March 3 - 9, 2025

Weekly Gazette March 3 - 9, 2025
Principal's Message
We're so excited to present a new celebration mechanism for our students that is being supported by our amazing School Council! Introducing: les PAWSitives! It's a play on both english and french. Each week out teachers will receive two PAWSitive tickets to hand out to our French Immersion students who are sharing their positivity with our school community. Then our School Council has created a treasure box with a special reward for our amazing Grizzlies who are demonstrating PAWSitivity in our school community. We'll also post all PAWSitives on a bulletin board just outside of our gym. Thank you to our School Council for supporting this new initiative for our students!
Carnaval is Coming! Our annual Carnaval event will be on Thursday March 6 from 12:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. We be doing various fun activities outside to recognize this annual tradition from Quebec.
Call for Parent Volunteers: In order to make our Carnaval a success, we require parent volunteers to help prepare hot chocolate and a snack, aid in the set up and take down of equipment and supervise groups. Please remember to dress for the weather as we will be outside for 2.5 hours. If you can volunteer, we'd ask that you arrive by 12:15 p.m. to ensure we can have everything organized for our 1:00 start time. To volunteer for this amazing event, please email shelley.boswell@eips.ca We value your support and appreciate your help in making this year’s Carnaval a fun success. We simply can't do it without parent support so thank you in advance!
Save the date for: Paving the Way for your Child's Success!
Ecole Parc Elementaire is joining forces with Bev Facey High School, Fultonvale, Mundare and Rudolph Hennig to host David Irvine on March 11, 2025 at 6:30 p.m.. Raising a child to become a responsible, respectful, resilient citizen requires deliberate action, intentional focus, and a strong, supportive community. Raising kids to be accountable and capable can be challenging and it takes courage to be a parent. With over forty years of experience as a family therapist, leadership advisor, author, parent, and grandparent, David Irvine offers a unique perspective for raising capable young people in a post pandemic world. Come prepared for an inspiring and thought-provoking presentation that will support, challenge, and shift the way you parent.
Event Information
Raising Accountable, Capable Young People - Paving the Way for Your Child's Success
We will share the virtual link for the event closer to March 11.
Reminder: Daylight Savings time change March 9
Please remember to move your clock ahead one hour.
Lost and found
Please click here to view the lost and found. Please send your child to collect your items or please stop by the school to pick up. Items not collected will be donated Wednesday, March 5 by noon. Thank you.
Weekly Announcements
Grizzlies' Greatness!!
We all know that our École Parc Élémentaire education team and community is second to none and we want to offer a way to celebrate all those little acts of greatness that can sometimes go unnoticed!
This year we are launching Grizzlies' Greatness. This is your opportunity recognize those individuals who you think help make EPE special, welcoming, unique and an over great place to be!! So if you are thankful for the way that a staff member is always smiling and offering a kind welcome in the halls, that new teacher who is making their mark in our school with their energy and ideas or that EA who is making those valuable connections, we want to know about it.
To participate all you have to do is complete the form below- that's it! EPE school council will do the rest! A council member will take your comments place them in a card and deliver it to the staff member on your behalf!
Please click here to access form.
What's happening this week at École Parc:
Mar 3
- Class of the week 11
- Hot Lunch: Subway
- Grade 4 Battle of the Books
Mar 4
- Monthly Assembly 9:00 am
- Hot Lunch: Subway
- Grade 5 Battle of the Books
Mar 5
- Early out at 2:08
- Dress up day: Hat day
- Grade 6 Battle of the Books
Mar 6
- Carnaval 1:oo p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Choir festival Gr 4-6 at Dow 8:30-12:00
Mar 7
- PD Day-no school
Mar 9
- Daylight savings time change-move your clocks forward 1 hour
Mar 10
- Class of the week ECS B
- Grade 4 Battle of the Books
Mar 11
- Grade 5 Battle of the Books
Mar 12
- School Council Meeting
- Grade 6 Battle of the Books
- Battle of the Books Showdown Competition
Mar 14
- Term 2 Report Cards Published
Mar 17
- Class of the week ECS A
- Hot Lunch: Panago
Mar 18
- Vertically Inclined Class 51/61 and 62
- Hot Lunch: Panago
Mar 21-30
- Spring Break!
Mar 31
- Class of the week Quest
- Hot Lunch: Cobs
Check it out at the Library
Book Fair Wrap Up
The numbers are in! With just over $4700 in sales, including 38 books purchased for the classroom, we were able to earn $2710.84 in Scholastic credit for the school! The library already used $960 of this to take books that were at the fair. Thank you to everyone who helped make our sale a success. Another thank you goes out to all the book fair helpers – great job!
Battle of the Books
Congratulations to all our competitors! Great job reading and preparing for our first competition! The second competition will take place on March 12 also at 1 PM where we will be facing off against M. Verhoeff’s new school, Ardrossan Elementary.
The winners were as follows:
Grade 4: 1st place Hudson
2nd place Emma
3rd place Ali
Grade 5: 1st place Lennox
2nd place Aiden
3rd place Scott
Grade 6: 1st place Sasha
2nd place William
3rd place Sawyer
Lost Library/Home Reading Resources:
If your child loses a library or home reading book, please contact the school. If the book is not found within 30 days, the cost of the resource will be assigned to the “Fees” section of your PowerSchool account. Please note, if the book is found within 30 days, a refund will be granted. However, if the book is found after 30 days, a refund will not be granted as we will have purchased a replacement for the library’s collection.
First Nations, Métis and Inuit Education at EPE
Please check out the linked March First Nations, Métis and Inuit Newsletter. on supports and upcoming events!
School Council and Parent Fundraising Society Information
Hot Lunch
Hello Grizzly families,
Ordering Hot Lunch will be changing effective January 2025. Families will need to create an account with Munchalunch. I have included a document with steps to complete this account. Hot lunches will still be offered every other Monday(changed Wednesday if Monday is a holiday) and Tuesday and will have a rotating schedule of local vendors as we are currently doing. Families will still be able to order one at a time or as far in advance as they like. The deadline for ordering will be 7-10 days prior to hot lunch and will change with the vendor offering that week. Please note that the deadline to order the first Hot Lunch will be December 30th, 2024 at noon. We understand this change is not ideal mid year but it was necessary to keep our hot lunch program running.
Please head to https://munchalunch.com/schools/parc to create your account or follow the instructions on the document attached to this email.
For any other questions, please reach out to EPESchoolcouncil@gmail.com.
Please cancel any future orders you have purchased with Lunchbox. Follow the attached instructions to do so.
2025 Hot Lunch Dates:
We look forward to serving Hot Lunch with this new platform and thank you for the continuing support.
Hot Lunch Coordinator
Ecole Parc Elementaire School Council/Fundraising Society
Hot Lunch Donations
We are lucky to have such a generous community and we often have some lunches donated by EPE families. We would like to gather a list of students that we can gift these to. If you'd like to be added to this list, please email general.epe@eips.ca Please include your child's information and if they have any allergies.
School Council
The EPE school council and fundraising society is looking to build a resource library to help parents support their children in French literacy. With the support of the Alberta School Council Engagement Grant, we have purchased 21 French/English dictionaries. In addition to having both languages, they are illustrated and are a great tool for parents, particularly those learning French with their children. The dictionaries are free on a first come first serve basis and can be collected at the office.
If you have a suggestion for a parent learning resource or educational opportunity please contact school council at epeschoolcouncil@gmail.com.
This year in attempt to be more accessible we will be trialing various meeting formats including virtual options. Meeting will be held on the following Wednesdays at 7pm
October 9th
November 27
January 15th
February 12th
March 12th
April 9th
May 14th
June 11th
For information about our School Council and Fundraising society, please visit our website at:
Elk Island Public Schools
EIPS Annual Education Results Report 2023-24: Now available!
EIPS’ Annual Education Results Report 2023-24 is now available online. The report details how EIPS is doing relative to Alberta Education’s performance measures; how it’s supporting students to achieve the best possible outcomes; and its successes, challenges and priority strategies moving forward. A brief overview of the report is also available.
Sync the School Calendar to your calendar
Did you know you can sync the school calendar to your own calendar? Simply, visit https://www.ecoleparc.ca and click on the applicable subscription option:
· Download to iCal
· Add to Google Calendar
· Subscribe to Calendar
NOTE: Options are located above the calendar.
Once you click on the desired subscription option, follow the instructions. Within seconds, your calendar will contain all École Parc Élémentaire’s important dates including holidays, school-closures days, planned activities, events and more.
If your student is absent, being picked up early or will be arriving late, we ask that you please email our attendance email at EPEAttendance@eips.ca or call the school at 780-998-3741. Please send any DQ permissions to this email as well. We ask that you contact us ahead of time for early pickups so that we may have your student ready on time. We understand that there may be last minute situations. Thank you.
School Fees
School fees
All fees were due as of October 31, 2024. Fees can be paid on the PowerSchool Parent Portal .
If you have not paid your fees, please contact the office to make payment arrangements.
To access your fee information, simply log in to the PowerSchool Parent Portal and go to “Student Fees.” There you can view your fees and pay them online using Visa or MasterCard. All fees are due within 30 days of being posted.
Drop off lane
Nut free reminder
A reminder to our families that please avoid sending nut products to school with your student as we have some very severe allergies. We appreciate your support in keeping all our students safe!
Division Code of Conduct
EIPS has three administrative procedures (APs) that address the Division’s code of conduct:
· AP 311: Welcoming, Caring, Respectful and Safe Learning Environments for Students
· AP 350: Student Code of Conduct
· AP 351: Student Conduct on School Buses
The Division, and École Parc Élémentaire, are committed to ensuring all members of the school community are provided with welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments that respect diversity and foster a sense of belonging. EIPS encourages all students, staff and families to review the procedures to understand and practice the conduct expected throughout the Division.
Video surveillance at schools and on buses
Did you know each EIPS bus is equipped with video surveillance, and many school sites have video monitoring equipment?
Video surveillance and equipment help:
· ensure the safety of all students, staff, drivers and property; and
· discourage destructive acts.
As needed, EIPS school administration and Student Transportation staff review video recordings, in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. The recordings assist schools and the Division with monitoring student and driver conduct and may be used as evidence in a disciplinary matter.
For more information about the collection, use and disclosure of personal information, contact the EIPS FOIP Co-ordinator at 780-464-3477.