissection. The children were able to observe firsthand as Dr. Collins (Ada's dad) demonstrated the fascinating biology of a fish.
Students got to see the internal organs, learn about fish anatomy, and experience science in action. We're grateful to Dr. Collins and Mrs. Self for sharing their expertise and providing our students with this valuable educational experience.
📖 Read-A-Thon🔖
TK: Elliott L, Stephens
Kinder: Ella D, Ryan
1st: Julian M Wright
2nd: Madilynn N, Winters
3rd: Nellie S, Oliver
4th: Elijah M, Fleck
5th: Morgan N, Fleck
Overall: Elijah Madsen, Fleck
Trout Release
Despite challenging weather conditions this week, we're happy to let you all know that our trout release trip was a great success! Students enjoyed an educational presentation from WPUD staff, followed by an exciting opportunity to observe the baby trout through a fish scope.
The highlight of the day was releasing our baby trout into Murphy's Creek, where they quickly swam off to find shelter in the cool pools.
Thank you to everyone who helped make this valuable learning experience possible for our students!
March Outreach and Education Newsletter
First Five of Calaveras
On March 19, we will meet at the San Andreas Library (Zoom available) for the informative class on Developmental Milestones with Andria Tiquet. The class will meet in person from 5-7 PM (Zoom 5:15- 7 PM), and dinner and childcare will be available.
Register here: https://forms.gle/FP7x8DWhb7g9beR37
Thursday, March 20, we will start a great new series on Social Media and Anxiety. This 4-part series will include a free book and lots of information on how to balance and monitor your children’s social media usage. This important class will be on Zoom from 6- 7:30 PM.
Register here: https://forms.gle/wv9snLzkAT9896cB6
Finally, on Wednesday, March 26, we will meet via Zoom for a class on Teens and Preteens: Conversations and Boundaries. This class will cover so much great information on these challenging years. The class will meet from 5-7 PM.
Register here: https://forms.gle/waW3EiyQTwhEXBbv5
March Is The Month Of The Leader
TK & Kindergarten Registration
At AME Attendance Matters
Long-Term Benefits of Good Attendance
- Establishment of positive attendance habits that carry into secondary education and future employment
- Higher graduation rates and increased likelihood of pursuing higher education
- Better developed time management and organizational skills
- Stronger work ethic and understanding of commitment and responsibility
- Improved future employment prospects and earning potential
Last week's ALICE overview was "E" for Evacuate. This week I will summarize the ALICE Acronym.
- Alert: Become aware of a threat
- Lockdown: Lock, pull shades, turn off lights, employ Bollo Lock, barricade rooms & hide
- Inform: Communicate information in real time
- Counter: If a room is breached: Create chaos, movement, distraction and as a last resort throw objects at the intruder.
- Evacuate: Remove yourself from danger when safe to do so
This is a protocol developed for schools and organizations as a response to active shooter situations. It's designed to provide options beyond traditional lockdown procedures and empower people to make survival decisions based on their specific circumstances during a crisis.
AME's Awesome Upcoming Events
MAKE-UP 4/5 Ski Trip
Thursday, March 20⋅8:40am – 5:10pm
Crazy Sock Day - World Down Syndrome Day
Friday, March 21
TK, K, 1 to Red Barn Museum
Friday, March 21⋅9:30am – 12:30pm
3rd Cross Country Ski
Monday, March 24⋅8:15am – 4:00pm
EdVenture cross country skiing (K-2)
Thursday, March 27⋅1:00 – 5:00pm
Rehearsal for talent show
Thursday, March 27⋅5:00 – 7:00pm
Last Day of Afterschool Tutoring
Thursday, March 27⋅2:00 – 3:15pm
Friday, March 28
Top Trojan Assembly
Friday, March 28⋅9:00 – 9:45am
Monday, March 31 - Friday, March 4
Stay Well - Messages From Nurse Suzzi
When Should my child stay Home?
My child is ready to go back to school when she/he...
🤩MPC - Michelson Parent's Club👪
VUSD School Board
Board Meetings
Unless otherwise notified, all meetings are held on the third Wednesday of every month at the District Office. Open Public Session will begin at 5:30 PM.
VUSD Public Board Meeting Agenda - Wednesday, March 12, 2025
🏫Michelson Parents Club👪
🐓Buy Your Tickets For Chicken In A Barrel🐔
Spring Newsletter PDF
Mr. Frogs Run
AME Has Talent
School Calendar
2025 - 26 School Calendar
Feeney Park Drop Off & Pickup
Important Reminders For Student Drop Off & Pick Up
- Children may only be dropped off and picked up in the Feeney Park parking lot.
Serious safety concerns have arisen, relative to the morning drop off line. If you want to walk your child to the stairs, please park your vehicle in a parking space. Do not stop your vehicle in the drop off line and exit the car to walk your child to the stairs.
- In order for a safe and speedy morning drop off, your child must remain in the car until
you reach the first place in line. Mrs. Martinez or other Michelson personnel will safely assist your child as he/she exits the car. Do not allow your child to exit your vehicle until you reach the first
place in line.
- All students must walk up the stairs to the playground. Remind your child not to climb
the hillside.
- All vehicles (except those bearing “Disabled” placards) are prohibited from entering the main
Michelson School parking lot to drop off and/or pick up children.
Albert Michelson Elementary
Email: jogeen@vsd.k12.ca.us
Website: https://www.vallecitok12.com/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=1531440&type=d&pREC_ID=1664461
Location: 196 Pennsylvania Gulch Road, Murphys, CA
Phone: (209) 728 - 3441
The Vallecito Union School District and its schools do not endorse any advertised products or services referenced in this publication.