September 4, 2023
Our Mission
Prioritize Students-Uphold High Expectations-Champion Hope-Cultivate Collaboration
6th Grade Families : Camp Cispus
Tiny Tigers Cheer Camp *GAME DAY CHANGE*
Game Day Changed to Saturday the 12th @ 5pm [please arrive by 4]
¡Únase al campamento de porristas de Centralia High School!
8, 9 y 10 DE OCTUBRE 5:30 p. m. a 7:30 p. m. $60.00 por Tiny Tiger. Solo se acepta efectivo en la entrada. Llegue temprano el día 8 para realizar el pago. Cada participante recibirá una camiseta, pompones para jóvenes y un refrigerio durante las prácticas.
Partido 12 DE OCTUBRE @ Tiger Stadium
El juego comienza a las 5:00 p. m. - Por favor, llegue antes de las 4:00 p. m.
QUIÉN: Kinder - 6to grado dentro del CSD
Para obtener más información, comuníquese con el entrenador Galligher...centraliatigercheerleading@gmail.com
Join Us on A Schools Tour
New School Board Director Appointed
The Centralia School Board announces Cameron McGee as our appointed director. Cameron will be sworn into office at the October 24th Board meeting. Cameron has a vested interest in the prosperity of the school district as he has six children attending in our district across all levels. Creating a community in which all of our children are given the opportunity to thrive is one of his top priorities joining this board. Given his background and strong commitment to education and local governance, we are confident in his ability to contribute effectively to CSD! We are Centralia, and we are Rising Strong!
School Board Updates
School Board Student Represenatives
The 2024-2025 School Board Student Representatives were appointed and gave their Oath of Office at the Thursday, September 26th's Regular Board Meeting. (from left to right) Junior: Lilyian Trousdale and Senior: Nikolas Lawrence were honored with a plaque and sworn in. (not pictured) Junior: Kycen Donahue will also join the School Board Representatives.
United Voice: September 26th Regular Meeting Edition
Are you interested in staying up-to-date with the latest developments and decisions that impact your child's education?
Tune in each month to the "United Voice" newsletter that will provide you with a comprehensive summary of each regular school board meeting and essential information for families:
Each month this newsletter will be posted on Facebook the Friday following the regular board meeting, and can also be found on our website at http://www.centraliaschooldistrict.org. It will them be posted here in Quicknews the following Monday.
School Board Meetings have changed to Thursdays
There will be a Study Session held at 5pm on Thursday, October 10th, with the next Regular Board Meeting will be held at 5 pm on Thursday, October 24th at the District Office Boardroom.
Hispanic Family Night : October 29th
DSHS Mobile Office @ Centralia College : November 4th
Behavior Matrices By Grade
* PLEASE REVIEW for the New School Year *
Scan this QR Code to find your student's behavior matrix ~or~ click 👇 on your student's grade to review expectations:
Our Mission
Prioritize Students-Uphold High Expectations-Champion Hope-Cultivate Collaboration
Moving to Centralia ~ Welcome to the District!
Registration Made Easy
Visit our website to complete your online registration today:
https://www.centraliaschooldistrict.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=3714767&type=d&pREC_ID=2426933 or you can scan this QR Code to register on-line for both kindergarteners and new students:
Links to: Transportation - School Calendar - Menus
Questions About Transportation?
Transportation Contacts: (360) 330-7628 csdtransportation@centralia.wednet.edu
2024-2025 School Calendar
Scan this QR Code for Your School's Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Varsity Football Game Day Change! *Saturday the 12th @ 5pm*
Upcoming High School Sporting Events
Tuesday, October 8
- CHS Girls Swimming at HOME, 4 p.m.
- CHS Girls Soccer at HOME, 7 p.m.
- CHS Volleyball at HOME, 7 p.m.
Wednesday, October 9
- CHS Cross Country at HOME, 4 p.m.
Thursday, October 10
- CHS Girls Soccer at Tumwater, 7 p.m.
- CHS Volleyball at HOME, 7 p.m.
- CHS Football at HOME, 5 p.m.
Interested in supporting our CMS & CHS Athletes?
Click Below for Schedules👇
Follow Us On Social Media
School Phone Numbers
Don't Hesitate to Contact Your School 📞
Edison Elementary School: 360.330.7631
Fords Prairie Elementary School: 360.330.7633
Jefferson Lincoln Elementary School: 360.330.7636
Oakview Elementary School: 360.330.7638
Washington Elementary School: 360.330.7641
Centralia Middle School: 360.330.7619
Futurus: 360.827.6430
Centralia High School: 360.330.7605
District Office: 360.330.7600
Questions and/or Comments
All Students Achieve Academic and Personal Excellence!
About Us
Email: publicrelations@centraliaschools.org
Website: www.CentraliaSchools.org
Location: 2320 Borst Avenue, Centralia, WA, USA
Phone: 360-330-7600
Facebook: facebook.com/centraliaschooldistrict
Twitter: @centralia_sd