Golden Family Newsletter
January 10, 2025
Sources of Strength Seasonal Giving Campaign
Sources of Strength is getting ready to start their seasonal depression/giving campaign. Over the course of 5 weeks they are going to be choosing one day a week to hand out free treats and goodies to help spread positivity during the winter months. Their goal is help spread kindness and help put people in a happier mood.
Parking at GHS
All parking permits are sold out for the 2024-2025 school year. All those parked on campus without a valid parking permit will be ticketed and then booted. If you get a parking ticket you will lose parking privileges in the future, including next year. Please respect the parking situation and only park on campus if you have a valid GHS parking permit.
If you are needing parking options near GHS but not on campus, please have your student reach out to Mitch.
In addition, Golden High School has teamed up with Way to Go to offer Schoolpool, a safe carpool matching service. Schoolpool connects neighboring families who may be a good fit for driving, walking or biking to school together. For more information see the flier here.
2025-26 Enrollment Now Open!
2025-2026 Warren Tech Application
- Round 1 Enrollment Application Window Opens Today!
- Round 1 window closes January 17, 2025
- Students/families apply via EnrollJeffco.org
- EJ Support Line | 303-982-2372 | JeffcoHelp.org
Returning Warren Tech Students for 2025-2026
- Current WT students who plan to return to the same program next year, must complete an application in EnrollJeffco.org for Year 2 of their program.
- Current WT students who are interested in a different program next year, must complete the EnrollJeffco.org application.
Counselors' Corner
AP Macro: Important Registration Dates and Deadlines
It’s time to register for the AP Macroeconomics exam for Second Semester students. Below is the timeline for AP Macroeconomics Second Semester Registration:
- All AP Macroeconomics students must: Sign up for AP Classroom by 1/17. Mr. Irving will provide the join code, and you can join AP Classroom by following this video tutorial.
- Students who wish to opt out of the AP Exam: Ask parents/guardians to fill out this opt out form by 1/31. Any student who opts out of the AP Exam will be required to take a final.
- Seniors AP Macroeconomics students only: The AP Macroeconomics Exam takes place at 12 p.m. on 5/9, the same time as the Senior BBQ after the Moving Up Assembly. Because of this, we will automatically register Senior AP Macroeconomics students for the Late Exam on 5/21 at 12 p.m. If you are a senior student who wishes to take the AP Exam on the original date (5/9) and miss the Senior BBQ or cancel your AP Exam, please fill out this form by 3/7.
- Students taking the exam must: Pay the $99 AP Exam fee through Infinite Campus or by writing a check out to Golden High School (please place the name of your student and AP course on the memo line). Exam fees will be payable starting on 2/4 and are due on 3/4. Any student with unpaid exam fees by 3/4 will not have an exam ordered.
- Students who qualify for F/R services: Their parents/guardians will need to fill out this form by 1/31. Please submit electronically to kayla.patton@jeffcoschools.us or to Room 206. If they took an AP class 1st semester, they would have already filled it out and do not need to submit a form again.
- AP Exam Date: 5/9 at 12 p.m.
- AP Macroeconomics Late Exam: 5/21 at 8 a.m. (All Seniors are automatically registered for the late exam unless they have indicated otherwise on this form)AP Macroeconomics Late Exam: 5/21 at 8 a.m. (All Seniors are automatically registered for the late exam unless they have indicated otherwise on this form).
Junior College Planning Night - January 23, 2025
Attention Juniors and Parent/Guardian: Planning for University? Join us on January 23 for a college planning night at GHS. If you need an interpreter, please RSVP.
Parent Academy
Calling all parents and caregivers of Golden area schools! You're invited to the January Parent Academy on January 23, 2025 at 6 p.m. (room TBD) at Golden High School.
Colorado State University sleep expert Natalie Rolle, who specializes in behavioral sleep treatments, will discuss how sleep is critical to your child's success and wellbeing.
Help your kids get better rest and learn how sleep deprivation affects them. Pizza and water will be provided. See you there, don't miss it!
PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
January 14 PTA Meeting Cancelled
The PTA Meeting originally scheduled for January 14 has been cancelled. Please join us for our next meeting on Tuesday, February 11 at 5:45 p.m.
Give Back Night at Atomic Cowboy
Plan ahead for the Atomic Cowboy (Fat Sully's and Denver Biscuit on Washington Street) Give Back Night on Jan 30 from 4 - 9 p.m. Take out OR Dine in.
Performing Arts
Upcoming Restaurant Fundraiser Nights
Please consider supporting the Performing Arts by attending the following Restaurant Fundraising Nights.
January 14 - Red Robin, All Day, 20% donated back | Fundraising Page
January 21 - Qdoba, 4 - 8 p.m., 25% donated back | Fundraising Page
January 28 - Freddy's, 4 - 8 p.m., 15% donated back | Fundraising Page
See you in... LONDON!
Join us for the ultimate theatre lovers trip to London, England for Spring Break 2026. Informational Meeting 1/22 at 6pm in the Choir Room
RSVP Here: rsvp.eftours.com/epvyrrg
Upcoming Events
January 14 - Accountability Committee Meeting (4:30 p.m.)
January 20 - Martin Luther King Holiday - No School
January 23 - Junior College Night (6 p.m.)
January 23 - Parent Academy (6 p.m.)
February 3 - 7 - Wish Week