Leading with Faith
July 9, 2024 - Special Summer Edition

The Catholic Schools Department weekly newsletter
The Strategic Plan for Catholic Education is Moving Forward!
Our Renewal Pillar of Forming Disciples calls us to ensure that Catholic education is available to all who desire it, now and for the future. Our plan is designed to achieve that vision. The initiatives recommended by our principals, pastors, and other stakeholders have been divided into nine strategic areas of focus:
- Catholic Identity
- Community Focus and Agility
- Academic Excellence
- Student Enrichment
- A Great Place to Work
- Marketing and Enrollment
- Operational Excellence
- Leadership and Governance
- Financial Viability
Over the next three weeks, our principals, pastors, and school chaplains will identify measures of success for each area. We will also outline short-term action steps and establish committees to take immediate action toward our goals.
We've heard from many principals and pastors that we need to create clarity and alignment while streamlining administrative responsibilities. This is our planning team’s primary focus for July. We will also gather experts in marketing, public relations, and communications to develop a Communications Plan that complements the Strategic Plan. Strengthening internal communication channels and promoting our community positively is a top priority this summer.
Regarding the open Superintendent position, we have decided to wait to initiate a search until the Strategic Plan is near completion. This approach ensures we can clearly articulate the position's expectations to potential candidates. We will begin the search once the new leadership model is defined.
July will be a busy month for our process. We look forward to connecting with you to gather your input, perspectives, and ideas.
Amy Pearl
Work Ignited
Department News
by Julie Gajewski
Charting a Path Forward for Catholic Education
This summer, we are excited to announce several professional development opportunities for our principals, pastors, school chaplains, and teachers. The focus will be on developing the Catholic Education Initiative Strategic Plan, using the MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) framework to enhance instruction, and aligning curricular maps and resources to the newly adopted NGSS science standards for full implementation this year.
SMART Goal Summaries
Improving Student Proficiency:
By June 2025, each grade-level team will use test data to identify three key areas for improvement, aiming to increase student proficiency by 3-5%. Regular data team meetings and professional development will support this, with progress monitored three times a year.
Updating Science Curriculum:
By June 2025, we will complete and review the PK-8 science curriculum, selecting new textbooks and resources. A curriculum committee and professional development will support this, with progress tracked quarterly.
Summer Professional Development Sessions
MTSS: Data-Informed Instruction
Event Details:
What: Summer Session: Exploring MTSS and Data-Informed Instruction
When: July 29, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Where: Catholic Center, 795 Main Street
Who: Elementary Principals and STAR Champions
Join Maria LaRotonda from Erie 1 BOCES for a session on leveraging STAR formative assessments to create a data-driven approach to instruction. Educators will learn to identify students' needs and tailor their teaching strategies accordingly.
Additional Information:
Dress Code: Business Casual
Lunch: Provided
Please register by July 15 using the link below. Each participant will receive 4.5 CTLE credits.
Exploring the Shifts in Pedagogy and Content of Science
Event Details:
What: Summer Session: Exploring the Shifts in Pedagogy and Content of Science
When: August 23, 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Where: Catholic Center, 795 Main Street
Who: All Catholic High School and Elementary Principals and PK-12 Science Teachers
Join Renee Sossong-Brady from Erie 1 BOCES for an in-depth exploration of the NYSSLS dimensions and the shifts in science pedagogy and content. We will review current science maps and resources for alignment. Please bring a computer to the session.
Additional Information:
Dress Code: Business Casual
Lunch: Provided
Please register by August 9 using the link below. Each participant will receive 4.5 CTLE credits.
Link to Register for 8/23/24 Science PD
Professional Development Plans
Planning is essential for achieving school improvement goals. If you have not yet emailed your professional development plans, please send them to me at jgajewski@buffalodiocese.org by July 12. If you need assistance, I am available to meet in person or online.
Recommended Template:
2024-2025 Catholic-school-professional-development-plan-template Buffalo diocese - 3.1.2024
by Chris Riso
7/31/24 2024-25 Government Programs Checklist: Click here for End of Year List
8/1/24 NYSED MST/STEM Grant Submission Deadline
8/1/24 NYSED Art & Music Teacher Salary (AMTS) Grant Submission Deadline
TBD NYSED Elementary School AIS Claims Due
Art and Music Teacher Salary (AMTS) Reimbursement Grant is Open - Due 8/1/24: The new Arts & Music Teacher Salary (AMTS) Reimbursement Grant portal is now open. Information on the grant can be found here: Guidance; Portal Application Instructions; Non-Portal Application; Documentary Evidence; Anticipated Subject Areas; and FAQs. As I mentioned previously, the AMTS application mirrors the MST grant process and requirements, so hopefully all Art & Music teacher signatures were gathered on one form. The deadline for applications is 8/1/24. For all questions regarding the AMTS Grant, please contact: AMTS-ORISS@nysed.gov or (518) 474-3936.
MST Grant Submissions Due 8/1/24: Remember that your MST Grant applications must be submitted online or by mail, email, or fax by the 8/1/24 deadline. See the 2023-2024 school year Program Guidance, Application, Online Application Instructions, and other forms. For more information go to the program website. Click here for my original post on MST.
by Laurie Wojtaszczyk
Our Diocesan Grade Advancement date is July 17th this year. Please make sure all records are up to date as this will happen automatically through eSchool Data.
A few eSchool reminders:
Transfers all use the same code of 170: Transferred to another school outside this district. The Diocese is system not a district - each of our schools are their own “district” for this purpose.
New students must have their home district listed in their registration information when being entered online.
PK students should all be marked to be excluded from state reporting and excluded from state attendance.
Students who have transferred from a different Diocesan school should transfer in STAR automatically, but please let me know if you do not see the students after we flip to the new year July 17th. Once the students are added in eSchool and assigned a teacher they will show in the nightly STAR sync.
News from The Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo
STREAM Grants for Schools
The STREAM application is now open on our website frcdb.org/grants. The deadline to submit an application is September 15, 2024. The grant limit per school is $3,000, and suggested purchase items include new science materials required for NYS science investigations and Regents Earth and Space, Life Science: Biology.
For more information, please contact: Alisa Tiburzi
Grants Coordinator, Foundation of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Buffalo
(o) 716-847-8369
(c) 716-430-1200
by Nancy DiBerardino
Our calendar for the 2024-2025 year is ready, but is subject to change as the year progresses.