Panther Press
Empathy and Engagement
From Mr. Wizoreck
I hope this finds you and yours well. I'm currently reading the book pictured. It's a wry, blistering and stark novel about contemporary Native American life in our bewildering country.
As I was filling my car up at a gas station in Sunset Park today, I looked up and to my delight, was washed over by the beauty of the mural I've also included.
Upcoming Dates
November 19th - Gotham makeup picture day
November 25th - New teacher mentor tracking due
November 26th - BTC annual Friendsgiving potluck and family turkey giveaway
November 28th and 29th - No school for Thanksgiving
December 10th - Flatbush Town Hall makeup picture day
December 12th - Ellery St safety meeting
December 13th - Snowflake Dance, new teacher mentor tracking is due
December 16-20th - Holiday Road staff competition
December 20th - Holiday Extravaganza Seminar, new teacher mentor tracking is due
December 23-January 1st - Winter Recess
Book Publishing Party
Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Millus!
Friends and Frequency
This past Saturday, Friends and Frequency preformed at the Arizona State University's Urban Collaborative conference. The Collaborative is a national group of Special Educators working to ensure inclusion and equity throughout the country.
The band killed it! A special thank you to Mr. Orza, who gets our kids everywhere they need to be with a smIle, no matter date or time, acts as his own roadie, and provides so many opportunities for out students to shine.
Mexican Heritage Month Installation
Drama warm up
sweatshirts for our new teachers
ST Green Meadows Farm trip
Gotham Candy Land photo shoot
Brooklyn College Caribbean Studies presentation
FBTH cake pops
Gallop NYC
FBTH at Brooklyn Museum
Shout Outs
A huge shout out to Tasha Hagler, who has worked non-stop to complete tri-ennials for Ellery and off sites and assure students receive all mandated services!
The first Native American band to reach the top 5 on US charts, Redbone's members were of Native American and Mexican heritage. Many of you will know this song from Guardians of the Galaxy, and the series Reservation Dogs (highly recommended). Redbone often dressed in traditional attire on stage, and were advocates for Native American rights and recognition.