Welcome Back, Phoenix!
August 9th, 2024
Doc Talk
I would like to start off the newsletter by saying, "Welcome back, Phoenix families!"
We are gearing up for a new school year! There are some changes this year that will be explained in detail below. If you are interested in attending the MiLL, getting credit for Work-Based Learning, or attending our night school classes, please make sure to contact Mrs. Flores in the main office as soon as possible.
If you are currently awaiting your start at Discovery and would like to join our Discovery Opportunity Center, please contact the main office. Flyers with more information are attached below.
We are looking forward to a great school year. Also remember you don't have to be GREAT to start, but you have to start to be GREAT!!!.
Let's Have A GREAT Year Phoenix!!!
-Dr. Albert Wiggins
Upcoming Events
- 🍎8/12: First Day of School! - Early Release
- Please see Mrs. Flores in the front office if you are interested in Work-Based Learning or the MiLL ASAP!
- 8/13: First Day for Discovery Opportunity Center students
- 8/15: Board of Education Meeting 6-8pm
- 8/19: 1st Day of Night School
- Please sign up in the office if interested ASAP!
- 8/27: ASVAB Testing - 9am-12pm
- 8/29: Open House - 5-6pm (Refreshments will be served)
- 8/30: Phoenix Day- Early Release
- 9/7: Outdoor Education-Hexter 1
New Schedule Changes
We have implemented a new block schedule this year! Students will have more time to focus on the subject matter of their classes and dive deeper into subjects.
- Peep the Early Release Schedule for the first day of school!
If you used school bus transportation last year, you will be on the list to receive transportation this year. Transportation will send your pick-up and drop-off times to Mrs. Flores before the school year starts, and she will call you with all the necessary information. If you want to be added to the list, taken off the list, or are requesting any information regarding transportation, please give Mrs. Flores a call at 719-391-3121.
Discovery's New Counselor
Hello everyone, I am Mrs. Shea, the counselor at Discovery High School!
I am excited to be at Discovery and have the opportunity to work with the students and staff here.
This is my 20th year in education as a counselor in Widefield School District 3. I was previously at Mesa Ridge High School, and I decided to make the switch to Discovery this year!
I have loads of experience in different areas, and I hope to bring those experiences to work at Discovery.
I look forward to working with you all!
Some fun facts about me: I have a son, I like to hike, walk my dogs, practice martial arts, and relax at home with my family. I'm excited to meet you all!
Contact Us
Phone: 719-391-3121
Website: dhs.wsd3.org
Email: floresdanielle@wsd3.org
Location: 701 Widefield Drive, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 80911
Connect with us on Facebook !