Weekly Update to Families
November 1, 2024
Message from the Principal
Goodwater Families,
What a great week of Red Ribbon activities! (See all of the highlights below.) Our students learned so much about healthy living and being good role models. Keep the discussions going at home!
A Few Additional Notes:
- Fall Festival (11/1): Please sign up here if you would like to be a vendor or volunteer for this event. Thank you in advance for helping to make this a great event for our students. We look forward to seeing you tonight!
- Veteran's Day (11/11): We will have a veteran's day assembly on 11/11 at 8:30 am. If you have a picture of a veteran in your household that you would like to share; please email it to Beverly.al-tabatabaie@goodwatermontessori.org. We are working on a special presentation for the event.
- Fall Picture Day: (11/15): Stay tuned for more information from your child's guide regarding picture day.
As always, thank you for everything you do and have a great weekend.
Mrs. Beverly
Fall Picture Day - November 15, 2024
Perfect Attendance Drawing Winners!
Students that had perfect attendance for the last 9 weeks were included in a drawing for an HD tablet. The winners were Caleb Campos and Kyren Kortz-Macdonald. All students with perfect attendance alo received a certificate. Continue to encourage students to be at school daily and check on your students when they are out. Please help me congratulate Caleb, Kyren and all of our perfect attendance winners.
Fall Festival
Highlights - Red Ribbon Week Activities and More...
Chess is coming to Goodwater!
Breakfast Menu - November 8
Lunch Menu - November 8
Flu Season is Upon Us
Flu season is upon us. Please remember Goodwater follows the Texas Department of Health Guidelines for illness-related exclusions from school. A student will be sent home if they have a fever of 100.0 Fahrenheit or above or any other contagious symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) and will need to remain home until symptom free for twenty-four (24) hours, and without the use of medications.
Here are some friendly reminders to help stay virus free this season:
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for 20 seconds
- If soap and water not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Cover your Cough; Cough and sneeze into a tissue then throw it away, or cough and sneeze into your upper shirt sleeve, completely covering your mouth and nose
- Wash your hands after coughing, sneezing, or blowing your nose
- Disinfect frequently touched surfaces, and objects such as toys and doorknobs
- Stay at home while you are sick.
- Call or email to inform the school of confirmed Flu/COVID/ Pertussis/Varicella diagnosis.
Theme of the Month - Respect- November
What is Respect?
- A feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements.
Why Focus on Respect?
Respect is important in schools because it helps create a healthy learning environment and prepares students for the real world. Respectful environments can:
Foster trust and learning
Respect is a fundamental part of developing trust and a healthy learning environment.
Develop empathy
Respecting others is a key component of empathy, which is a learned behavior.
Improve communication
Respectful students are more likely to communicate effectively with others.
Promote positive relationships
Respectful students are more likely to cooperate and collaborate with each other.
Prepare students for the real world
Respectful students learn the importance of understanding, empathy, and collaboration, which can help them navigate the real world.
Promote diversity, equity, and inclusion
Respectful students learn to treat others with kindness regardless of their background
Encourage individuality
Respecting children means valuing the whole person, including their unique potential.
Respect In Action
- Acknowledge and affirm acts of respect.
Lost and Found
Do any of these belong to you?
Upcoming Events
Friday, November 1, 2024
- Fall Festival/Riddle Day
November 8, 2024
- Fire Drill 8:30 am
Monday, November 11, 2024
- Veterans Day Assembly
November 15, 2024
- Fall Picture Day
November 25-29, 2024
- Thanksgiving Break
December 13, 2024
- End of 9 Weeks
December 20, 2024
- Progress Reports go home
December 23- Jan 3, 2025
- Winter Break
Contact Info
Goodwater Montessori Charter School
Principal: Mrs. Beverly Al-TabatabaieWebsite: www.goodwatermontessori.org
Location: 710 Stadium Dr, Georgetown, TX, USA
Phone: (512) 931-3560