News From the CMSHS Nest!
Eagle Updates 09/23/24
Principal's Corner
Happy Monday!
I hope you had a great weekend! It looks like we may finally have some fall-like weather later this week!
We have three weeks until the end of this quarter, and the parent/teacher conferences the following week. Please help your child by logging into your HAC account to check grades frequently, and reach out to their teachers when you have questions. It takes everyone to ensure students are staying on top of their work!
Be sure to check out the calendar of events below so you are always in the loop!
A quick reminder about dress code - please check your child before they leave the house for pajama pants, track shorts, and just overall appropriateness. If you think "I don't know...?" then it is probably not ok!
We have so many things happening - be sure you scroll down and make note of the events, and things we need your help with!
It's always a great day to be a CMS Eagle!
Karen Heatherly
Mark Your Calendars!
September 24 - Archery Practice @ 4:15 PM
September 24 - Volleyball @ St. Joseph (Away) 4:30 PM
September 24 - Josten's Junior Class Visit (12:00 PM)
September 26 - Football @ Home (Perryville) 6:00 PM
September 27 - Josten's Senior Class Visit (12:15 PM)
September 27 - Football @ Perryville (Away) 7:00 PM
Cell Phone Free Zone!
Parents - This is a friendly reminder not to call or text your child during the school day. If you need to get information to them, please contact the front office. Thank you!
UPDATE - We are in the process of ordering our Yondr Cell Phone Pouches. We will be updating you on the the process and policy regarding how students will use them as we receive them and begin implementing them.
See You There!
Thank you to those who took this safety protocol seriously on Thursday night. We had much fewer small children trying to run around and play out of the sight of their guardians.
Eagle fans, a friendly reminder! For the safety of all our spectators, students must remain in the stands during the game, except for visits to the concession stand or restroom. This will be strictly enforced. Let's show our Eagle spirit while keeping our games fun, safe, and respectful for everyone. Go Eagles!
See You at the Pole!
Join students at 7:15 AM for donuts, juice, and prayer!
Class Dues
Prom Interest Survey!
Calling all parents of juniors! We need your help in hosting a great prom! Please take a moment and fill out our short interest survey! Thank you!
FREE Tutoring!
Beta Club Shoe Drive!
Attendance Matters!
Please remember - For your child's safety, students may not check out without parent/guardian approval. If your student is going to leave with another student, YOU must speak with the school to give approval. Thank you!
Dress Code!
We have had a great start to the year regarding dress code. The students have been dressed appropriately and ready for learning! The illustration below really sums it up! Just remember, no pajama pants, track shorts, and headgear. And remember the dress code, as this applies to the school day AND school sponsored events - including football games and other sporting events.
Thank you!
Stay In Touch!
Attendance and Principal's Secretary:
Location: 2801 Spring Street, Hot Springs, AR 71901
Phone: (501) 262-2414