What's Happening??!!
~ Hawley School Newsletter: September 22, 2024 ~
~From the Desk of Mr. Moretti~
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Staff,
So much has happened in such a short period of time. We have launched a terrific school year, held Open Houses, conducted Fall Assessments, held our Safety Drills, and have had our PTA Hawley Ice Cream Social.
Buckle up, stay seated, and keep your hands and feet in the car at all times, as you read on to find out What's Happening at Hawley .....
~ Hawley Specials ~
Art, Library, Music, PE & Spanish
1. You are cordially invited to our Specials Open House. It is Tuesday, October 1, 6:00-7:00 PM. It is a family night. Students accompany parents to experience a little taste of every Special by rotating through each one for a fun activity.
We already have 40 Families signed up. Please return the form we sent home if you wish to attend. If you need another form, click HERE.
2. Each Special Area Teacher is looking to Spotlight 1 student in each grade. Students will receive a Certificate and be featured on our Specials Spotlight Bulletin Board.
They are looking for students showing bravery, modeling how to be a good sport, displaying perseverance, and demonstrating risk-taking, cooperation, teamwork, and encouragement.
~ Be the "i" in KIND ~
Hawley School is always on the lookout for Kindness. We want everyone to be the "i" in KIND. These students were recognized for helping others without being asked, returning a forgotten water bottle, comforting a friend and providing something that was needed by others.
Join us in Congratulating these role-models!
~ Summer Workers ~
Summer is a wonderful time to cut loose, relax, have fun, and make memories. It is also a time to Read and Keep Math Skills sharp. That is why Hawley School sends home fun activities for students to do in the summer. Below are the students that completed and returned the work. Math Participants received a Certificate and Gift Card while Readers were treated to a Breakfast with me and a book to donate to their classroom library.
We are so Proud of our Hard Working Students!
~ From our School Counselor ~
~ Hawley PTA Ice Cream Social ~
Thank You PTA for arranging this and Thank You Hawley Staff for giving time to scoop.
~ Important Reminders / General Info ~
- Parents picking up students at the end of the day, please do not start lining up until at least 3:15 PM as a long line develops and it congests the Fire Lane and creates traffic on Church Hill Road.
- Please make sure your child eats something before school and has a SNACK. Some lunches are early and there is an afternoon snack. Some lunches are later in the day and there is a morning snack.
- With buses not running if you are new to picking up your child, please make sure the name card we gave you is displayed on your dashboard or visor as it speeds up the dismissal process.
- What's Happening Newsletters: All Newsletters are archived for the year on the Hawley Website under the ABOUT Section.
~ Dates to Remember ~
- Tues, 9/24: Open House- Ms. Albano's & Mr. Poeltl's Classes, 6:00 PM Parents in Gym w/Principal, 6:30 PM Parents to Classrooms
- Wed, 9/25: No School for Students- Professional Development
- Thurs, 9/26: PTA Meeting, Hawley Library, 4:30 PM
- Tues, 10/1: Hawley Specials Open House, 6:00 PM
- Thurs, 10/3: NO SCHOOL- Rosh Hashanah
Out of the Mouths of Babes....
Mr. M was enjoying an ice cream at the Ice Cream Social.
" That is your second Mr. M " a student pointed out
" I know, shhh " replied Mr. M
" My mom said I couldn't have two. Did Mrs. M say you could have 2? " the students asked
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*For us to use your child's likeness, we need your permission. Permission must be granted annually via the ParentPortal.
Twitter: @hawley_school
The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@newtown.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: (203) 426-7666
Twitter: @cmoretti66