

The Buzz

Message from the Executive Headteacher
Yesterday all the children had their photograph taken and staff were so impressed by how well the children behaved, even our very youngest children. This was the same during our fire drill last week when the children evacuated the building, quickly, quietly and sensibly and lined up in the playground - well done HISN.
We are only four weeks into term and already the keen focus on the phonics teaching can be seen first thing in the morning. This is a focused session for all children and we are pleased how well the children are sitting, and engaging with their learning. Please ensure your child is here on time each day as this session is so important and ensure they will learn to read which is the key to the curriculum.
HPPA will be holding their annual coffee morning and uniform sale on Friday 11th 9am-10.30am, this will be in the hall so please come along and get any uniform you need. Entrance via Ripley Road.
I would like to remind you about the school street which operates at drop off and pick up. Please try to walk to school if you can.
You may have noticed that the council will be doing some work to the junction of Ripley Road and Priory Road next week which will affect parking at that end of the street for a short period of time.
Have a great weekend.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
Amazon Wish Lists
Both our schools at HPP are continually grateful for the ongoing support of our generous parent and carer community. The Infant School has created an Amazon wish list of supplies for each year group that will help our children play and learn whilst they're at school. If you would like to support the school by purchasing something from the wish list we'd be incredibly thankful - please find the links to the wishlists below, and select HPPA Wishlist at the checkout.
Harvest Donations - Wednesday 16th October 2024
We are welcoming The Real Junk Food Project to our Harvest assembly on Wednesday 16th October.
If you are able to, please bring in donations of canned / dry food and toiletries. Key items requested are: canned tomatoes, canned pulses, canned coconut milk, canned fruit, UHT milk, sugar and packets of rice, lentils and couscous.
Donations should be dropped off at the office foyer from Monday 14th - Wednesday 16th October 2024. On Wednesday 16th there will also be a table in the playground, at drop off.
Team Earth
HISN's Team Earth have voted and they have decided to adopt a snow leopard!
Mrs Cook will be telling all the children about the snow leopard in Monday's assembly.
Makaton Sign of the Week
w/c 23.09.2024
PM Nursery, 2D & RK had the best attendance last week
PM Nursery, RK, RP & 2B had no late students last week
Certificate of Excellence
Certificates have been handed for following the HPP principle of:-
NURSERY Harry & Samuel
RC Izzy
RK Ava Mae
RP Violet
RY Lara
1B Charlie
1C Martina
1D Ava-Mae
1GC Olive
2B Edward
2D Yousuf
2M Iris
2P Harry
🟨 Nursery
Another super week in Nursery. We are continuing to settle into our daily routines and love building wonderful friendships with our classmates. We certainly have seen lots of kindness in Nursery...some super sharing and wonderful kind words too.
In maths this week, we have been exploring our numbers 1-5. We are learning to recognise our numerals and playing 'splat' to help us remember them. We have even muddled them up in different orders to help us match number cards to each one. Nursery were super spotters too and noticed that 1 is the smallest number and 5 is the biggest - lots of wonderful language around 'more' and 'less.
One hot topic in Nursery this week is about our new focus text: The Big Bad Mood. We learnt that sometimes a big mood cloud surrounds us when we are having one of those days. With the help of our protagonist, George, we have learnt what it feels like to be in a 'red zone' and have thought of wonderful ways to release that moody cloud. We learnt to take the fire out of our bellies and blow it out with big deep breaths as well as always talking to our friends and teachers about our emotions. To represent these mood clouds, Nursery have had their creative brains on and have been sculpting mood monsters out of playdough - we have seen lots of legs and many eyes! Well done Nursery!
To finish off the week, Nursery went on an Autumn walk around the playground with their Autumn hats the children made. We saw lots of Autumn signs. We saw lots of leaves on the ground, the wind rustling the trees and lots and lots of puddles - perfect for splashing in! I wonder where our Nursery adventure will take us next week...
Time to talk Nursery
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
With Nursery putting on their maths thinking caps and exploring number, this week would be a great opportunity for you and your little one to talk about maths too. We see numbers everywhere we go. You see them on door numbers. You see them when you go shopping. Why when you are out and about go on a number hunt or build tall towers counting the blocks as you go. Can you jump, hop or clap that many times...happy counting!
🟥 Reception
This week we have read The Big Bag Mood by Tom Jamieson. We used this as a hook to discuss what makes us feel 'moody' as well as the way our behaviour can make people around us feel. We linked this with the Zones of Regulation and spent time as Colour Groups discussing our emotions. The children then had fun pulling faces to represent the four Zones. In maths, we have been consolidating number to five. We have practised counting objects in a group carefully, saying one number for each object and making sure we only count each object once. Our counting puppets have been keen to help us with this.
We enjoyed exploring some beautiful Autumn leaves that have been bought in and some children chose to use them to make Autumn crowns during their choosing time. The children also enjoyed learning how to use the climbing frame safely and they are very excited to start using it next week!
Time to talk Reception
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
Linking to our discussions this week about how our behaviour affects others, you could talk to your child about how they can be a good friend. What makes a good friend? What does a good friend do or say?
🟦 Year 1
This week, we have been looking at the sense of sight in our ‘Marvellous Me!’ topic in science. We talked about the different parts of the eye and what the main functions are. We carried out a practical experiment where we used only one eye first and then both eyes to carry out a coin dropping activity.
We have continued our study of toys from the past in history this week. We thought about what toys we would like to see in a toy museum before creating our own. We labelled the items we chose for our museum, focusing on the features of the toys and the materials used to make them, discussing the reasons for our choices and why we thought these toys were important from an historical viewpoint.
In computing, we have been looking at various forms of technology as well as learning about the different parts of a computer, focusing on how to use a mouse to select and move things about on the screen.
In PE this week, we been developing our balance skills whilst holding a pose. We practised various circus-based poses, before linking these to create our own sequences and performing these for our each other.
In English, we have been continuing to use our focus book ‘T-Veg’, by Smriti Prasadam-Halls, as inspiration for our writing activities. Reginald is a T-rex like any other. He has a fierce roar, gnashing teeth and footsteps that thunder through the jungle. There’s just one thing that sets him apart… while the other T-rexes munch on juicy steak, Reginald the T-rex eats crunchy carrot cake! This week we have been using Reginald and his story as a stimulus for noun and adjective writing.
Now that children are growing in confidence when counting and comparing numbers, we have moved on to ordering three groups of objects in maths this week. We have looked at different methods for ordering, such as comparing two groups initially, and lining groups up, and we have been practising using mathematical language, such as “most” and “fewest”, to explain our choices. We have also been looking at number lines and how we can use these to help us compare and order groups of objects and numbers.
🟩 Year 2
This week in English, we have been exploring recipes. We started by looking at a recipe for baking a cake and discussed how important it is to have the instructions in the correct order to ensure everything turns out just right. After that, we had fun planning and writing our own recipe, imagining Al the wolf baking a special birthday cake for his Granny. The children got creative, thinking about what unique ingredients Al might include such as long, curly pig tails!
In maths, we have been building on our previous knowledge of comparing objects and numbers by using the symbols > (greater than) and < (less than) to help us understand how to place them in the correct order. This process started with simple comparisons, where we learned to identify which number or object was bigger or smaller. Now, we are extending that knowledge by not only comparing two numbers but arranging a series of numbers in ascending (smallest to largest) or descending (largest to smallest) order.
In computing, we explored the key rules for using information technology responsibly and how they help protect us online. We looked at various scenarios where individuals were not being safe online and discussed strategies for staying safe on the internet. For example, the children were shown an image of someone sharing their password online, prompting a discussion on why this is unsafe, as it involves revealing personal information.
In history, we have been thinking about how the Great Fire of London spread so rapidly. The children analysed two different paintings from the fire and discussed potential reasons why the fire spread so quickly across London. Drawing on their prior knowledge that many of the houses at the time were made of wood, the children explained that this contributed to the rapid spread, as wood is highly flammable and easily catches fire. This activity also encouraged the children to apply their understanding of materials, which they have been focusing on in their science topic.
NHS Flu Vaccinations
Reminder that the NHS team will be offering flu vaccinations on Tuesday 22nd October to Year 1 and Year 2 students. Please complete the below form to inform the team if you do or do not wish your child to be vaccinated on this day. This form must be completed by Thursday 17th October.
HISN Admin Vacancy
We are looking to appoint a highly organised, proactive & motivated Admin Officer to join our busy school office team. Previous experience within a school environment would be beneficial but is not essential, as we have the staff and resources across the partnership to provide a comprehensive handover and induction. The successful candidate will:
- have a strong background in administration
- have excellent ICT skills
- be a very motivated, proactive and organised individual
- be able to work on their own initiative
- be able to meet tight deadlines
- have excellent interpersonal skills
- be able to work 8am - 4pm Monday to Friday
Half Term at Museum of Richmond
Family workshop: Spooky stained glass
Tuesday 29 October to Friday 1 November, 10am to 12noon
Discover the stories of the Ghosts that haunt the remains of Richmond Palace. Join us on a ghost walk around the Palace’s remains, then head back to the Museum to create spooky stained glass, inspired by the Tudor stained glass we have from the Palace! £6 per child - adults are free. To book click on the below link.
Free crafts: Spooky Pumpkins
Need to get the kids out of the house for a few hours? Pop into the Museum for our FREE crafts and get creative as a family! Available from 1pm each weekday and Saturday the Museum is open. No need to book, just drop in.
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
Useful Links
Note: All medication must be prescribed by a GP and handed into the office, do not put medicine in your child's book bag.
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815