S.O.A.R Weekly
Freedom Park Newsletter December 18th
Yearbook Raffle - December 19th
5th Grade AU Basketball Field Trip - December 19th
Winter Break December 21st - January 8th
Parent Partners in Education - Knowledge is Power
Parent Partners in Education - Knowledge is Power
Curriculum Map - https://rcboe-public.rubiconatlas.org/Atlas/Public/View/Default
Standards Based Report Cards and Parent Guides - https://www.rcboe.org/Page/31026
ELA Parent Guides (all grade levels) - https://www.rcboe.org/Page/30338
Math Parent Guides (all grade levels) - https://www.rcboe.org/Page/8603
IB Profile of the Month - Communicator
Communicators express their feelings and ideas, share their thoughts with others, follow directions, talk about their ideas, use other languages, and are good listeners.
"The words you choose to say something are just as important as the decision to speak" --Unknown
School Council
Transitioning to Freedom Park
Understanding Special Education - Student's with Aspergers
Understanding Aspergers can be difficult. Often times parents are in the process of working through the needs of their students and find it difficult to communicate to educators what they are in the process of learning. Educators can find it difficult to find ways to deliver the required instruction and support the specific needs of a student on the spectrum. This video gives information concerning they why questions some of us may have and ways to support our students. Every child, every day, that is the FPS way!
Special Education:
IB MYP Updates
Freedom Park Passport
Staggered Release
Help w/ Intake, Lunch. and Dismissal - Call 706/ 796-8428
We need your help. As you can imagine, the morning intake, lunch, and dismissal are some of the busiest times of the day. How can you help? If you can help at any of these times, please call the front office.
Morning (8:20-9:00)
- Help ensure cars do not park or drop off students in the bus loading area.
- Help ensure students are walked across the street safely (parents should not be letting students out to walk across the parking lot).
- Welcoming students to school in a cheerful manner (high fives, encouraging words, etc).
- Cafeteria helper (breakfast).
- Help students in the morning car line and ensure parents pull as far up as possible to get parents off the street.
- Help teachers get students started (unpacking, passing out items, collecting items, etc.).
- Hall monitor.
Lunch (anytime between 10:55 and 1:20)
- Managing lines and tables.
- Helping students open items.
- Any other assistance teachers or food nutrition needs.
Dismissal (3:30 - 4:30)
- Help ensure cars do not park or drop off students in the bus loading area.
- Help ensure students are walked across the street safely (parents should not be letting students out to walk across the parking lot).
- Help students in the afternoon car line and ensure parents pull as far up as possible to get parents off the street.
- Help teachers get students ready for dismissal (packed, passing out items, etc.).
- Help teachers get students to designated dismissal area.
- Hall monitor.