Weekly Wolf Call
August 14-18, 2023
Hello Scott Families,
I am grateful and excited to be back this fall as the Principal at Scott Elementary. Our teachers have been busy this week, with training, setting up classrooms, and planning for another fantastic year. We cannot wait to fill these halls with students soon!
Please join us for our open house on Monday evening, we have a few new teachers and staff who are eager to meet you. Thank you for trusting us with your students, I am looking forward to reconnecting and meeting our new Wolves joining the pack this year. As the year progresses please feel free to reach out with any questions you may have. We look forward to partnering with you and celebrating your student's successes.
Tom Copley
Breakfast – Breakfast is provided before school. Students may enter the cafeteria by the West entrance beginning at 7:20. If you choose to access our breakfast service, plan to arrive early enough to allow time for your child to finish breakfast before 7:40. Students will not be eating breakfast in the classroom. Students will be dismissed to line up outdoors with their classmates at 7:40.
Before and After School Supervision
Morning supervision begins at 7:35 AM. Please do not plan to drop your students off before this time, unless they are eating breakfast in the cafeteria. At 7:35 students may begin lining up at their assigned classroom spot. All teachers will be outside on the first day of school with signs! After school we provide supervision until 3:05. Please plan to pick up your students before this time. We do ask that the playgrounds remain closed after school. This helps us quickly identify students who need assistance connecting with parents. The park next door is a beautiful place to spend time with your students after school if you wish to enjoy time together after school.
Dates to Remember
- 8.14 - Back to School Night 5:00-6:30
- 8.16 - First Day of School 7:50-2:50
- 8.16-8.22 - Health Screening
- 8.16 - Kona Ice After School on the Plaza
- 8.17 - 5:15 pm School Accountability Committee (SAC) Meeting - Parents welcome to attend
- 8.28 - School Picture Day - Individual and Class
- 8.29 - Skate City Night 6:00-8:00
- 8.30 - Kona Ice after School on the Plaza
- 9.1 - Popcorn Friday after school - 50 cents per bag (PTA)
- 9.4 - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
- 9.7 - Starbase Field Trip - Moore 5th Grade
- 9.8 - Starbase Field Trip - Thomassen/Peterson 5th Grade
- 9.8 - Mill Dog Rescue School Visit
- 9.11 - Starbase Field Trip - Thomassen/Peterson 5th Grade
- 9.11-9.15 - Mill Dog Rescue Fund Raiser
- 9.14 - Starbase Field Trip - Moore 5th Grade
- 9.15 - Starbase Field Trip - Thomassen/Peterson 5th Grade
- 9.15 - 25th Anniversary Celebration 5:00-7:00
- 9.20 - Art Assembly for 3rd-5th Grades
- 9:21 - Starbase Field Trip - Moore 5th Grade
- 9.21 - 5:15 pm School Accountability Committee (SAC) Meeting -Parents welcome to attend
- 9.26 - 4th and 5th Grade Track and Field Day
- 9.28 - 2nd and 3rd Grade Track and Field Day
- 9:28 - Starbase Field Trip - Moore 5th Grade
- 9.29 - Starbase Field Trip - Thomassen/Peterson 5th Grade
About Us
Email: thomas.copley@d11.org
Website: scott.d11.org
Location: 6175 Whetstone Drive, Colorado Springs, CO, USA
Phone: 719-328-6200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/veragscottelementary