Glacier Ridge Gazette
August 18, 2023
December 20, 2024
How Will You Use Break?
Winter break has arrived. School will resume on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025. There is no school on Monday, January 6th for a staff professional development day.
I'd like to give a heartfelt thank you to our PTO, GRE families, the staff, and our students for a wonderful first half of the school year. This December was filled with joy as our community worked together to support many Dublin families through the One Dublin Adopt a Family program and the GRE Holiday Post Office. As always, GRE spreads kindness and generosity to others.
Personally, I will be enjoying time with family over break. This is a special time of year for many and it is my personal favorite. Other than the daily driving and catering to my children’s constant social plans that have monopolized my own, I enjoy taking a moment to slow down and doing nothing together as a family over break. Just being around one another and doing nothing is what I enjoy most.
Sometimes there can be joy and fun in small and mundane things. We often do this during traveling, when there are long periods of waiting. HERE is a great article of simple game ideas that you can do with your child or family as you spend down-time with one another. For example, when in a public place, looking at people wearing t-shirts to find your favorite one that you would wear. These types of games help practice creative and flexible thinking.
I hope this break and time is all that you want it to be. Whether your goal is to connect as a family or with friends, travel, rest and relax, stay busy, take time for yourself, or something else, I hope you are able to do so. The Kurty Family will attempt to do that and I wish that for you too.
Enjoy the Holidays,
Pete Kurty, Ed. D
Celebration of Giving
Students and staff celebrated the season by coming together as a school community at our annual Celebration of Giving. The assembly consisted of a strings performance, a staff bell choir performance, speeches by students, and lots of singing. We presented the gifts that were donated to the Adopt A Family program and through our collaborative efforts we were able to make a donation to One Dublin in the amount of $715.24.
Here is the link to the Celebration of Giving Video from our assembly today:
Holiday Tiger Trunk - Thank you PTO & Volunteers
This week, students had the opportunity to shop at the holiday-themed tiger trunk store. Students could purchase items for their family and friends, and even have complimentary gift wrapping. Thank you to the PTO, Tiger Trunk coordinators, and volunteers for staffing the event!
End of Grading Period: Standards-Based Grading
The end of the grading period is on Friday, December 20th. Grade cards will be posted on Saturday, January 11th in Infinite Campus. If you recall, the district switched to standards-based grading last year. HERE is district information about standards-based grading and how to read the grade card.
Below is information about the standards-based grading in a previous newsletter.
Parent/Guardian Volunteer Background Check
VOLUNTEERING: Dublin City Schools takes the safety of our students and staff seriously and requires a background check for all volunteers interacting with students. In order to attend field trips or volunteer in the classroom, you much go through the background check process. The process is free and easy and takes only a few minutes to complete. This is required for any parents or caregivers wishing to volunteer with students.
Morning Tiger Student Announcements
Would you like to start your day saying “Hello!” to everyone at Glacier Ridge in the morning? Are you in 2nd thru 5th grade? Then sign up to read the morning announcements! If you would like to find out more about this opportunity and sign up to be a Tiger Student Announcer then go to the sign-up link below.
Students can sign up only 1 time per week.
Glacier Ridge Student Greeter Team
Glacier Ridge Elementary believes in creating a caring and comfortable environment for it's community of learners. This begins as students enter the front doors of the school in the morning. Sign up your child to be a greeter. Students gain confidence, become leaders, and learn how to present themselves in a positive way.
Click on this link to find out more specific information.
Upcoming GRE Events
December 21st-January 5th- No School Winter Break
January 6th, 2025- NO SCHOOL Teacher Work Day
January 7th-School Resumes
January 9th-PTO Dinner Night Out @ Black Dog Pizza
January 17th-Yearbook Sale Begins
Winter Break is here!
Today marks the end of the first semester and the beginning of winter break. We hope you have a great break, filled with special moments. We can’t wait to see everyone back at school on Tuesday, January 7.
New After School Activities Start in January
Don’t miss the new classes being offered as part of the After School Activities program, including French, Spanish and even an electronic music Sound Lab! Check out all the opportunities on the After School Activities page on our website. Many classes start in early January!
From the City of Dublin
Get Festive with AR Holiday Trail, Ice Skating
Bring your family to Downtown Dublin for the Augmented Reality (AR) Holiday Trail! Discover 12 festive scenes on both sides of The Dublin Link by simply scanning QR codes with your smartphone. After you complete the AR tour, take a spin around the Riverside Crossing Park Ice Skating Rink! The rink has new operating hours and extended days during the holidays.
City of Dublin Holiday Service Impacts
During the holiday season, please remember these changes to your trash and recycling collections and DCRC programming. Find out more.
Dec. 25 Service Impacts
City of Dublin Offices: Closed
Yard Waste Pickups: Monday, Dec. 23
Trash & Recycling Pick-ups: Thursday, Dec. 26
Dublin Community Recreation Center: Open Dec. 24, 5:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Closed Dec. 25
Jan. 1 Service Impacts
City of Dublin Offices: Closed
Yard Waste Pickups: Monday, Dec. 30
Trash & Recycling Pick-ups: Thursday, Jan. 2
The Dublin Community Recreation Center: Open Dec. 31, 5:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Open Jan. 1, 8 a.m. to noon.
To help students discover their interests and enrich their learning, Dublin City Schools partners with local businesses and community organizations to offer After School Activities outside of school hours. These experiences, which vary in content, time, location, and cost, are taught by course instructors employed by a sponsoring business or organization.
If your child will be absent from school, please email our attendance line at
Glacier Ridge Elementary
Location: 7175 Glacier Ridge Boulevard, Dublin, OH, USA
Phone: 614.733.0012
Twitter: @greDCSD