Sibley County 4-H Newsletter
September 2024
Thank You
A HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Alivia Strack, Sibley County’s 4-H Summer Intern! Alivia’s programming knowledge and her experience with youth was such an asset to Sibley County this summer and made so many positive connections with the people of Sibley County. We are SO grateful she shared her time and talents with us. We were extremely fortunate to have her this past summer. Alivia has completed her elementary degree and will be teaching second grade at Russell-Tyler-Ruthon school district this fall. Good Luck Alivia!
A huge THANK YOU to the many volunteers, friends of 4-H, parents, 4-H members and the Sibley County Fair Board for working so hard to make the 2024 Sibley County Fair a success! There are so many things that go on behind the scenes to make the fair happen and we thank you! There are many other ways big and small, that people worked together to make the week great. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!
A great big THANK YOU to all the many youth, leaders and parents that worked in the 4-H Food stand. Also a standing ovation to our hard working Food stand Managers – Mary Nelson and Jake Elbert. A huge shout out also to the many people that put in EXTRA time and effort to make the Food Stand a success. The 2024 4-H Food Stand was a huge success due to all of you!
Dog Project Update
We have 3 Sibley County 4-H participants headed off to the State 4-H Dog show September 21-22. Best of luck to all of you!
Horse Project Update
Congratulations to the 5 Sibley County 4-H Horse project members that are headed down to the State 4-H Horse show September 13 - 16. Best of luck to all of you.
Shooting Sports Project Update
The State 4-H Shooting Sports and Wildlife Invitational is scheduled for September 6 - 8. We wish all the Sibley County members attending good luck at the competition.
County Awards, Applications and Records Due
Start thinking about worthy nominees and suggest them to your club. Key leaders received applications in the mail this week, or click on the links below. Make sure all applications are turned into the Extension office by September 30.
Outstanding County Communicator - Did you participate in Demonstration Day and Job Interview Contest? If yes, make sure to fill out the application.
Club of the Year - Have you been keeping track of your 4-H participation? Has your club recorded their activities? Start totaling those points to win the Club of the Year Award! Tally sheets were mailed to key leaders this week.
Chuck Yahnke Memorial Award - The Chuck Yahnke Memorial Award is supported by an endowment held at the University of Minnesota Foundation on behalf of Minnesota 4-H. Chuck’s family and friends established the endowment in 2021 to recognize outstanding young people for their participation in the Sibley County 4-H youth development program.
4-H Records and Club Secretary books are due to the Extension Office by September 27 to be judged during 4-H week.
Club Treasurer reports and check books along with the Club Charters are due to the office by October 31. Reminder: all 4-H Officers and volunteers listed on the club charter must be re-enrolled and approved in 4-H online before the club charter will be approved by the state.
Records Due and Judges Needed!
Once again this year we will be judging our own records. All 4-Hers and adults leaders as well as Federation Officers and Ambassadors are welcome and encouraged to judge records on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, October 8-10 from 8:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Each club is required to send at least two people to help judge or their club will not be given any awards for records. Judging will be held at the Sibley County Service Center on a come and go basis. Hope to see you there!
Re-Enrollment in 4-H Online and Volunteer Screening
Re-enrollment through 4-H online starts on September 15. Please make sure to verify address, email, phone numbers and medical information is correct. Shooting Sports Members will need to have a parental consent form signed.
Volunteers need to renew their Safety of Minors training every three years. You will receive an email from the state if you need to get renewed.
Project Meetings
Project meetings are a great way for 4-H members to learn more about their projects. Project meetings can happen in the club or on the county level. If you have ideas for project meetings that you would like to see, or if you or someone you know is interested in teaching a project meeting, please let Connie know. The fall and winter months are a great time to hold project meetings and now is the time to get those meetings scheduled.
September Meetings
All meetings will be held at the Sibley County Service Center in Gaylord. Youth are strongly encouraged to attend all meetings, we need your inputs.
- Animal PDC Meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 17 starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Sibley County Service Center. Decisions on future shows, such as judging criteria, herdsmanship, stalling and the many other areas of running a good contest and animal programs are discussed at these meetings.
- Federation Meeting will be held on Monday, September 23 at 7:00 p.m. The 2024 - 2025 Federation Officers and East End Advisors elections will be held at this meeting. Delegates from each club will elect next year's officers, please make sure EVERY CLUB HAS A REPRESENTATIVE AT THIS MEETING!
The new 4-H year brings exciting new opportunities for you to step forward as a leader. Why run for county office? You get to work with other youth and adult leaders to play an important role in the decisions regarding Sibley County 4-H. The experience prepares you for leadership positions in your school, college and community. It looks wonderful on a scholarship application or resume.
Candidates are being sought for president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, reporter and photographers. Be in on the decisions and help set the pace for Sibley County 4-H. All youth 8th grade and older are eligible to seek office.
Officers must have completed 8th grade.
A 4-Her may hold a Federation Office a maximum of three years, but not the same office.
All Federation Officers are automatically Sibley County Ambassadors and must complete Ambassador requirements.
All candidates need to be present at elections unless otherwise excused.
Officers should complete the application that will be emailed after Labor Day and return by Friday, September 20, 2024!
We’ll also be electing two new advisors from the East End. Adult Federation Advisors attend all Federation Meetings. They are frequently consulted for county 4-H advice on program areas, foundation information and budget. They share ideas for improvements or changes within the county program. In addition, advisors assist with Awards Night and are encouraged to promote 4-H whenever possible. Current East End Advisors are Nathan Latzke and Jami Klehr.
If you have questions or would like further information, please contact Connie at the Extension Office.
Attention Ambassadors and Ambassador Want-to-Be's
Have you seen all the great things our Ambassadors have been doing? Sibley County’s Ambassadors meet a few times a year and plan, organize and carry out many of the 4-H events held in Sibley County. We will be holding our first fall meeting for all “current and new” Ambassadors in October.
Basic requirements for our ambassadors are:
Be a positive role model by completing projects including records and carrying through on responsibilities.
Must have completed 8th grade.
Must be enrolled in 2 projects, including youth leadership, which includes being a judges assistant.
Must serve on a county committee.
Help conduct county-wide project meetings, demonstrations or club talks.
Attend Federation Meetings on a regular basis.
Fill out the application that will be emailed after Labor Day and return by Friday, September 20, 2024!
Congratulations to all the 4-Hers who participated in the County and State fair! Sibley County has lots to be proud of in our youth. Here are the results from the State Fair.
Awards Night Slide Show
We are looking for photos from the past year. If you have any you are interested in sharing, below are links to google drive folders. You may be asked to login with a google account prior to uploading photos. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns in sharing your photos.
4-H Graduates
If you graduated from high school in 2023, this is your last year in 4-H. If you graduated this year, 2024, you are eligible to graduate from 4-H this year or next. You must let the office know if you are done this year so you can be acknowledged at the Awards Night Ceremony. We are also looking for the Outstanding Graduate and would like you to submit an application and return it before September 27.
Important Dates
September 6-8, 2024 - State Shoot at the Alexandria Shooting Park
September 13-16, 2024 - State Horse Show at the State Fairgrounds
September 21-22, 2024 - State Dog Show at the State Fairgrounds
September 23, 2024 - Federation Meeting @ 7:00 p.m. at the Sibley County Service Center
September 30, 2024 - Records, Award Applications, and Secretary Books due before 4:30 p.m. to the Sibley County Extension Office
October 6-12, 2024 - National 4-H Week
October 8-10, 2024 - Record Judging at Sibley County Extension Office
October 15, 2024 - Chuck Yahnke Memorial Award applications due
October 31, 2024 - Club Charter, Treasurer Reports and Checkbooks Due
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Location: 111 8th St, Gaylord, MN 55334
Mailing Address: PO Box 1034, Gaylord, MN 55334
Phone: 507-237-4100