Tavola Elementary
October 2024 Parent Newsletter
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Message from your Principal!
We had such a great turnout for Trunk or Treat. Thank you again for all your candy donations to help make it a fun evening for our Tavola Timberwolves. Our next big event coming up is our annual Thanksgiving lunch. Below is detailed information for you. Please read through it carefully. You must RSVP and pre-pay for you meal. We also have our 3rd grade music performance next week and look forward to seeing our students sing in honor of Veteran's Day. WATCH D.O.G Dads is up and running and it's been awesome having dads on campus volunteering and helping out. We still need more dads to join.
We're seeing a lot of great things happening here at Tavola! Thank you for your continued support.
Your proud principal,
Kristie Kelley
2024-2025 Tavola School Hours
Doors open: 7:45 for car riders
Bus drop off: 8:00
Breakfast: 7:45 - 8:15
First Bell: 8:20
Tardy bell: 8:30
Attendance taken: 9:40
Dismissal: 3:55
Please note: Children should not be dropped off prior to 7:45 because there will not be any staff on duty until 7:45. We appreciate your help in ensuring the safety of all our students!
A three-tier start/release time format will allow the district to move to a three-tier transportation system which will create more availability of buses, reduce time spent on buses, and reduce the number of students on buses.
You can only send store bought cupcakes or cookies for birthday celebrations. Balloons, gifts, treat bags, etc. are not allowed. The cupcakes or cookies will be passed out at the end of the school day.
🐺 Timberwolves in Action! 🐺
5th graders are working on timelines with this sorting activity.
5th graders are making connections during their reading to better understand their text.
Kindergarteners are learning about Venn Diagrams! Comparing and contrasting about various animals.
1st graders created skeletons with q-tips and wrote about all about their bones!
5th graders are mastering their long division be completing Digital Escape Rooms!
1st graders are learning all about patriotic symbols!
Veteran's Day Assembly/ 3rd grade Assembly
Tavola 3rd Grade students will host the annual Veterans Program, November 7th, at 6:00pm. All are welcome!
Digital Wall of Honor
In addition, Tavola is preparing a digital Veteran's Wall of Honor. If you would like to honor a veteran, please complete this form. All submissions are due by November 6th at 3:00pm.
⭐Attention Future Keefer Crossing Kodiak Parents! ⭐
Parents of current 5th grade students, future 6th grade Keefer Crossing Kodiaks, counselors from Keefer Crossing will be visiting Tavola Elementary on November 6th to meet their future Kodiaks. Counselors will share information and distribute your child's course selection for the 25/26 school year.
A parent meeting will be held at Keefer Crossing on November 7th at 5:00pm - 6:00pm in the Keefer Crossing Cafeteria. The counselors will review course selection information and be available for any questions.
Big Kahuna Fundraiser - Ends November 8th
All order forms and money needs to be turned in by Monday, November 11th. The Online Sales website will continue to stay open until midnight, Friday, November 15th.
The current tentative date for fundraiser pick up is Monday, December 9th. If this changes, we will edit this newsletter to reflect the updated date.
NCISD Farmer's Market - November 9th
We are excited to announce the launch of the New Caney ISD Farmers Market!
November 9th, 2024
Randell Reed Stadium
11:00am until 2:00pm
This innovative market will feature vendors from our student organizations and New Caney ISD employees, providing a fantastic opportunity for them to raise funds for their activities and businesses.
Thanksgiving Meal - November 14th and 15th
1. Complete the FAST PASS form to ensure that a Visitor Badge can be pre-printed prior to your arrival. https://forms.gle/7Fj2v1YZ1Bee5cEP6 Deadline to fill out the Fast Pass is Monday, November 11th.
2.Please read carefully: Important information for buying a Turkey Lunch.
You must PREPAY for your lunch by November 11th. Here is the link to prepay: https://www.schoolpay.com/parent/mip/Mfk1
If you do not prepay, you must bring the exact amount of cash to purchase the turkey lunch. ($5.50 for adults and $3.50 for children not enrolled at Tavola). The cafeteria can not make change and can not accept any card or digital payment.
Kindness Week - November 11th - 15th
Fall Picture Re-Takes - November 20th
Fall Picture re-takes will be Wednesday, November 20th! If your child was absent or you would like to do re-takes, order forms can be picked up in the front office.
Register for the Tavola Reindeer Run
for a Chance to Win a Pizza Party for your Class!
The 8th annual Tavola Reindeer Run 5K/1K is on Saturday, December 7th and takes place right here in the Tavola Community! Proceeds support tavola Elementary School.
All students who register for the 5K or 1K race from October 25th through November 3rd will be entered in a raffle to received a FREE pizza party for their class!
Registration Link: https://runsignup.com/Race/TX/NewCaney/Tavolareindeer
Make sure to select "Tavola Elementary" when prompted at registration. Use NCSTUDENT code to receive 20%. All participants receive a finisher medal and t-shirt.
There will also be:
Santa & Mrs. Clause Photo Opportunity
Face Painting
Rick Wall
Gourmet Hot Drinks
Bounce House
Snow at Finish Line
Chick-fil-A Breakfast Sandwiches
Up Coming Events
December Events
12/3 - NCISD Christmas Parade
12/5 - 12 Days of Christmas begin
12/7- Tavola Reindeer Run
12/9 - Big Kahuna Fundraiser Pick Up
12/12 - 4th Grade Music Program
12/14 - NCISD Multilingual Showcase
12/ 20 - Classrooms Christmas Parties
12/23-1/3 - Winter Break
Common Sense Media: Family Activities
Each nine weeks, student's participate in a Digital Citizenship Lessons through a Common Sense Media lesson in Nearpod. As Tavola Elementary strives to be a Common Sense Media School, our goal is to prepare your family to thrive in a digitally connected world.
Click on the buttons below for an at home activities to do with your child(ren) at home.
Drop Off and Pick Up Information
The safety of all in our community is our priority and we will continue to make changes to our procedures as needed. We thank you for your patience and support
Click the below button to learn all about Walkers/Bikers, Car Riders, and Bus Rider procedures.
For more transportation information, visit the NCISD Transportation site.
Dismissal Tags
All parents MUST have a current year dismissal tag displayed in the window during car rider pick up. Once we've logged your child's name into our dismissal program, keep the pass displayed and DO NOT change lanes.
If you do NOT have a dismissal tag, you will be asked to park, come in to get a dismissal tag, and return to the car rider line. If you did not pick up your dismissal tag at Meet the teacher, please come pick it up in the front office before 3:00pm.
Backpack Tags
Parent Volunteer Badge Information
Applications for the NCISD Volunteer program are now open!
The purpose of the volunteer program is to enrich the quality of education for the district’s students by providing opportunities for parents and community members to become actively involved in schools. All prospective volunteers are required to submit a volunteer application and complete a criminal history/background check each year. All volunteers must submit a new application each school year.
Please visit our Volunteer page to learn about becoming a volunteer and access the application.
Social and Emotional Learning - 7 Mindsets
What is PAPER?
5th graders, need help with homework, assignments, or essay feedback?
Paper, the free online tutoring site for all NCISD students grades 5-12th, is a wonderful resource that can provide students with 24/7 tutoring assistance for any subject. Check out this Link for more information.
Note from the Nurse
Parents, please send your child to school every day with their SMART Tag. This tag is necessary to travel on the school bus every day. The SMART Tag is also the preferred method of purchasing their lunches in the cafeteria and checking out books in the library. If your child loses their SMART Tag, you can purchase a replacement at office for $5.
News from the Cafeteria!
Student Breakfast is FREE!
Student Lunch is $3.00
Click here to find the FREE AND REDUCED LUCH FORM.
You can view your child's lunch menu, account balance, make payments and receive low balance reminders at School Cafe.
Let's Celebrate Birthdays!
Tavola Elementary School
Website: tes.newcaneyisd.org
Location: 18885 Winding Summit Drive, New Caney, TX, USA
Phone: 281-577-2900
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TavolaElem
Instagram: @tavolaelementary
Twitter: @Tavola_Elem