Announcements & Reminders
Classes start at 7:45 am
Make sure that your student arrives to the school before 7:45 am to be on time in the classroom. Thank you for your cooperation!
Club & Tutorial Information for Bus Riders - NO LATE BUS
After School Clubs & Tutorials began on Monday, August 26th. If your student is a Bus Rider and they have a club or tutorial, you will need to pick them up here at HSS after their club or tutorial (unless they go to Elite Learning). There is not a late bus for our elementary bus riders after clubs.
For the safety of our students and parents, we kindly request that all parents utilize the crosswalk instead of crossing the five lanes at Stonehollow. We want to ensure everyone arrives home safe and secure. We appreciate your cooperation.
Harmony Meal Charge Policy for 2024-2025
Harmony strives each day to provide a safe, caring and collaborative atmosphere for our students. Nutritious meals are available daily for a price of $2.25 for breakfast, $3.80 for lunch, and $0.50 for a la carte milk.
Schools may also sell Smart Snacks, which are only available for purchase from a positive meal account balance. Note that just a milk is an a la carte purchase and costs $0.50 regardless of eligibility.
Meal & Nutrition Program - Special Dietary Accommodations Form
At HSS-Austin, we provide our students with healthy and nutritious school meals to support their growth. A reasonable dietary accommodation for children who have special dietary needs such as Vegetarian meal, Halal friendly meal, Lactose free milk or Soy Milk may be made in accordance with program regulations when the accommodation is requested and is at the discretion of the district.
Please fill out and return this form to your child’s school ONLY IF special dietary accommodations are requested. Students must have the Special Dietary Accommodation form signed by their parent/guardian in order to receive meal accommodations. If you have any questions, please contact the Child Nutrition Assistant, Mrs. Zarate: mzarate@harmonytx.org
School Uniforms - What Does That Look Like?
Our school uniforms are pretty simple and should be followed each day.
Monday - Thursday:
- HSS-Austin uniform shirt (previous red, bluestone or teal),
- uniform shorts (knee length) or pants - NO sweats, leggings or basketball shorts (khaki, navy or black),
- closed toe rubber sole shoes (any color - no light up or skating shoes - students have recess every day and PE twice a week).
- jackets or sweaters should be zip up or button style
On Fridays:
- Uniform shirt and uniform shorts (knee length)/pants OR
- Spirit / College shirt and jeans
Hi Harmony Families,
We love sharing school activities and achievements with students on our Harmony Facebook page
If you would like for your students to be shared on our videos, photos, and live feeds, please make sure to give consent by filling out the form and responding with "Yes"
If you do not wish for your students to be in any photos or videos, please make sure you fill out the form and respond with "no"
Our Bus is Full - Register for the Waitlist
2024-2025 Bus Transportation Service - Register Today
If you would like to register your student for our Bus Transportation Service, please review & complete the registration form below. Bus registration is first come first served. You will be contacted when a seat is available.
**We do NOT recommend the bus service for Pre-K & Kindergarten students unless
they are traveling with an older HSS sibling or family member.