The Pine - September 2019
The Official Publication of AAUW MN
- A Message from our President
- AAUW Celebrates 100 Years of MN Ratifying the 19th Amendment
- AAUW-MN offering NCCWSL Scholarships to Branches
- Around the State - Grand Rapids
- Share your AAUW Branch experiences
- Website Update
- Keep us updated
A message from our president, Lisa West
Dear Members,
September 8th – the 100-year Anniversary of Minnesota’s Ratification of the 19th Amendment was celebrated at the State Capitol in an interesting, historic, and engaging way – a great way to head toward 2020, when the nation will celebrate ratification of the 19th Amendment. AAUW MN held a drawing for a free State and National membership as a part of our Civic Engagement Fair presence. We talked with several college students about AAUW scholarships and the benefits of the organization. And, we introduced and educated many people on who and what AAUW is. It started off kind of dreary and rainy, but turned into a fun and beneficial afternoon!
On October 7th, the State Board will meet and discuss if there will be plans for a 2020 mini State Convention of some kind. The fact that there are so few, or in this case, no branches willing or able to host or co-host a convention, may mean we’ll strive to hold conventions every other year into the future. This is a disappointing situation, at best. I’ll let you know what’s decided at the October Board meeting.
Deanna Ensley (VP Program) and I have continued communications with AAUW State leaders, helping organize a regional convention, planned for June 18 and 19, 2020, in the Quad Cities area of Illinois and Iowa. Kim Churches will speak at this regional convention, and a committee is working on other speakers for this event. A lot of planning is occurring, and more information will be provided in future months. Mark your calendars, and lets have a terrific showing at this event from the great State of Minnesota!
Other quick notes:
- Make sure to look at the grants being offered by AAUW MN to branches (some of which offer increased scholarship amounts this year). This grant money is available to help your branch connect with your community, empower women and girls in your community, and enhance member experience in AAUW. Just think of what you could do with a little extra funding!
- The directory is on track this year to be completed and available in September. If you haven’t provided your updated Branch Board information, you may still be able to slip it in; but there’s no guarantee at this point that it will be reflected in the new directory. Contact Administrative Assistant, Mariah Ring, with questions.
- If your branch needs assistance, the State Board is here to help you. Please contact me or other Board members, if there’s something you need.
September Quote in honor of Minnesota’s Ratification of the 19th Amendment: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” ~ 19th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
AAUW Helps Mark an Important Women’s Date in Minnesota History
Lisa West
MN AAUW President
AAUW MN participated in and partially-sponsored the 100-year Celebration of the Minnesota Ratification of the 19th Amendment on September 8, at the Minnesota State Capitol in St. Paul. Women elected officials were honored. Program speakers included:
- Secretary of State, Steve Simon;
- former Secretary of State, Joan Growe;
- First Lady Walz;
- Senator Carla Nelson;
- Supreme Court Chief Justice Lorie Skjerven Gildea; and
- Dr. Josie Johnson.
Following the speakers, members of the University of Minnesota Marching Band played a rendition of the Battle Hymn of the Republic, and then lead a procession from the Capitol steps to the Minnesota Woman Suffrage Memorial. The Robbinsdale-Cooper High School Marching Band played music at the memorial, where family members/descendants and period reenactors of some of the 1919 women suffragists, recognized at the memorial, mingled with event attendees.
The event also sponsored a Civic Engagement Fair that included and AAUW station. AAUW MN held a drawing for a free State and National AAUW membership for a new member. Despite the rainy start, it was an energizing and engaging tribute to this important date in Minnesota women’s history.
Civic Engagement Fair at the Capitol
Suffragist Period Costume
Women Elected Officials
Photograph by Gail Glashan - AAUW Hastings
AAUW of Minnesota is offering NCCWSL scholarships to Branches
AAUW of Minnesota, NCCWSL Chair
Reminder! AAUW of Minnesota is offering ten $1,000.00 scholarships! One scholarship per branch that sends a college woman to the National Conference of College Women Student Leaders, aka NCCWSL, pronounced ‘nick-whistle.’
Downloadable materials are now on the AAUW of Minnesota website.
Around the state...
Grand Rapids AAUW Branch Walks & Talks!
- The location for the walk changes from week to week as chosen by the group.
- Most walks are in the Grand Rapids area, but we do occasionally venture out into the greater county.
- Location and plans are emailed to the group.
- Members walk when they want to and at their own pace.
- It’s a social group.
- We welcome new walkers.
If you want more information about our walking group, contact
Share your AAUW branch experiences
What fun idea does your Branch do to get together with your AAUW Sisters? Let Cyndy know by emailing