WOTC 4-H April 2024
Monthly Newsletter

You will NOT be able to enroll livestock into 4-H Online without re-enrolling first.
Re-enrollment goes through our regional office in Moorhead and is NOT an overnight process;
it takes at least 48 hours to be approved!
Fair Entry will not open until May 16th.
Animal Identification Information Meeting
Monday, April 29 from 6:00 - 8:00PM at the Fergus Falls YMCA Meeting Room
Important information from the Fair Board will be shared, you will be able to purchase ID tags and the return policy will be discussed, collect information packets and ID worksheets, and ask any other questions you may have about registering your livestock into 4-H Online!
NOTE: Horse Project members should attend the Horse PDC Meeting on Monday, April 29 for their information. More specifics are later on in this newsletter!
Animal ID Information Meeting
Monday, Apr 29, 2024, 06:00 PM
Fergus Falls Area Family YMCA, Friberg Avenue, Fergus Falls, MN, USA
Thank you for selling fruit! Congrats to our top salespeople!
WOTC Livestock PDC
A huge THANK YOU to those of you who attended the organizational Livestock Project Development Committee meetings in March! Progress Update:
The purpose of the WOTC Livestock Project Development Committee is to provide structure and leadership that will enhance the opportunities for youth to lead and learn. The PDC will encourage teamwork, be open-minded to others, and support all species. The PDC will engage members to facilitate dedication, hands-on-learning, communication, and community involvement. The PDC will promote educational opportunities for youth members to learn about show preparations and techniques.
There will be six available spots for youth members on the board for the remainder of the 4-H year. This will NOT count towards a term limit as this is being established late into the 4-H year. Please fill out an application and follow directions found within to apply! Detailed role descriptions are found within the public folder. Please return your application to the Extension Office, Jessica, or Rachel no later than Friday, April 19th.
There will be three available spots for adult members on the board for the remainder of the 4-H year. This will NOT count towards a term limit as the PDC is being established late into the 4-H year. Please fill out an application and follow directions found within to apply! Detailed role descriptions are found within the public folder. Please return your application to the Extension Office, Jessica, or Rachel no later than Friday, April 19th.
The PDC, with guidance from Jessica and Rachel, will start working with established standing committees, such as Barn Superintendents & Fair Preparation and Blue Ribbon Auction. There is plenty of opportunity to be involved in the WOTC Livestock PDC by being in these subcommittees and attending meetings which are open to the public!
Livestock PDC Meeting
Introduce our PDC board members, discuss what the Livestock PDC will do, partake in a Q&A session, and talk about livestock-specific information for WOTC Fair.
Monday, May 6, 2024, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
PDC Animal Science Webinar
Thursday, April 11 from 7:00 - 8:30PM via Zoom
Feeling confused or overwhelmed by the establishment of the Horse PDC and Livestock PDC?
This will be helpful to better understand the work that PDCs do!
As we head into spring and summer, it's time to start thinking about preparing for summer projects and programming. The State Animal Science team will host a webinar for local livestock PDC youth, volunteers, and interested staff. During the webinar, we’ll highlight system-wide policies and processes to strengthen the Animal Science program, discuss updates connected with livestock species, and offer educational resources. We hope you'll join us!
Upcoming Horse PDC Meeting
There is plenty of opportunity to still be involved in the Horse PDC by attending meetings and/or joining working committees!
Information regarding the Horse Project for the WOTC Fair will be shared and discussed.
Join us on Monday, April 29 from 6:00 - 7:30PM!
Horse PDC Meeting
First official meeting after the establishment of the Horse PDC!
Information regarding the Horse Project for the WOTC Fair will be shared and discussed.
Monday, Apr 15, 2024, 06:00 PM
Extension Office Meeting Room
Northwest Summer Camps
Registration through 4-H Online is due by May 10.
Registration through 4-H Online is due by May 13.
This is the camp that Jessica and Rachel will be helping with!
Registration through 4-H Online is due by May 31.
National Volunteer Recognition Week
A special celebration from April 21 - 27!
Volunteers play a vital role in UMN Extension's ability to promote positive youth development, make communities strong by helping youth gain leadership skills, serve their communities, improve decision-making, and build career readiness. As a result, our community is more connected, healthier, and civically engaged.
This week, and every week, we celebrate and appreciate the adult and youth volunteers who serve WOTC 4-H! They share their time and talent. They keep young people connected to caring adults. They help youth thrive. They are invaluable to our program.
Please join Jessica and Rachel thank our numerous volunteers in our county!
Keep your eyes peeled for Volunteer Features on Facebook from April 20 - 26!
State Ambassadors
Apply to be a MN 4-H State Ambassador!
For over 55 years, the Minnesota 4-H State Ambassador program has offered leadership and civic engagement to 4-H members and their communities through service, promotion, and education across the state. The State Ambassadors are role models for other 4-H'ers and they serve as positive representatives of the Minnesota 4-H program. They represent a diverse group of 4-H projects, programs, and areas of the state.
There will also be hosting a State Ambassador application information session. Please see date and registration link below. If you are unable to make this meeting, you are still able to register and a recording will be sent to you.
State Ambassador Informational Sessions:
March 19 at 8:00pm - z.umn.edu/stateambieinfosession
April 9 at 8:00pm - z.umn.edu/stateambieinfosession2
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
You can email mn4h-stateambieadvisors@umn.edu to connect with the advisors!
SS&W Leader Certification Training - April 20 in Wadena
In order to be a fully certified 4-H SS&W Instructor (archery, wildlife, rifle/pistol) you must...
- Be a fully screened 4-H Volunteer in your local program.
- Complete SS&W Leader Certification Pre-Work Course. A link will be sent to you to complete a newly designed online course for completion of required information. If you have completed the old steps 1-2, you do not need to complete this updated pre-work.
- Attend a one day in-person discipline training (training fee - $50).
Click the link below to complete registration for the one day in-person discipline training by Sunday, April 7!
Archery Invitational
Saturday, April 13 at Morris Area High School, Gym 91
Help Stevens County fund their own Shooting Sports trailer by participating in the invitational!
Prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place in junior, intermediate, and senior categories!
There will also be an opportunity to test your knowledge in a wildlife skillathon.
This event can count for archery and wildlife hours for those interested in competing at the State Shoot this fall.
When: Registration begins at 9:00AM on April 13. The competition begins at 10:00AM.
Who: Youth in 4th grade and above are invited to participate.
Cost: $20
Register in 4-H Online by April 8!
Contact Savannah Aanerud, 4-H Extension Educator - Stevens County at aaner032@umn.edu if you have questions!
Rabbit Fun Show
Sunday, April 28 @ 10:30AM at the Brandon Auditorium in Brandon, MN
- Do you need to purchase a rabbit for showing?
- Do you need your rabbit tattooed?
- Are you in the market for rabbit supplies?
- Are you looking for a rabbit judging experience before your county fair?
At-The-Door Registration ($3 per rabbit) begins at 10:30AM with judging starting at 11:30AM.
Ribbons and medallions awarded, food stand on site, door prizes and silent auction offered.
This show has lots to offer! Learn more and register.
Register for YELLO!
June 12 - 15 at UMN Morris Campus
Youth Exploring Leadership and Learning Opportunities is a 4-H leadership conference for youth in grades 7+ that prepares youth to learn and lead in their communities. This event is planned and facilitated by the MN 4-H State Ambassadors!
Registration in 4-H Online opens TODAY (April 1) and closes May 10 for youth and chaperones!
Dog SuperSession
Saturday, June 1 at the Wadena County Fairgrounds
Youth in grades 3+, their families, trainers, and youth and adult dog project leaders are all welcome to attend. Participants will bring their project dogs and gain experience in obedience, rally, showmanship, and agility classes. Participants will also learn about grooming their dogs and explore how they can enjoy their dogs throughout their lives.
Register in 4-H Online by May 20! Event Name: Dog SuperSession
Cost: $25 per 4-H member/handler (with dog) OR $10 per 4-H member/handler (without dog)
Livestock Judging Camp
June 17 - 19 at UMN St. Paul Campus
Presented by the University of Minnesota Livestock Judging Team and coach Kyle Rozeboom, youth will learn the fundamentals of judging and evaluation, receive instruction with oral reasons, and become more confident with livestock judging.
Cost: $150
Registration & Payment is due by June 7!