The Buzz
Spring Term - 16th March 2023

Message From The Head of School
Children’s wellbeing and safety is paramount and at the centre of all we do. You will have noticed an increased presence from members of SLT in the morning to ensure cars are not stopping on the yellow zig zag lines. This isn’t a long term solution and we would appreciate all members of our community prioritising children’s wellbeing and safety by not stopping their car on the zig zag lines or across residents driveways.
This week we had a fire drill to ensure all children know what to expect in the event of a fire. Our children were incredibly calm and were able to follow our instructions sensibly and safely. We are very proud of them.
Next term we'll be practising our ‘safer inside’ drill. We hope this will never be needed but please be assured that we explain this in a child friendly way. Some children may describe playing ‘sleeping lions’ or something similar.
We look forward to our parent consultations next week. If you haven’t already booked to speak to your child’s class teacher, please do. Working together in partnership is such an important ingredient for success as your children travel through their educational journey.
Claire Cook
Head of School
w/c 06.03.2023
The class with the best attendance w/c 06.03.2023 was 1K
The class with the least numbers of lates w/c 06.03.2023 was 1C
Medical/Dental appointments
We are having an increasing number of children being taken out during the day for medical/dental appointments.
Medical and dental appointments should be arranged outside of school hours. If you do need to take your child out of school to attend an emergency appointment, please ensure you give the office sufficient notice and supply them with a copy of your appointment notification. We would also request that your refrain from collecting your child during break times or lunch time as it is difficult to find your child during these times.
w/c 06.03.2023
Last week certificates were given out to children who focussed on the HPP principle of INDEPENDENCE
RC Jack T
RDC Iyla
RF Marnie
RK Harry
1B Sophie
1C Alice
1H Finn
1K Thomas
2A Aarvi
2D Poppy
2J Coralie
2T Negan
This week at Nursery we have spent time focusing on love and kindness. We talked about ways in which we can show love and kindness to others, at home and at school. During our circle time we thought about the importance of being a good listener as a way of showing kindness and including our peers when they would like to join us in our play. We spoke about using a simple strategy of 'stop, look and listen' when others are trying to talk to us and what we might say if we want to play with other children.
Alongside this we were so excited to make cards this week for the special people in our lives. The children spent a lot of time decorating the card and having a go at writing who the card was for and signing their name too. We hope you enjoyed our special song which can be found on Tapestry.
In maths we have been singing lots of number songs linked to the number 5 and thinking about where number 5 comes on a number line. The children are also continuing to use the part whole model to explore the composition on numbers to 5. Other highlights include making playdough from scratch and setting up our new role play area.
Be mindful when dropping off and collecting your child from nursery not to park on the yellow zigzags or block the staff car park.
Another wonderful week of learning in Reception. As the children discuss our growing topic and with Easter fast approaching, the children have been chatting about all the signs of new life that happen during the Springtime. They really have been super spotters as they noticed the new flowers sprouting from the earth, birds creating nests in trees and the sunshine starting to peep through the clouds...finally! They have loved building nests out of playdough, straw and feathers and have made sure that their eggs are warm, dry and safe from the elements and predators. We have also been watching our tadpoles develop too - they now have tails and are confidently swimming and wriggling around.
In maths, the children have popped their investigating hats on as they use a part part whole model to practise their addition skills and used it to help us write number sentences. We have also been recapping our number formation and have used our number rhymes to help us. Our favourite rhymes is for the number 5 - "draw his his hat, then back, now round his belly". Next week we are looking forward to extending our addition knowledge by adding three groups of numbers to help us find a total.
Using our focus book, ‘Handa’s Surprise’ by Eileen Brown, as inspiration, we have been fruit tasting to help us to compile a list of adjectives to use when writing noun phrases and sentences. We had great fun tasting the various fruits and were really inspired to go on and write some amazing noun phrases and sentences as a result.
We have switched our focus to measurement in Maths this week, comparing the height and length of various things around the classroom, including ourselves! We began by practically placing things next to each to see which were longer, taller or shorter, and then used our mathematical vocabulary and stem sentences to compare the various objects. We then measured the items using different objects, such as cubes and counters, before moving onto a ruler to measure things more accurately.
We have continued with our focus on flowering plants in Science, focusing on wild flowers this week. We learnt that a wild plant seed grows where it falls, it doesn’t need to be planted and it doesn’t need to be cared for as it grows. We also learnt that if a wild plant grows where it is not wanted, it might be called a weed.
We have been studying weather in Geography this week, and how this varies in the different continents around the world. We looked at the reasons why weather patterns vary so much, considering the positioning of the continents in relation to the polar regions and the equator. We have also been keeping our own weather diary, monitoring how the weather has been changing from day to day, or not!
This week in Computing, we have continued with our focus on programming using the BeeBots, progressing to identify more than one way to move a robot between the same two points. We had to think carefully about the order of our ‘commands’, and their sequencing, making sure these were different every time. We had great fun!
This week 1B and 1K enjoyed their free session with Lazerlions. All the children had a fun time running, ducking, diving whilst trying to hit the lazer targets.
Year 2
Maths: The children have been learning all about 2D and 3D shapes, and how we can identify them by their different properties such as edges, faces, vertices and sides. We have had a go at sorting them into different groups and using them to create patterns.
Science: We are continuing to watch our broad bean plants grow and following their growth in our bean diaries. So far we have identified that seeds can grow without soil but they are not very strong to hold up the stem.
Design Technology: Last week the children were challenged to make dragon finger puppets to retell the story of 'Ignis' by Gina Wilson. Using felt and a threaded needle the children did an amazing job at bringing their designs to life.
Please come along to our Positive Parenting Workshop next Monday, no booking required.
FUEL: Holiday Activity and Food programme - Easter 2023 - bookings open
Bookings have opened for the Easter 2023 FUEL Holiday Activity and Food programme!
FUEL provides free activities for children whose parents are eligible for benefits- related Free School Meals during the Easter, Summer and Winter school holidays.
If a child is eligible, you should have been given a 17 digit FUEL code either from your child’s school or us.
If you think a child may be eligible but you have not got a code, email the FUEL team at: fuel@achievingforchildren.org.uk.
If you have got a code, you can book on to sessions now: https://kr.afcinfo.org.uk/pages/community-information/information-and-advice/fuel-holiday-activities-and-food-programme
From the FUEL Team.
Information for Parents below
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815