Hopkins Happenings
Family Newsletter
January 2024 Edition
Our Mission
At Hopkins Elementary School we are collaboratively helping children achieve their personal best while increasing student achievement.
Our Vision
At Hopkins Elementary School we are working together to cultivate learners, empower families, and strengthen communities.
From the Principal's Desk
Hopkins Families,
Welcome back to to the HOP for an amazing SPRING semester! See below for quick reminders and updates!
- If your child is home sick, please submit a written note or doctor's excuse to your teacher.
- School starts at 8:15am and ends at 2:45pm, every minute counts!
- Have your ID ready for all school visits when you enter the building.
- Birthdays - only send store-bought cupcakes
- We will not have family lunch visits the week back, January 4th or 5th. Family lunch visits will resume January 8th.
- All grades will be finalized online after we come back in January after all Mid Year District Assessments are entered. Most grades will be updated by December 15th by your teacher.
- Remember to communicate with your teachers for any questions or concerns related to progress.
- Report cards will be mailed out in January to all families, but they are also available online in Parent Vue!
Proud to be YOUR Principal,
Dr. Gabriel Zaragoza
(770) 564 - 2661
Dual Language Immersion at Hopkins Elementary School
Exciting News! For the 2024-2025 school year, Hopkins Elementary will start a Spanish-English dual language immersion program beginning with kindergarten! Be on the look out for upcoming in person and zoom parent information meetings if you have a rising Kindergarten student for next school year!
Our program will support Bilingualism, Biliteracy, and Multiculturalism!
Spread the news, DLI Immersion Students...
- Can embrace their linguistic and cultural assets.
- Develop better memories and superior problem-solving skills.
- Demonstrate longer attention spans and improved motor skills.
- Show more positive attitudes toward other cultures.
Visit the Gwinnett County Public Schools website for more information! https://www.gcpsk12.org/Page/29587
Dates to Remember
- January 4th
- Students Return for Semester 2 of School
- January 15th
- MLK, Jr. Holiday - No School
- February 2nd
- Digital Learning Day #3
Girls on the Run
Hopkins Junior Beta Club Composting Project at the HOP
Hopkins PandaBots Robtics Team Regional Champions & Robot Design Champions
Writing Contest Winners
Spelling Bee Hopkins Champion
Spelling Bee Classroom Winners
Hopkins Family Community Engagement Events
- Multicultural Night, TBD
- STEAM Day/Night, March 14, 5:00pm - 6:30pm
Picture Days
Spring Picture Day - Thursday, February 7th, 2024
Family Tips to Promote Positive Behavior
- Create routines at home for students to follow.
- Have fun together. Building fun, engaging activities into the day helps keep everyone more stimulated and connected.
- Provide clear expectations and follow through.
- Practice healthy habits. Make sure your child is getting enough sleep and eating healthy. down electronics at least an hour before bedtime and keep screens out of the bedrooms. Dust off your old-school alarm clocks if you have to.
Make time to talk about feelings. Ask your child how their fay was.
Praise Good Behavior. When your child does something good, give specific praise.
Model the positive behaviors your want to see in your child.
Spring Testing Updates
Starting January 10, 2024, all Multi-lingual learners will take the ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 Assessment. This assessment measures your student's social and instructional English as well as their academic language as used in language arts, mathematics, science and social studies. Parent letters were sent home the week before winter break with more information.
iReady Reading & Mathematics
iReady is an online program for reading and mathematics that will help your student's teachers determine your student's opportunities for growth, personalize their learning and monitor progress throughout the school year. The Midyear window for iReady benchmarks starts in January 2024.
Parent Guides:
English: https://i-readycentral.com/download?res=479&view_pdf=1
Spanish: https://i-readycentral.com/download?res=480&view_pdf=1
Other Languages: https://i-readycentral.com/articles/family-resources-in-multiple-languages/#family_guide
Hopkins School Council
- The A+ Education Reform Act of 2000 established school councils in Georgia to bring communities and schools closer together in a spirit of cooperation to achieve the following: solve difficult education problems, improve academic achievement, provide support for teachers and administrators, and bring parents into the school-based decision-making process. In short, School Councils provide advice, recommendations, and assistance to principals and local boards of education. Hopkins Elementary School council meets four times a year (September, November, January, and March).
- If you are interested in joining the Hopkins School Council for the 2023 - 2024 school year, contact Noelle Gardner, Administrative Assistant, at noelle.gardner@gcpsk12.org.
Tentative Dates:
All Meetings start at 8:30am
Friday, January 19th, 2024
Friday, March 29th, 2024
Family & Community Engagement Center
Volunteer, check-out resources, and get engaged in the community! Contact Us!
Maria Miller, Parent Instructional Support Coordinator
Ingrid Abarca, Parent Outreach Liaison
Upcoming Parent Sessions
Stay Tuned on Parent Square for upcoming dates!
Maria Miller, Parent Instructional Coordinator
Ingrid Abarca, Parent Outreach Liaison
MyPaymentsPlus Sign Up
- Don't forget to sign up for your MyPaymentsPlus account! We use this platform for all school payments including contributions, field trips, club/activity dues, fundraisers, spirit shirt sales, and others!
- Also, EVERY parent/guardian will need to sign off on the GCPS and Hopkins Parent-Student Handbook through MyPaymentsPlus this year.
- Contact our Parent Center for additional support! 770-564-2661