Panther Press
January 31 - February 7, 2025
πΎ Panther Updates πΎ
π Important Dates
February: School Board Appreciation Month, Black History Month, CTE Month
February 3-7: School Counseling Week
February 7: Wear Red for Heart Health
February 7: Report Cards Issued
February 10-14: Board Clerk Appreciation Week
February 13: School Board Meeting; WSES; 5:00pm
February 14: School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
February 17: Staff/Student Holiday
February 21: Winter Dance 6-8 pm
π Check out our book fair before the Winter Dance on 2/21!
π IWCS 2025-26 Calendar
Isle of Wight County Schools has created a draft calendar for the 2025-2026 school year and is seeking input from employees, parents, students, and the community on the proposal.
The proposed calendar exceeds the minimum number of instructional hours (990) required by the state and supports additional professional learning opportunities for staff. It also includes dedicated parent conference days for ALL schools, not just elementary. The recommendations align with objectives and strategies in the IWCS Strategic Plan.
The calendar survey will remain open until Friday, February 7, 2025 at 11:59 pm.
A final draft calendar will be shared with the School Board at their February 13, 2025, meeting. The board will vote to approve a calendar at their March 13, 2025, meeting. Please note: the final calendar proposal may or may not be identical to the draft shared through the survey.
Proposed 2025-2026 School Calendar Survey
A pdf version of the proposed calendar is attached and is also available on the IWCS website at https://www.iwcs.k12.va.us/apps/pages/school_calendar
πΎ SMS Reminders:
Please use the link above to submit parent/guardian notes of absence.
β Attendance Reminders
Student attendance is very important to us at SMS. We want our students to be present everyday as student attendance is vital for success.
However, if your child is ever absent, please complete one of these options to prevent attendance plans and/or truancy:
- Complete the Google Form (included in weekly newsletter).
- Send in an excuse note to the front office.
- Email our front office staff (Mrs. Ashley Davidson at adavidson@iwcs.k12.va.us).
Families can only submit 5 parent/guardian written excuse notes per semester.
π Yearbook Sales
Bus Rider Remind Group
If your student(s) ride an IWCS school bus, please join our new Remind group by using this code: @smsbusinfo.
Through this group, SMS will begin sharing bus updates in the morning and afternoon as we receive them from transportation. Thank you!