We are thrilled to announce a new building-wide initiative to celebrate Riverside families who go above and beyond to support our community. We would not be the school that we are without our "Owl Supporters." We will select some each month who is actively working to make the Riverside community a better place to work and learn.
Please join us in celebrating our August recipient, Crystal Brown. An educator wrote, "Ms. Brown donated lots of classroom supplies the first week of school without me asking for anything and has offered to send in more any time I need anything."
For September we would like to acknowledge, Stacey Bahr. An educator wrote, "Mrs. Bahr is always here to help with the Book Fair! She is amazing!"
Thank you to all of our supporters for all you do for Riverside. Your support is noticed and genuinely appreciated.
Warm Regards,
Ms. Kama-Starr & Mr. Cohen
10/8-10/12 - Double Good Popcorn Sale
10/11 - No School for Scholars and Educators - Fall Recess
10/16 - Family First Night and PTC Fundraiser @ Chipotle
10/18 - End of Quarter 1
10/18 - 6th through 8th Grade Dance from 7PM-9PM
10/25 - No School for Pre-K
10/29 - No School for Scholars - Conferences from 12:30PM-7PM
10/30- Picture Day
10/31- Candy Parade
We are hosting a Double Good popcorn fundraiser. We receive 50% from all sales. The money will be used for educator appreciation and other PTC sponsored activities.
The details are as follows:
Our sale will run from 12:00PM on Tuesday, October 8th through 12:00PM on Saturday, October 12th.
We are encouraging all families to set up a popcorn shop and try to sell to their family and friends.
The good news is that all you have to do is set-up an online shop (ONE PER FAMILY) and share it out with anyone/everyone that you know! You DO NOT have to go door-to-door, collect money, or deliver anything!
To set up your online shop please download the Double Good app via this link:
Then enter the code: LLULYD
Our shop will go live on the 8th. It's that simple!
We are offering the following incentives to the families that sell the most popcorn:
1st Place - $50 gift card to restaurant/store of choice
2nd Place - $30 gift card to restaurant/store of choice
3rd Place - $20 gift card to restaurant/store of choice
With October upon us it's almost time for our annual Costume and Candy Parade!
This year's parade will be held on Thursday, October 31st at 2 pm.
Candy/Treat Donations
We will be collecting candy/treat donations throughout the month of October. Here is what we need:
- Individually wrapped candy (bags of 25 pieces or more)
- Fall/Halloween fun bags of chips/pretzels/fruit snacks (minimum 24 count)
- Fall/Halloween theme pencils (minimum of 24)
- Fall/Halloween theme tattoos (1 package)
We are looking for Owl family members to volunteer from 1:30PM to 3:30PM on the day of the parade. If you'd like to volunteer please fill out this form:
- Scholars are permitted to wear their costumes for the duration of the day at school.
- Scholars cannot bring any accessories that resemble any type of weapon. Examples include but are not limited to knives, guns, cleavers, machete, etc.
- Scholars can wear minimal face paint (eye makeup, lipstick, scars, etc.).
- Please ensure that your child can take their costume on and off independently. It is a good idea that scholars have t-shirts, leggings, or shorts under their costumes in case they need to take them off during the school day.
- Scholars still need to wear school appropriate footwear.
- Scholars can ONLY wear masks during the parade time for the safety of all scholars.
Period 0 is an opportunity for 4th through 8th grade scholars to participate in morning activities such as Band/Music, PE, and Art. Period 0 starts each day at 8:30AM and ends at 9:15AM. Scholars who sign up for Period 0 need to be on time. We still have space in PE (Grades 4-8) and Art (Grades 5-8). Band/Music is full.
If you are interested in signing your child up for Period 0 please fill out this link.
Dear Riverside Families,
Here are some important dates related to health and wellness:
10/20/24: Breakthrough T1D Walk at Cleveland Zoo. If you cannot go, then ask Mrs. Upperman how you can support her, so she can raise money for a cure for diabetes.
10/23/2024: Cleveland Clinic School Based Health Van. Let me know if you want your child seen in the School Based Van. Questions? See Flyer below!
11/01/2024 & 11/04/2024: Vision First Van coming for Pre-K, K, and 1st grade students.
During the month of October Case Western Nursing Students and I will complete mandatory state vision screening. We will also be teaching classes about asthma to all of our students who have asthma.
If you have not completed an Integrated Health Plan, please message me on Class Dojo or stop by the clinic. I have them in many languages.
Stay healthy,
Nurse Upperman
Resource Newsletter: What's Inside
Free Produce
Free Furniture resource
Mobile hotspot program
Family and Student Survey Information
Thanksgiving Heroes - Food for the holiday - please message me to be referred.
Christmas Assistance Sign-up
If you have any questions about anything listed in the newsletter or have any resources to add, please message me on dojo or call 216-645-7309.
Riverside is going to be starting a Lego Club. The PTC is hosting a lego drive to help get the club off the ground. Please feel free to send in gently used Legos and place them in the tote bin in the main office. The Lego drive will run from 9/16-10/1. Thank you all for your support!
Our next Family First night is on 10/16 at Chipotle. Hope you can make it!
We hope to see many of you at our next PTC meeting on Monday 10/14 at 6pm in the Riverside cafeteria!
- Please call the office (216-838-6700) if your child will not be at school.
- Scholars are tardy after 9:35AM.
- Scholars will not be released early from school without the office receiving communication and consent from a family member in advance. We also ask that scholars are not picked up between 3:00PM - 4:05PM. This is to support our preparations for dismissal.
We have some important Arrival and Dismissal reminders to share.
1- If you are dropping off or picking up your scholar(s) via the car line you MUST enter the line by driving down Montrose Avenue and turning left to go up along the front side of the school. Please do NOT cut across from Glencliffe to Montrose. Cutting across can back up the buses. It is also unfair to the families who are abiding by the rules and it sets a negative example for our scholars. Everyone's time is valuable and we appreciate your attention to this matter.
2- Whenever you are driving near Riverside please be sure to obey all traffic laws. This includes but is not limited to driving within the posted speed limit, only parking in appropriate spots, and following the one-way signs. Please also refrain from blocking our neighbors' driveways and throwing trash out of vehicles. After all, we want to be good neighbors.
3- School officially ends each day at 4:05PM. All scholars need to be picked up by 4:15PM. Any parent/guardian picking up their scholar(s) after 4:15PM will need to come into the office to sign them out. If you are running late, please be sure to call and let us know. You can call the main office number at 216-838-6700.
4- The Glencliffe side of the building is ONLY for buses and vans. Scholars cannot be dropped off or picked up by families on the Glencliffe side of the building.
5- Each day our playground is closed from 3:50PM to 4:15PM. We absolutely love that so many families want to stay after and play. We just ask that you give us this time to ensure every child has been safely dismissed.
6- Please note that the playground is also closed in the morning. When the scholars arrive, they need to get right into the morning line.
We truly appreciate your cooperation and patience. Especially because keeping the scholars and educators safe is our number one job!
In partnership with our families and communities, Riverside will develop responsible scholars, who think critically and creatively while becoming lifelong learners who make positive contributions to our diverse society. Riverside is committed to providing student-centered, inclusion-based educational practices that seamlessly incorporate technology, the arts, health, and fitness.
Riverside, we overcome, we evolve, we grow - today, tomorrow, and always!
Principal: Heather Kama-Starr
- Phone: 216-562-8082
- Email: heather.kama-starr@clevelandmetroschools.org
Assistant Principal: Kyle Cohen
- Phone: 216-327-8262
- Email: kyle.cohen@clevelandmetroschools.org
School Secretary: Katie Davis
- Phone: 216-838-6700
- Email: katie.davis@clevelandmetroschools.org
Family Support Specialist: India Moore
- Phone: 216-645-7309
- Email: imoore@sayyescleveland.org
School Nurse: Therese Upperman
- Phone: 216-838-6714
- Email: therese.upperman@clevelandmetroschools.org