May 3, 2024
Teacher Appreciation Week 5/6-5/10-24
NJSLA ELA & Math Grades 3-6 5/6-5/10/24
NJSLA Science Grade 5 5/13, 5/14/24
NJSLA Make Ups 5/15-5/17/24
Board of Education Meeting 5/13/24 at 7:00 PM
Spring Concert 5/14/24
PTA Spring Book Fair 5/13-5/17/24
PTA Meeting 5/13/24
PTA Family Fun Night 5/17/24
MEMORIAL DAY 5/27/24 - School Closed
Third grade students have been learning about geometry, area, and perimeter. Students explored shapes, lines, angles, and more. They learned how to identify and classify shapes based on their attributes, such as number of sides and angles. Students also learned the properties of two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.
Another concept that third graders are learning about is area and perimeter. Area and perimeter help students understand the size and dimensions of shapes. Students learned that area is the amount of space inside a shape and can be measured in square units. They also recognized that perimeter is the distance around the outside of a shape and can be measured in linear units.
Mrs. Robinson
Fourth Grade English Language Arts and Social Studies
The fourth graders have been so busy this spring! We have been reviewing key reading and writing skills by analyzing and responding to diverse text. We have been practicing strategies for tackling challenging passages and developing writing that reflects what we have read. In social studies, all the fourth graders have been studying New Jersey history, geography, and economy. We are planning to finish our school year with our final novel, Number the Stars by Lois Lowry, and writing opinion essays. Everyone's reading and writing skills are in full bloom!
Mrs. Maeurer
The 6th graders are enjoying their final weeks here at Stillwater School. Mrs. Lasso from KRHS visited our students and parents and provided a detailed slide show of important things that will be coming up in their 7th grade year. Students and parents asked questions, and they were given information on their lockers, classes that are offered, sports and activities that are available to them, and much more. Each student just completed mini autobiographies to Mrs. Lasso. These will be sent up to her at the middle school and she will read them all and select a winner from each 6th grade class in the four sending districts! The winners will be announced at Move-Up Day!
We still have so many fun things coming up before the end of the year. We are trying to soak it all up before the last day of school, and the bubbles fly in the breeze as our buses drive away and our 6th graders say goodbye to Stillwater School one last time.
Mrs. Steffens
We would like to invite parents and guardians to join the students and participate in our Mileage Club program on Fridays. Parents/Guardians will walk/run with their child around a designated track during their child's PE class time. Please see below the date and time you are invited to attend. Be sure to sign-in in the vestibule prior to joining us. This invitation is for parents/guardians only, no siblings please. Come join the fun!
PE Class Times & Date
Kindergarten (12:58 - 1:38) Date: May 10th, 2024
First Grade (1:40 - 2:20) Date: May 10th, 2024
Second Grade (2:22 - 3:02) Date: May 10th, 2024
Third Grade (10:44 - 11:24) Date: May 3rd, 2024
Fourth Grade (8:38 - 9:18) Date: May 3rd, 2024
Fifth Grade (11:26 - 12:06) Date: May 17th, 2024
Sixth Grade (10:02 - 10:42) Date: May 17th, 2024
*If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Mr. Tiberi at steve.tiberi@stillwaterschool.net or Mrs. Earley at meghan.earley@stillwaterschool.net .
The "Let's Be More Social" Club has been meeting for the past month. The children have had a wonderful time practicing skills during the role-play activities, as well as had the opportunity to play interactive games on the Lu in the Gym! We only have four weeks left of Club, and we are looking forward to the fun activities we have planned!
Mrs. Riva and Mrs. Earley