Kuehnle Koala Chronicle
23/24 Issue 10
Kuehnle Koalas Learning-Serving-Leading
2023-2024 School Hours
School Ends at 3:25 pm.
Students are allowed to enter building at 7:45 am.
Thank you for helping everyone stay safe by not dropping off your child prior to 7:45 a.m. Supervision of students does not begin until 7:45 a.m. If you need before school care, please contact the front office about Koala Kare or go to their website for information https://www.koalakare-llc.com/
We kindly request that you do not enter the car rider line PRIOR to 7:30 AM. The line backs up and then our staff can not get into the parking lot to park their cars and get to their classroom and morning duty assignments to welcome and supervise students.
Kuehnle Front Office Hours:
7:45- am to 4:10 pm
May 1-3: STAAR testing closed campus
May 6-10: Teacher appreciation week
May 10: PTO Spring party student event only
May 16: Last day the school store is open
May 17: Field Day-All Day
May 20: Class of 2017 Kuehnle Senior social 3:45 in Library and Rain day for Field Day
May 21: Yearbook signing-student event only-no lunch visitors
May 22: 5th grade awards ceremony and celebration
May 24: Pk-4th grade P2P end of the year celebrations and last day of school-no lunch visitors
Klein ISD District Calendar 23-24
Click HERE for access to the District calendar
STAAR Testing
Due to testing our campus is closed to visitors (no lunch visitors) and volunteers on the following STAAR testing dates:
May 1
May 2
May 3
Kuehnle families, next week, May 6-10, is Teacher Appreciation week! Let's show your kids teachers some appreciation for all of the hard work they put in every day! They truly love our Koalas! Click HERE to see their favorites lists!
Kuehnle Field Day Friday, May 17th
5th grade awards and celebration Wed, May 22nd
We hope you’ll be able to join us for these celebrations. Don’t forget to RSVP if you plan to attend so that your visitor badge is waiting for you to expedite your arrival to the celebration.
RSVP For: 5th Grade EOY P2P Celebration
Deadline to RSVP: May 15th at noon
Click HERE to RSVP
Pk-4th grade end of year P2P celebrations Friday, May 24th
Dear parents,
Our last Koala P2P Celebration Days are coming soon. We invite parents to attend and celebrate with us. We are excited to recognize our students’ accomplishments as they live the Profile of a Learner. See the schedule below for your child’s celebration time. You will be able to sign your child out for an early dismissal with the classroom teacher beginning at 10:00 am and after.
Don’t wait in a long line…RSVP today! To qualify for an RSVP your license must have been scanned this year. Need to have it scanned? Come to the front office by Wednesday, May 15th at noon, then you can RSVP on the link provided.
We will not be able to accommodate lunch visitors or lunch drop off today. If your child is not eating the lunch, please have them bring their lunch with them that morning as they may have a different lunch time.
RSVP For: PreK – 4th grade P2P Celebrations
Deadline to RSVP: Wednesday, May 15th at noon.
Click HERE to RSVP!!
Grade levels times:
Pre-K 9:30-10:00 Classroom
Kindergarten 9:30-10:00 Classroom
First 10:30-11:00 Classroom
Second Grade 10:00-10:30 Classroom
Third Grade 11:00-11:30 Classroom
Fourth Grade 11:30-12:00 Classroom
Mrs. Sooter 9:30-10:00 Classroom
Mrs. Kaufman 9:30-10:00 Classroom
We hope you’ll be able to join us for these celebrations. Don’t forget to RSVP if you plan to attend so that your visitor badge is waiting for you to expedite your arrival to the celebration.
Your fundraising dollars at work!
We always love showcasing how our fundraising dollars are being utilized on campus. We thank each and every Koala family who contributes and supports our fundraisers each year. We make it a priority to give it right back to our students through curriculum, technology, playground equipment, furniture and so much more. Thank you for your support!
10 new rolling chairs for students to use during Library time and Makerspace days.
8 new table top rolling chairs for student use.
New rolling book shelves to display all the awesome Library books to check out and feature special ones.
4th grade Sit/Stand desks. Each 4th grade classroom will have 4 desks that students rotate using.
Kuehnle at the KISD Choral and Orff Festival
Kuehnle’s Orff Ensemble and Choir both performed at the Klein ISD Elementary Music Festival on Saturday April 13th. These students did a fantastic job and received high marks from the judge. Bravo, Kuehnle Music Ensembles!
2024-2025 School supplies-Don't miss the deadline!
2024-2025 School Supply Packets are on sale starting March 21-May 21st
Kuehnle School Supply Packages for the 2024-2025 school year are on sale starting March 21st. School Supply Packages may be purchased through your schoolcash online account only (no cash or checks accepted)now until May 21st.
All packages MUST be ordered through kleinisd.schoolcashonline.com. We will not be ordering any extra packages, so make sure you get your order placed prior to the deadline on May 21st. All pre-purchased school supplies will be delivered to your child's classroom the day of meet the teacher.
All grade level school supply packets can be purchased by logging into your schoolcash online account.
Important Jogging club update
Thank you parents for supporting our Jogging Club program and getting your joggers to school early so they could participate!
Our final Jogging Club dates are listed below:
May 9th – 1st and 2nd grade
May 10th- 3,4, 5 grades
Awards for the top 3 girl and top 3 boy joggers in each grade level will be given at our P2P celebrations.
~Mrs. Koonts, Mrs. Morris & Mrs. Barthelemy
Thank you Koala Kare, LLC
Thank you to Koala Kare for donating two NEW microwaves for our teacher’s lounge. We expressed this need, and they stepped up and took care of it for our school. We are so appreciative of your support and partnership with Kuehnle. Our staff is so excited!
How to support your child at home
Check out KISD's Family Curriculum Guides for the 2nd semester to see what your child will be learning in class.
Campus Grading Guidelines
Birthday Snacks
KISD permits parents / guardians or grandparents to supply birthday snacks for their child’s birthday through the KISD Food Service Department. Please call our food service manager at 832-484-6620 for more info and a list of items available.
- Birthday snacks will be distributed for the entire class at the end of the lunch period, after students have had a nutritious meal as defined by the School Lunch Program and Texas Department of Agriculture.
- Written consent from a parent / guardian must be obtained before a student will be permitted to have a birthday treat. (Sent in the 1st day packet.)
- Two weeks notice is required for ordering birthday snacks through Klein ISD food service.
*No balloons are permitted on campus.
Click HERE for the order form.
Invitations to outside events
School Store end of the year update!
Selective school supply items and novelty items will be available in our school store most mornings from 7:50 - 8:10 a.m. Thursday May 16th is the LAST DAY THE SCHOOL STORE IS OPEN FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR.
Campus safety and security
In accordance with KISD safe and secure policies, A valid driver’s license must be shown at the front door before entering the building.
Please see the attached Entry Procedure sign displayed at our front door. All visitors to our campus must ring the doorbell, identify yourself, give student's name, provide reason for visit, and show your valid photo I.D. Place your ID close to the camera.
Please do not allow individuals not in your group to enter behind you. Once inside the building check in at our front office and your license will be scanned if you are visiting any area past the front office.
Name tags will be provided which should be visible on the front of the shirt and worn AT ALL TIMES by all visitors. Please use the main entrance (near the flagpole) to enter and exit the building.
Thank you for helping keep our campus safe and secure.
Klein ISD will continue using Schoolcafe for lunch accounts. Click HERE for updates this school year.
- SchoolCafe, is an all-in-one portal that allows families to complete meal benefits applications, deposit funds to their student’s lunch account, view meal transaction information in real- time and more!
- Please click on links below for how to sign up and set up your account.
How to apply for meal benefits: Click HERE Or HERE
How to make payments in Schoolcafe: Click Video How TO
You will need the following information to sign up for Schoolcafe:
● 6 digit student ID* Skyward includes an “s”. Do not include this when enrolling in SchoolCafe
● Last name of student
● Enrolled campus
Click HERE to find your child’s ID Number and select the Skyward application.
If you choose to send money to the campus for your student’s account, please place the money or check in a sealed envelope and label with the following : Child’s First and Last Name, Teacher’s Name, Grade and Amount Enclosed. Student lunch prices is $2.50 and breakfast price is $1.50
Car riders
Help us make carpool go smoothly!
AM Car Rider line is at the front of the school near the flag pole.
PM Car Rider line is near the cafeteria.
Important Info for parents
Visitors to Campus
All visitors to our campus must check in at our front office. A valid driver’s license will be needed to check in to visit any area past the front office. Name tags will be provided and should be worn at all times by all visitors. Please use the main entrance (near the flagpole) to enter and exit the building.
Rights of Possessory Conservator
The school district does not have the obligation to contact the managing conservator when the possessory conservator requests permission to review the child’s records and/or consult with the teacher.
Any conflicts between the two parents should be handled outside the school and we should be advised of any limitations of contact that might ultimately be established in the divorce decree; i.e., a visit with the child exclusive of a review of the records, etc.
Custody Issues
Please assist us in the handling of custody related issues. It is the responsibility of the parents to provide the registrar a certified copy of the most recent court order affecting any other person’s right to their children. Should you have any question, please call the school and ask for Julia Funk, Principal.
Car Pool
Please remember to have the car rider number tag hanging from your rear view mirror. Make sure you turn off your cell phone while in the carpool line. For morning drop-offs, please follow the directions of the staff members and drop your student off when the line stops. This helps to expedite the traffic flow.
Early Dismissal by 2:45 pm
All early dismissals must occur before 2:45p.m. If you need to pick your child up before the end of the school day please send a note to the front office in the morning. Please come to the front office at the requested time to sign him/her out. After 2:45 p.m. students will only be released following their normally dismissal routine. You can email Kuehnlefrontdesk@kleinisd.net
Transportation Changes by 2:45 pm
All changes to a child’s normal means of afternoon transportation must be received in the front office no later than 2:45 pm to allow time to get the updated information to the teacher in time for dismissal. You can email Kuehnlefrontdesk@kleinisd.net. Transportation changes must be requested in writing.
Medication at School
All medication, prescription and over the counter, must be delivered to the clinic by a parent or guardian. Prescription medications must be in the original container with prescription label. Most pharmacies will provide you with an extra bottle when you fill prescriptions if you ask them. Over the counter medications must have a dosage for the child by age or weight and can only be given for 2 weeks without a doctor’s note. Unused medication can not be sent home with the student. If the parent or guardian cannot pick up medication, you may make arrangements with the nurse for another adult to pick up medication. No vitamins, health food, or herbal preparations may be given.
KISD SMART TAG ID card system
Smart Tags and more!
Click HERE for the student ridership parent portal.
The district purchased the first lanyard, card and plastic cover for every student. Parents will be required to pay for replacement cards, plastic protective covers, or lanyards if they are broken, lost, or stolen. Every student is required to have a Smart Tag. Parents will be contacted by our front office staff when a replacement is needed. Parents will need to pay for the replacement via School Cash Online. A link will be emailed to you. Once payment has been received the front office will provide the replacement. Parents will continue to receive reminders until the fee is paid. Remember, this is a requirement for all elementary students who ride the bus even once.
Replacement costs are as follows:
-lanyard = $2.00
-plastic protective cover = $1.00
-Smart Tag = $5.00
Dismissal-Safety is our priority!
Parents, please help us with the following:
Car Riders:
1. Official school car rider number tags must be displayed in the front windshield.
2. Please keep your car rider number tag displayed until your child gets in your car. After your child enters your car, please remove your carpool card from the windshield. This is our signal that your child is loaded.
3. Please be patient in the car line. Remember that SAFETY is always a priority at Kuehnle. Be mindful that students are still moving until we give the go ahead to move cars forward.
4. Please refrain from using your cell phone in a School Zone, including waiting in the car rider line. There are Texas State Laws which prohibit the use of cell phones while in a school zone.
Walkers/Bike Riders:
1. Walkers will be issued a ‘dismissal card’ by their teacher
2. Walkers will turn this card in to the staff member on duty at the assigned walker exit. This will be the student’s ‘ticket’ to leave the school building at the end of each day.
3. Walkers do not walk to cars in the parking lot. Any student leaving school grounds in a car must be picked up in the Car Rider line.
4. For safety reasons, do not park your car in the parking lot during dismissal unless you are required to come into the building.
Bus Riders:
Students will receive a bus card which must be attached to his/her backpack the entire year. Please do not remove this card.
Bus Rules:
· Student must remain seated at all times.
· Students must keep hands, feet and objects to themselves.
· Refer to the Klein ISD Student Handbook for a more detailed list.
Parents, please plan ahead with your child for rainy days. Consider packing a raincoat or umbrella for them to use.
All changes to a student’s regular means of dismissal must be received in the front office by 2:45 pm. You may email kuehnlefrontdesk@kleinisd.net
Reporting Student Absences
All student absences must have an excuse note from the parent/guardian within 5 days of the student's return to school.
How do I submit an excuse note?
Entering an absence in Skyward is Klein ISD's preferred method of communication for absence reporting.
Other acceptable methods of notification are:
- hand written note from parent/guardian
- note from a medical professional
We cannot accept the following communication methods:
- No emails to the front office, registrar, teacher or other staff member
- No Remind messages
- No Dojo message
Klein ISD is no longer automatically sending notification of student absences to parents/guardians. However, there is a way for the parents/guardians to select to be notified if they want notification. The instructions for setting up the notification can be found in Familynet.
See the Attendance Policy section of the Klein ISD Student Handbook for more information.
Use of Cellphones during school
Please note the following information regarding the use of cell phones during school. This information is from the 2023-2024 KISD Elementary Student Handbook pages 64-65.
Electronic Devices and Technology Resources (All Grade Levels)
Possession and Use of Personal Telecommunications Devices, Including Cell Phones, and Other Electronic Devices
The district permits students to possess personal cell phones for safety purposes; however, these devices must remain turned off during the instructional day, including during all testing, unless they are being used for approved instructional purposes.
A student must have approval to possess other personal telecommunications devices on campus such as laptops, tablets, or other portable computers.
Without such permission, teachers will collect the items and turn them in to the principal’s office. The principal will determine whether to return items to students at the end of the day or to contact parents to pick up the items.
The use of cell phones or any device capable of capturing images is strictly prohibited in locker rooms or restroom areas while at school or at a school-related or school-sponsored event.
If a student uses a telecommunications device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated. The parent may pick up the confiscated telecommunications device from the principal’s office.
Confiscated telecommunications devices that are not retrieved by the student or the student’s parent will be disposed of after the notice required by law.
In limited circumstances and in accordance with law, a student’s personal telecommunications device may be searched by authorized personnel.
Any disciplinary action will be in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. The district is not responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen telecommunications devices.
Koala Birthday Visit
Does your child LOVE the Kuehnle Koala? Give your child the gift of a Kuehnle Koala visit at lunch time for their birthday! Birthday visits will begin September 5, 2023. 100% of the proceeds benefit Kuehnle Elementary! Please be sure to purchase the class birthday treats 2 weeks in advance through the cafeteria, for an additional price, by emailing the Cafeteria Manager at dyoung1@kleinisd.net.
Recycle Bin On going fundraiser
Have you seen our textile recycling bin? It's located on the grass between the cafeteria and the fire station.
You can drop clothing, hats, shoes, linen, belts & purses into the bin. Kuehnle will receive 10 cents per pound of all the recycled donations that we collect.
Please do not leave any items outside of the bin. Before you drop anything make sure it is on the approved items list.
Thank you for helping us support our school and make a difference at the same time!
Watch D.O.G.S. Program
Calling All Dads, Step-Dads, Grand Dads, Uncles, and Brothers…..
This is your chance to spend some special time with your favorite student in a fun atmosphere. Choose a date that fits your schedule along with your preferred time slot.
To volunteer for a full day - PLEASE SIGN UP FOR BOTH TIME SLOTS!!
Be sure to include your child’s name and grade in the “Note” box. Then click the “sign up” button and we will take care of the rest.
You must be a Klein ISD “APPROVED” volunteer prior to signing up.
If you have any questions about our Watch D. O. G. S. program please email us at
Any questions in regard to volunteer approval can be directed to
Click Here to submit an application to become an approved volunteer for Klein ISD.
5/03/24 PTO Meeting 1pm-3pm
5/20/24 Field Day
5/21/24 MemoryBook Signing Day
5/22/24 5th Grade Awards (AM) and Celebration
5/23/24 Field Day (rain out day)
5/24/24 P2P Celebrations/LAST DAY OF SCHOOL