
Letter From Our Administration
Words From Mrs. Worley
January 23, 2025
Dear Families,
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to our community for the outpouring of support and kindness in the last 24 hours.
Many of you reached out to inquire about ways to support the McNabb family. We are aware that a GoFundMe account has been set up to help the family. If you would like information about that account, please complete this form. As we become aware of more opportunities to serve the McNabb family or information regarding services, we will share that information.
Thankfully, but still heartbreaking, we have not navigated this kind of painful loss. I learned that there are a few places we can grow in our communication.
The district crisis team provided tremendous help and support to us as we navigated this pain. But as a prek-12, we are a unique makeup for them. Neither the district nor I processed that while we needed to share the communication with the entire school, we needed to clarify that the information was only shared with the grade levels directly impacted. This did create challenges for some families. For that I apologize and extend my thanks for your grace and understanding.
As a community, we are grieving a tremendous loss. My team continues to work to support each other and the precious children in our care.
This morning, I instructed my team to take time and space to process and grieve this profound loss. I respectfully ask two things of our community. First, please extend grace as they continue to serve our students while processing their own grief. Second, I ask for understanding from each of you. I afforded the staff and faculty some additional time to respond to communication over the next couple of weeks. This will allow them to unplug over the next couple of weekends and spend time healing.
Below I have linked a few more resources for our community. As always, please reach out to me if I can further assist you in this difficult time.
Honored to Serve You All,
Janet Worley
Parent Articles
Important Dates and Information
Upcoming Dates
- January 27th: High School NHS Monthly Meeting
- January 28th: MS National Archery Tournament
- January 29th: Incoming 9th Grade Pre-Registration Meeting
- January 30th: NHS Blood Drive with Vitalant
- January 30th: MS/HS Character Counts Award Celebration
- January 30th: Middle School Student Ambassador Meeting
- January 30th: High School Pre-Registration for Current Students Via Zoom
- January 30th: High School Winter Pep Assembly
- January 31st: All School Spanish Festival
- February 5th: PS/ES/MS Formal Wear/ HS Interview Attire Day
- February 7th: Dress of Choice
- February 8th: High School Winter Formal
- February 11th: Taste of Middle School
- February 13th-21st: Wish Week
To ensure all links and buttons work properly, please open the Thursday Wire in a browser.
Board Candidate Application Open
The application to run in the next SVA Board Election is open until Friday, January 31st.
Wish Week is coming soon, and we’d love your support in making it extra special! Meet Jordan, our incredible 9-year-old Wish Kid who adores Super Mario Bros., cycling, gaming, and dreams of meeting his favorite YouTubers. We have a fantastic week lined up for February, so let's get excited and kick things off together!
How You Can Participate
The best way to participate is by purchasing a Wish Week t-shirt package, now exclusively available online.
• Wish Week t-shirt
• Coupons for various dining options, Main Event, and Monster Golf
• Two Dress of Choice passes
• 10% discount coupon for new Hawk Shop Spirit Wear
• Make-A-Wish bracelet
- Wish Week t-shirt
- Make-A-Wish Bracelet
- Stickers
How to Order:
- Visit MySchool Bucks and Buy Now
- Place your order by Friday, January 24, at 5:00 pm.
Why It Matters:
Your purchase supports our efforts to raise funds and awareness for Make-A-Wish Colorado while also spreading school spirit and community pride. Order your t-shirt package today and join us in making this Wish Week unforgettable! Remember, all proceeds will directly benefit Make-A-Wish Colorado. Watch for further information about the upcoming Wish Week (February 13th - 21st) and this year's schedule.
Registrar Reminders
Open Enrollment for 2025-26
Second round opened yesterday, January 22nd and will remain open through August 1st. Encourage your friends, family, neighbors, & co-workers to enroll their children at SkyView! Check the SVA website under Enrollment for a direct link.
ESports registration is now open for MIDDLE and HIGH school students.
Join Us in Spain & Portugal Summer 2026
Registration is now open for travel to Portugal & Spain in July 2026. This opportunity is open to all HS students for the 2025-2026 school year.
Click here to register. Deadline to receive the $200 discount is Friday, January 31st.
If you have any questions, please contact Sra. Lui (jlui@svak12.org) or Megan Stewart (mstewart@svak12.org)
Middle School Students & Families
Alice in Wonderland Auditions Update
Attention SVA students in grades 6, 7, and 8! To participate, pick up a packet from the folder outside Mrs. Vitulli's room (125), fill it out, and get a parent's signature. Remember, signed forms are due by January 17. Once submitted, you'll access the Alice in Wonderland Google Classroom page. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity!
UPDATE: Auditions for the Middle School production of Alice in Wonderland....and back again will be rescheduled for Wednesday, January 29th, and Thursday, January 30th. All sign-up times will remain the same, just moved to next week.
PreK and Elementary Families
Enroll in Camp Galileo Today!
SkyView Academy is proud to partner with Galileo Camps to bring innovation, friendship and fun to our school this summer! Grounded in the acclaimed Galileo Innovation Approach, Galileo’s hands-on activities and outdoor games cultivate essential skills—including collaboration, perseverance and creative confidence—that last long after summer ends. Enroll today!
News and Events
Lost & Found to be Donated Soon!
Please check the East Entrance Lost & Found for any clothing items, water bottles, or winter gear that your student may have misplaced. Any remaining items will be donated on Friday, January 31st.
The SkyView Spanish Festival is Coming!
Join the SkyView Academy Spanish Team for the All School Spanish Festival on Friday, January 31st, at 5:30 pm!
The Spanish Festival is an opportunity to showcase one of the pillars of SVA: World Languages. Student work will be displayed throughout the evening. We will have games, music, artwork, and food.
We need your support to have a successful Spanish Festival. There are many opportunities to share your culture! If you have a treasured family recipe from a Latin American country, we invite you to share it by signing up here. Discover additional ways to contribute and donate by clicking here.
Shoe Drive to Support SVA Teams Attend DI Global Finals
SkyView Service Learning Opportunities
Get Involved With SkyView's Service Learning Projects!
Service Learning is a founding principle at SkyView Academy. SVA will provide hands-on opportunities for our school community to contribute to SVA, the local area, and/or global communities. This space will provide SVA-sponsored opportunities as well as local community opportunities for your student or family to get involved on your own. Service Projects are listed on our Service Learning Project Calendar.
All Ages: Ongoing - Coloring Kindness for Nourish Meals on Wheels: Join our National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) students and design cards, notes of encouragement, and/or color pages that are placed on the trays for Nourish Meals on Wheels. Coloring pages can be found HERE. Completed cards, notes, or coloring pages can be dropped in the elementary office or with Mrs. Mortimer.
Elementary: Due February 7th - "SOUPer Bowl" soup collection for Backpack Society sponsored by ES Student Ambassadors: Encourage your child/ren to collect 10.75-ounce soup cans from your own pantry or take them to the grocery store to support this project. See the flyer below for more information.
16 Years & Older: January 30th, 9:30 AM - 1:30 PM. Blood Drive for Vitalant: Parents and community members are invited to participate. See the flyer below for more information.
Vitalant Blood Drive
Join our life-saving mission. Schedule your blood donation appointment today by visiting
donors.vitalant.org using Blood Drive Code A561 or scan the QR Code below.
Appointments recommended. Walk-ins are welcome!