Mustang Memo
October 7, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Parents,
As we begin this busy autumn week, let us take a moment to pause and remember our school theme, Finding God in All Things. Whether in the beauty of the changing seasons, the busyness of school activities, or the small moments of kindness, God’s presence is with us always.
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. As a school, we will pray this beautiful and powerful prayer throughout the month of October. Please join us every Friday morning during October as our Houses (Grades 6, 7 and 8) lead the prayer of the Rosary in the narthex at 7:40 AM.
In gratitude,
Maureen Hoy
4th Grade making brains out of clay in Mrs. Gartner's STEM class.
Miss Manger's 2nd Grade class working on word play.
Blue Mass at MOQ
First Grade field trip to Fontenelle Forest.
Clay art-breakfast is served.
It's beginning to look like fall.
Upcoming Events
October 7: Journalism Club 3:15 PM
October 7: Rosary Procession 7:30 PM
October 8: Robotics Practice 3:15 PM
October 8: Jr. Legion of Mary 3:15 PM
October 8: First Reconciliation Parent Meeting 6:00 PM
October 9: Choir Practice 3:15 PM
October 11: Math Club 3:15 PM
STAR 360 Family Reports
Students in grades K-8 will bring home their FALL STAR 360 test results today, Oct. 7. Students completed the STAR 360 Math and Reading or Literacy (K-1) assessments in August and September.
STAR 360 is a computer adaptive, norm referenced test designed to measure a student’s academic growth and provide teachers data to better personalize instruction. Students completed the assessments on a Chromebook or an iPad. A computer adaptive test means that if a student answers a test question correctly, the software increases the difficulty level of the next item. If a student answers a question incorrectly, the software lowers the difficulty level of the next item. By continually adjusting the difficulty of an item to what the student has shown he/she can or cannot do, the assessment is tailored to accurately measure each student’s level of achievement. The STAR tests have approximately 30 questions and generally will take about 30 minutes to complete.
Please take time to review your child’s test results. You do not need to sign and return the form. They are yours to keep. Please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or Dr. Croy (pcroy@moqschool.org) if you have any questions about the test results.
First Reconciliation Meeting
This meeting is for parents of second graders and their child preparing to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation in December. Mr. Jake Cortright, Director of Religious Education, will review the process for preparation, requirements to receive the sacrament and “day of” logistics. The meeting is on Tuesday, Oct. 8th at 6:00 PM in the Trinity Rooms.
Parent/Teacher Conferences: Revised
We look forward to meeting with parents at conferences on Thursday, October 24th. This is an opportunity to have important conversations about your child’s progress in academics, faith, social, emotional and overall growth in school. We are grateful for your partnership. Over the next 2 weeks, parents have the opportunity to schedule a time to meet with their child's teacher(s).
On Wednesday, parents of students in grades K-5 will receive an email from their student’s homeroom teacher (FACTS) requesting that parents schedule a time to meet. As a reminder, these are the steps for scheduling a conference:
Log in to your FACTS Family Portal.
On the left-hand side, select Calendar.
Select My Classrooms along the top toolbar.
Select the date; October 24th, then click on the blue/red link to schedule a conference with your child’s teacher.
From that link, select a time and confirm your conference.
You will receive a reminder prior to the conference date.
Parents of students in Grades 4 and 5 will be able to schedule a conference with their child’s homeroom teachers and Core teachers. The conference sign up link for Core teachers will be available on Oct. 14. This will allow time for parents to schedule a conference with Homeroom teachers first.
Parents of students in grades 6-7-8 are invited to conference with teachers on a first-come, first-serve basis on October 24th anytime between 11:00 AM and 7:00 PM.
Specials Teachers (Art, Library, Music, PE, Spanish and STEM) will host conferences for all grades on a first-come, first serve basis.
Picture Retake Day: October 15
Picture retakes are Tuesday, October 15. If you would like the same package you’ve already purchased but with a new picture, please have your child bring their original package with them to picture retakes. If you are going to purchase a new package, your child does not need to return their original package.
Students who were absent for Picture Day should come to school prepared to have their picture taken. If you have not pre-ordered, please use the Retake Order Code 88794JF to place your order at https://inter-state.com/Order. To see your Order History, check your Inter-State Account.
Find answers to Retake Day questions here.
Extra- Curriculars
Math Club: Practice this week, Friday, Oct. 11. at 3:15 PM - 4:15 PM. Interested students in Grade 6 math (5th Grade Advanced Class) and higher, please meet at the outdoor classroom.
Sign up for the Catholic Math League, grades 3-5, is now available. Students will attend in the Trinity Rooms on 4 dates, at 3:15 PM - 4:30 PM. There will be instructions, testing and a game to mimic the math competition atmosphere. The top three students on each test will earn a certificate. Jr. High testing for Catholic Math League for Nov/Dec will be coordinated through Jr. High Math team. To sign up for a testing date, please click HERE.
School Safety
Keeping our campus secure and providing a safe space for our students to learn and play is a top priority. Thank you for supporting our safety protocols. We teach our students that if they “see something - say something.” This motto applies to our families as well. Please do not hesitate to call the school office about a safety concern.
As a reminder, students should not be dropped off at school before 7:35 AM as there is no supervision. Staff will be at the drop off doors at 7:35 AM. Additionally, students may not play on the playground before or after school unless they are supervised by a parent.
Each month we practice our safety protocols. Last week we conducted a Standard Response Protocol (SRP) Secured Drill. Students and staff were given the directive, "Get Inside. Lock Outside Doors" . This protocol is used to safeguard people within the building. A “Secure” drill is called when there is a threat or hazard outside of the school building. During a "Secure" drill, no one will be permitted in or out of the school facility until the “all clear” is signaled.
For more information about SRP, click HERE.
Mustang March: October 18, 2024
The countdown is on—Home and School's Mustang March is less than 2 weeks away! The Early Bird Drawing was held on Friday. Congratulations to our lucky winners from last Friday, Bailey P., Benjamin W., Kevin M. and Maura H.
Want in on the fun? Donate today to be entered into our upcoming drawings for fantastic prizes! Use the QR Code below or click HERE.
Plus, don’t miss out on the excitement of the big day—sign up to volunteer and be part of the Mustang March magic! 🐴✨. To volunteer, Sign Up HERE.
Let's Get Ready to March!
The Herds are out! 🐴
The Mustang Stampede has arrived! Our herd is out grazing and eager to move on to the next yard! Snap a picture, stampede/tag your friends, join the fun, and let the Mustang Stampede brighten your day!
Here’s how Mustang Stampede works:
The Mustangs (10 signs) will appear in your yard, courtesy of a friend or family member.
For a small donation, you can stampede another yard of your choice. Donate $25 to help us move the signs to the next yard, or donate $40 and we'll move the signs for you to the yard of your choice. Donations can be made using the link on the Stampede photo or HERE.
Trunk or Treat
Home and School is sponsoring Trunk or Treat on Friday, October 25th, at 7:00 PM in the MOQ parking lot!
If you would like to decorate your trunk for the Trunk or Treaters, click HERE to sign up.
Wednesday, October 16th, will be a Donation Dress Day for Trunk or Treat. Families who donate one bag of fun-size Halloween candy or treats, earn a nonuniform dress day. Reminder, only 1 bag of candy earns the whole family the free dress day!
Safe Environment Training
All volunteers need to be Safe Environment certified. Mary Our Queen will be hosting a Safe Environment training on October 22nd at 6:00 PM in the Trinity Rooms. Parents, grandparents or anyone interested in volunteering at MOQ can register at omaha.cmgconnect.org.
MOQ Parent Volunteer Program
We are blessed to have so many members of our community willing to lend a helping hand! Each family is encouraged to donate 15 hours of volunteer time at MOQ School. For more details, click HERE to read the MOQ Family Volunteer Program Handbook. Don't forget to RECORD your family's service hours in FACTS on your Dashboard. Thank you!
Wonderful Wednesdays: Help brighten up our teachers' week with this special program. Sign up HERE.
Home and School Committee Volunteers: Join one of our committees and help plan exciting events and initiatives throughout the year. Sign up HERE.
Home and School Room Parent Sign-Ups: Be a room parent and support your child’s class with fun activities and communication. Sign up HERE.
K-8 CAFETERIA: Click HERE to sign up, and THANKS for volunteering! Please enter the cafeteria through door #9.
PRESCHOOL/PRE-K CAFETERIA: Click HERE to volunteer for the Preschool/Pre-K lunch.
CGS PRESCHOOL ATRIUM: To volunteer in the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Atrium, please contact Mrs. Hannah Casey at hcasey@moqchurch.org.
Art Room: Contact Mrs. Robinson at jrobinson@moqschool.org for information and schedule.
All volunteers need to be Safe Environment certified.
Cafeteria News
- Click HERE for October's Lunch Menu.
Pizza lunch is Wednesday, Oct. 9th. Students wanting to purchase an extra slice of pizza, must bring their money to school on Tuesday, Oct. 8th. Students in grades K-3 can only purchase 1 extra slice of pizza. Students in grades 4-8 can purchase up to 2 extra slices of pizza. The price of a slice of pizza is $2.00. Pizza money should be brought to school in an envelope or sandwich bag. The student’s first name, last name and grade must be written on the envelope/sandwich bag. If you have several students getting extra pizza, feel free to send the money with one student as long as the name, grade and number of pizza slices is provided for each student. Money should be turned in to the homeroom teacher.
THANK YOU to everyone who has volunteered in the cafeteria in the first weeks of the school year. The time you donate to the lunch program is truly appreciated. Volunteers are needed for October 8, 15, 22 and 29th. Thank you in advance. To sign up to volunteer, click HERE.
Each MOQ family should review and consider filling out the Free and Reduced Price School Meals application. This free, one-page application is accepted throughout the school year. Click HERE for the application.
We are still looking to fill a part time position on the cafeteria staff. This position is being added to help in both the preschool and elementary kitchens from 11 am to 2pm. The number of days worked each week can be negotiated. More information about the position can be found HERE.
Thank you,
Michelle Zaleski
Extended Care News
Our next Break Care dates are scheduled for Thursday, October 24th and Friday, October 25th. Please fill out the October Calendar to secure your students' spot. We will have Early Out Care following the Mustang March on Friday, October 18th.
Enrolled families: Please fill out your calendars for Morning Care, Early Out Care, and Break Care as soon as possible.
Ashley Rosenthal
Extended Care Director
Bridge the Gap Campaign: Watch for Your Letter This Month!
School Families, keep an eye on your mailboxes this month for the Bridge the Gap Campaign letter. This vital initiative, supported by the MOQ Parish Council and MOQ School Board, addresses the gap between our tuition rate of $3,995 and the actual cost of $6,025 needed to educate each of our 540 K-8 students. This difference of $2,030 per student is essential for maintaining the quality of education at Mary Our Queen.
With tuition revenue covering only 59% of our overall costs, we rely on support from our parish community to meet the remaining 41%—an amount totaling $1,096,200 for this year.
Our goal for the 2024-25 Bridge the Gap Campaign is 100% participation from school families. Please consider making a tax-deductible contribution, no matter the amount.Together, we can close this gap and strengthen our commitment to providing an exceptional Catholic education for all our students.
Thank you for your support!
Save the Date: Veterans Day Ceremony and Photo Wall of Honor
Mary Our Queen School, in collaboration with the House of Roosevelt, warmly invites all veterans, parents, and parishioners to join us in honoring our veterans at our Veterans Day Ceremony on Monday, November 11, at 2:00 PM in the church. Following the ceremony, we will host a reception with MOQ Home & School Association for veterans in the Trinity Rooms.
To celebrate the courage and dedication of our veterans, we will feature a Photo Wall of Honor. We invite you to send a photograph of a veteran you wish to honor—be it a family member or friend, living or deceased, from any branch of the Armed Services.
Along with the photograph, please provide the requested information via the provided Google Form, which can be found HERE. The deadline for submissions is Friday, November 1st.
This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a community to express our gratitude for those who have served our country. If you have any questions, please reach out to Cindy Tooher at ctooher@moqschool.org.
Watch the Mustang Memo for more information. We look forward to seeing you there as we continue this cherished tradition of honoring those who have served.
Nominations for the 2025 Spirit of Mary Our Queen Award
The Spirit of Mary Our Queen Award recognizes a family or member of our faith community who has demonstrated abiding love for and exemplary service to the parish. Recipients will be honored at the 26th MARQUEE fundraiser which will be held on Saturday, February 22, 2025, at the Embassy Suites LaVista Conference Center. Nominations can be made at Spirit of MOQ Nomination, deadline is October 11, 2024.
Basketball Registration
It’s time to register for MOQ Basketball. Please follow this link to register Basketball Registration. The registration is for grades 1 through 8 for both boys and girls.
1st- 2nd Grade
Teams will play 1 game per week at the JCC with the season beginning after the holidays and ending approximately in early March. Team rosters and information will be communicated to parents in December.
3rd - 8th Grade
These ages will play in the PAL basketball league, games begin the week after Thanksgiving. Tryouts and Roster formation evaluations will take place on October 11, 12, & 13 at Westside Middle School.
Registration $95/player.
Registrations will close on October 3rd so please make sure to register before then.
If you have questions, feel free to reach out to us at basketballmoq@gmail.com Thanks.
Fall Activities at Marian
Volleyball Fan Night
Thursday, Oct. 10 | Games at 5 p.m. & 7 p.m.
Join us in the East Gym on Marian’s campus to cheer on the Crusaders as they take on Lincoln Pius and Papillion LaVista in a triangular match! Wear your grade school jersey/shirt or a Marian t-shirt for free admission, no pre registration is needed. FREE Marian swag and a raffle drawing during the 7 p.m. game!
Mini Surprise Night
Friday, Oct. 18 | 6:30-8:30 p.m.
It's no surprise - Surprise Night is a favorite Marian tradition! All 7th and 8th-grade girls are invited for a sneak peek at all the surprising fun. Gather your girlfriends for a night of bounce houses, crafts, games, snacks and an exclusive Surprise Night T-shirt. Cost is $25. Register here.
Ghoul’s Night Out | Youth Cheer Halloween Event
Friday, Oct. 25 | 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Marian Gym
Let's BOO-gie! Join the Marian cheerleaders for a night of fun. Girls in grades Pre-K to 5th Grade will learn a cheer, learn a dance and make crafts. Wear your Halloween costume! $40 registration includes a trick-or-treating reusable tote. Register here by Friday, Oct. 20.
Duchesne Activities for Fall
Dinner and a Show – October 26th, 6:30 PM Be part of history at our "Sleepy Hollow" production - the first high school performance of this show! Enjoy dinner and watch our talented performers bring this classic tale to life.
Register for these events at duchesneacademy.org/admissions. For questions, contact Maggie Vazquez at mvazquez@duchesneacademy.org.