Twin Peaks Middle School
Home of the Rams
A Message from the Principal...
Dear friends,
I wanted to circle back to our Ram Way staff meeting in which we examined metrics for evaluating our SAI pilot. Here is a link to the survey data. As you can see, the responses receiving the most votes are:
- Student growth toward grade level content
- Percentage of students in co-taught and IA classes who are completing homework
As you recall, when we had our discussion, I shared that it is in our best interest to select measures that are easy to track. In other words, we don't want to create more work for ourselves. We are going to have additional discussions about how to measure each of these because it is not readily apparent to me and we need to be uniform and consistent. Also, I would like to revisit measuring homework completion. I am not sure how that would be an indicator of success or failure of the specialized academic instruction we provide to students. All this is to say that we have more work to do on this, but I at least wanted to share with you where we are at currently.
On another note, we are going to pilot a new monthly recognition event for the remainder of the school year. Each month, staff will select one student who has demonstrated consistently positive character and Ram pride. The student should “stand out” as being quite exceptional. The first Student Recognition Breakfast will take place on February 25th from 7:45-8:15am in the library. Shaylene will send out the sign-up sheet later this week. Classified staff, please feel free to sign up if you would like to acknowledge a special student.
Finally, many of you have expressed a desire for a single calendar that will reflect all internal events and activities. Some of you are familiar with and have access to the ASB activities calendar. I wanted to give you a heads up that we are renaming this calendar to TPMS Internal and are providing all staff with access. We believe this will help to improve our ability to schedule events and activities. This week you will receive a link to the calendar and we will be conducting a training on how to utilize it at our next Ram Way meeting.
And one more thing...I will be off campus Monday, Thursday and Friday this week participating in a district training.
Thanks so much and have a great week.
Speak Up Survey
This year, Poway Unified School District is participating in the national Speak Up Research Initiative to seek feedback from teachers, students, staff, and parents to help us improve learning for all students. Since 2003, over 5 million K-12 teachers, students, staff, and parents have shared their ideas about education technology through the Speak Up online surveys, and we need your ideas too. The survey is free to us and will be used to help us plan for the future so we need to hear from all of you.
Instructions for completing the Speak Up survey:
1. Go to https://Speakup.Tomorrow.org/D/DC2P
2. Select the school
3. Select the survey type (educator, student, parent, administrator, staff) and begin the survey.
The survey will take approximately 10-20 minutes to complete.
Our goal is to have at least 50% of teachers, K-12 students, staff, and administrators complete the Speak Up Survey as well as many of our PUSD parents/guardians.
Once you have completed the Speak Up survey, click on the link (tinyurl.com/PUSDspeakup2020) to be entered into the participation raffle. (This is optional)
The survey consists of mostly multiple choice items. Please join the conversation about the use of technology for learning! To learn more about the project, visit Project Tomorrow.
Thank you for your input on improving technology education for all PUSD students.
Michelle Cruz Jan 15th
Amy Hillebrecht Jan 20th
Holly Lingenhol Jan 23rd
Tiffany Daher Jan 31st
Bri Hoquist Jan 31st
Upcoming Events & Activities -January 27th - February 7th
Tuesday, January 28th
- I and O Team Meetings, 7:30-8:15am, PCR & Rod's Office
Wednesday, January 29th
- 6th Grade Wells Fargo Presentation, 12-2pm, TBA
- Fire Drill, 1:30pm, 3rd block
- Power Struggles & Screen Time Workshop, 6pm, LRC
Thursday, January 30th
- Leadership Day @ Disneyland
- Professional Time, 8-9am, Grade Level
- 6th Grade Wells Fargo Presentation, 12-2pm, TBA
Friday, January 31st
- PTSA Broken Yolk Fundraiser, 6:30am - 2:30pm, 11630 Carmel Mountain Rd
- Non-Student Day
Monday, February 3rd
- Counselor Appreciation Week
- 7th Grade AR Presentations, both RAM's
- ASB Lunchtime Activity, Counselor Trivia, both lunches
Tuesday, February 4th
- Joint Team Meeting, 7:30-8:15am, PCR
- Science O Meeting, 12-1:30pm, MPR
Wednesday, February 5th
- WEB Counselor Appreciation Activity, both lunches, Quad
- 6th Grade All O's Party, 12-12:45pm, Room 920
- 7th Grade AR Presentation, 12:45-1:30pm
Thursday, February 6th
- Professional Time, 8-9am, Content
- AVID Counselor Appreciation, both lunches, Quad
- Lip Sync Battle Info Meeting, both lunches, Room 911
- Knott's Berry Farm Meeting, 1st lunch, Little Theater
- Wind Ensemble Tour, 1-2pm, Midland Elementary School
- AVID Panda Express Fundraiser, 3-9pm, 13624 Poway Rd
Friday, February 7th
- 7th Grade AR Presentations, both RAM's
- ASB Counselor Appreciation Activity, both lunches, Quad
- Q2 TIP Distribution
Ram Way Drawings-
O Team Minutes
Please click here for the O Team minutes from 1/21/20.
Quarter 3 Professional Calendar ***3rd Revision***
2019-20 Progress Notice & Report Card Timeline
Click Here for the 2019-20 timeline
Game Room for Students
Daily Tweets to Build Community
It's GREAT to be a RAM!
Twin Peaks Middle School
Email: chamilton@powayusd.com
Website: http://tpms.powayusd.com/index.html
Phone: 858.748.5131
Twitter: @TwinPeaksRams