Bennett Bear Business Newsletter
Week of August 24, 2020
Dear Amazing Bennett Families,
We appreciate your continued support, as our staff is working hard to serve all our BEARS. We've got this!
Proud to be a BEAR,
Information from Our Counselor - Christie Thompson
Sign up for Mrs. Thompson’s SEL focus for each day, important reminders, & announcements:https://www.remind.com/join/thompsl
Ex: Our character trait for the month of August is CREATIVITY. We will be looking for the students who show the CREATIVITY this month. What does CREATIVITY mean to you? Creativity: the use of the imagination for original ideas. Watch Kid President talk about Inventors.
Complete Your 2020-2021 Criminal Background Check
Below is the link and information from the district website for you to complete your annual criminal background check. We encourage you to complete your background check sooner than later. At the beginning of the school year, it may take longer for your background check to be approved due to the high volume of parents completing the process.
The volunteer grace period for parents that passed their criminal background check for the 2019-2020 school year, will expire on Wednesday, September 30th.
We look forward to seeing YOU at school soon.
MISD COVID Parent Letter
Online Suggestions & Expectations
Zoom Etiquettes
MISD Grab & Go Meals
Coming Up - Kindergarten Color Weeks - September 8-18 - Everyone Welcome to Participate
Bennett's Spirit Days - 2020-2021
All Things McKinney ISD Alpha
Information from Bennett Nurse - Tiffany Krueger
Free & Reduced Meal Applications
Upcoming Events
Monday, August 24th:
1st Day of Dyslexia Services
Wednesday, September 2nd:
PTO's Chalk the Walk - 8:00PM
Thursday, September 3rd:
1st Day of In-Person & Virtual Learning for our BEARS
Thursday, September 3rd - Friday, September 11th:
No Alpha - Alpha Testing & Home Campus Routines/Procedures
Thursday, September 3rd - Friday, September 18th:
No Visitors & Volunteers between 8:00AM-3:07PM
*As we work to Build Routines & Procedures with our BEARS
Monday, September 7th:
Labor Day - No school for students & staff
Tuesday, September 8th - Friday, September 11th:
Kindergarten Color Week 1 - Every BEAR is encouraged to participate
Tuesday, September 8th:
Kindergarten Color RED Day
Wednesday, September 9th:
Kindergarten Color WHITE Day
Thursday, September 10th:
Kindergarten Color YELLOW Day
PTO General Meeting at 6:00PM - More Details to Come
Friday, September 11th:
Kindergarten Color BLUE Day
Monday, September 14th - Friday, September 18th:
Kindergarten Color Week 2 - Every BEAR is encouraged to participate
Monday, September 14th:
Kindergarten Color GREEN Day
3rd Grade Alpha Face to Face classes begin at Webb
Tuesday, September 15th:
Kindergarten Color ORANGE Day
Wednesday, September 16th:
Kindergarten Color BLACK Day
Thursday, September 17th:
Kindergarten Color PINK Day
Visitors & Volunteers Welcome Back into the Building
Friday, September 18th:
Kindergarten Color PURPLE Day
Thursday, September 17th - Friday, September 18th:
4th & 5th Grade Alpha Face to Face begins at Webb
Friday, September 25th:
September School Wide Friday Live Celebration - 2:15PM - Virtually - More Details to Come
Wednesday, September 30th:
MISD Volunteer Background Grace Period Ends
*Be sure to complete your 2020-2021 MISD Background Check
BEARS Celebrating a Birthday in August
24 - Jennifer Blazek - Kindergarten Teacher, Lovella, Brooklyn
25 - Haley
26 - Hensley
27 - Anthony, Kaden
28 - Rachel Androlowicz - STC Paraprofessional, Kevin, Gabriella
30 - Ahiyan, Hailey
31 - Elijah, Timothy, Oluchi