Aeries Parent Portal
July 29, 2020
Action Needed
Hello Bullpups!
Once again we will be using the Aeries Parent Portal to update student information online. All parents should go to https://aeriesweb.martinez.k12.ca.us/pp, and please complete the steps below TODAY.
- Login with your email address. If you’ve forgotten your password (or never received it) simply click the “Forgot Password?” link on the login screen and it will be sent to your email.
- Please note: If your email address has changed or is incorrect, please call our registrar (Mrs. Clugston) at 925-335-5820
- After logging in, you will see a message stating “You have not yet completed the Student Data Confirmation Process, Click Here to confirm…” Click the link.
- Verify the registration information on each of the tabs. When you get to the documents tab, please click the "Annual Rights Notification Signature Page" box.
- You will need to indicate whether your child will remain enrolled and participate in the distance learning program, OR whether you would like to participate in an independent study program (with a 1 year commitment, based on a temporary placement which would be granted based on space availablity).
- If you are un-enrolling your student contact our registrar, Mrs. Clugston, at 925-335-5820
- Please note: You must click on each tab (Family Information, Student, Contacts, Medical Information, etc.) and confirm or correct all the data before you can complete the process.
- Click “Submit Final Confirmation” on the “Final Data Confirmation” tab.
If you have more than one student enrolled in the district, it will be necessary to complete this process for all other students by going to the “Change Student” option on the top left and clicking the link for the next student. Repeat the steps above for each student.
If you experience any technical difficulties with this process, please call our technology help desk at 925-335-5940. If you need to update your email address, please call the MJHS office at 925-335-5820