Alameda Friday Newsletter
September 6, 2024
A Message from Principal Goldstein
September 6, 2024
Dear Families,
Despite the warm temperatures and our shortened day today, week two was a great success. Our kindergarten students have done an amazing job adjusting to their new life at Alameda. They are pretty much silent in the cafeteria (just like at home, I am sure…) and are already reading, writing, and solving problems. Our 1st through 5th graders are jumping in where they left off, and are starting to dig into iReady Math, Wit and Wisdom (ELA), and plenty more.
Yesterday we had our first fire drill of the year. The students and staff did an excellent job evacuating the building. They remained calm and were perfectly silent once they got outside. All classes meet on the field (our designated meeting location for any evacuation), where we ensure all students are accounted for, and then we provide instruction or information to the students.
In addition to monthly fire drills, we will also have school wide lockdown, earthquake, and secure the perimeter (this is when there is a threat outside) drills. Before we do any of these drills, our teachers will talk with their class about why we practice these and how to react in a real life situation. Our goal is to realize the benefits of practicing without making the practice itself a negative and scary experience. It is certainly a delicate balance, but our staff does an excellent job.
Last week I discussed our new Social-Emotional Learning curriculum. Another way we are promoting a safe and kind school climate will be to recognize positive behavior. Students will be given “Eagle Tickets” when they are seen making a positive contribution to our school community by a staff member. Our focus is around common spaces - hallway, cafeteria, and playground. The ticket will go into a jar (one jar per grade level) and a couple of times per month we will have a drawing, with the winner getting a small prize. Once the entire school collects 1,000 tickets we will have a schoolwide celebration. We all know the critical importance of hearing plenty of positives and for students to have the opportunity to model for one another. We hope this helps highlight all the great things taking place everyday at Alameda.
My apologies for the confusion and excessive email and text messages today. We are still figuring out Remind, our new system. Please see some links below to get up to speed on how you can make sure you receive all messages coming from PPS and Alameda.
I hope everyone has a nice weekend - looks like cooler temperatures are on the way!
See you Monday.
Matt GoldsteinPrincipal
Updates and Reminders
REMIND: Portland Public Schools uses Remind for two-way communication between teachers and families. This allows for text, email, push notifications, and phone calls.
If you would like to use the Remind app to receive these messages, please download the app for free by searching for Remind in your app store or https://www.remind.com/send_the_app.
Review the Getting Started with Remind guide. Additional Remind resources can also be found here.
Back to School Night: This year, we are going to try a new format for BTSN. All families, including students, are invited to visit the school. Students will be given a “passport” to move around the school, visiting all the fun and exciting spots. At each spot, students will get a stamp or sticker. At the end of the evening, all completed passports that are turned in will be entered into a raffle! Be on the lookout for any specific grade level information from your child’s teacher. We are excited to see you all then. BTSN is on Thursday, 9/26 from 5:30 - 7:00 PM
Welcome Back Picnic: We are gearing up for our welcome back picnic. We will have 5 food trucks, face painting, and more. We hope you can attend! The picnic is on Tuesday, 9/17 from 5:30 - 7:30 PM.
Breakfast: Breakfast is becoming a bit more popular and so I wanted to pass on a quick reminder. If your child comes into the building for breakfast they are expected to stay in the cafeteria until the bell rings. Students can enter the building at 7:45 AM through either the front door or the door near the library (corner of Fremont and 27th). Once students come into the cafeteria they need to stay in the cafeteria until the bell rings at 7:55 AM.
Early Release: The first early release of the year will be on Wednesday, 9/25/25. The day will end at 11:50 AM.
Principal Coffee: The first principal coffee of the year will be on Friday, 10/4/24, starting at 8:05 AM, in the cafeteria. Come hear about how the year is going and learn more about our school community. Hope you can come. Thanks to the PTA for providing coffee and snacks!
Move for the Arts: On Wednesday, 10/9/2024 we will have our 3rd Annual Move for the Arts Fundraiser. This is an opportunity for our students to spend time moving around, running, jumping, and stretching, all in the name of raising money for artist-in-residences and arts related field trips. Be on the lookout for more details, including an opportunity to help volunteer.
NO SCHOOL on Friday, 10/11/24
PTA Update
Welcome Back to School Extravaganza! Tuesday, Sept. 17, 5:30-7:30pm: The Alameda PTA is excited to host the 2nd Annual Back to School Extravaganza! We've got 5 food trucks lined up, all with a variety of kid and adult friendly foods and treats. We added more trucks this year to help reduce wait times, but families can also bring your own picnic dinners to enjoy. We'll have info tables about the various activities you can be involved in, as well as a bingo card for kids to complete. Grab a blanket or camp chairs and we'll see you there!
Join the PTA! The PTA raises money through membership dues and fundraisers to support many of the school's groups and programs, hosts fun family events, and provides support for our teachers. Please consider joining the Alameda PTA as a member! Your member dues help fund our school programming and the Oregon and National PTA, which focuses on student advocacy at the state and national level. There are other fundraisers throughout the year as well (poinsettia and hanging basket sales, etc.), or you can support with any donation of your choice. You'll hear more from us throughout the year with volunteer opportunities, family events, and other ways to be involved and stay connected with the Alameda Community! (And if you haven't yet, it's not too late to make your school supply donation!) See you at the Back to School Extravaganza!
There are multiple ways to keep in touch! Visit our website, email PTA@alamedaschool.org, follow the Alameda PTA Instagram page, or join the Alameda Families Facebook Group!
The Oregon PTA presents their monthly "From the Capitol to Our Classrooms" event series. The events bring advocates and experts together to discuss the current state of school funding in Oregon.
The next event on September 10 at 7.30pm will discuss the impact of the Student Success Act that was passed in 2019 and will feature Anna Higgins, Director of Policy and Systems Strategy, Foundations for a Better Oregon, and Scott Nine, Former Assistant Superintendent, Oregon Department of Education. Future events are in the works.
Please register to receive the Zoom invite for this and future events: bit.ly/CapitoltotheClassroom.
Recordings of past events can be found on our Oregon PTA website and will continue to be uploaded there.
If you are interested in additional information on school funding in general, check-out this 10-min explainer video or this collection of background resources.
Bike Bus Update
Bike Bus - Every Wednesday Coach Balto & parent volunteers lead the world-famous Alameda Bike Bus! Students, families, and community members bike to school "on a vast ocean of joy" as one student calls it. Click here for a route map and start times, as well as how to join the Bike Bus WhatsApp. Bikes are parked in a secure area at school (no lock needed) and are picked up after school.
PPS has Early Release Wednesdays each month
Trackers camps have you covered!
Portland Public Schools (PPS) has announced Early Release Wednesdays for the 2024-25 school year. These will occur almost every month. We understand this might disrupt your plans, but don’t worry—Trackers has got you covered. Our new PPS Early Release Day Camps are now open for registration.
To support working parents, we have made these camps as cost-effective as possible. Kids can spend their afternoons connecting with friends and learning awesome Trackers skills. They can craft in our pottery studio, build in our woodworking shop, hone their archery skills, create characters for epic role-playing games, or explore the great outdoors while connecting to nature.
Our PPS Early Release Day Camps are available at our SE and NE Portland site, with easy parent pick-up from 5 PM to 6 PM. Remember, students of our After School Program already get early release camp as part of their Wednesday membership. While you tackle your workday, your kids can have a blast learning new things—all in a safe and fun environment!
From Y-Care
Before & After School Programs 2024-2025
Dear Alameda Families,
Are you looking for a nurturing environment for your child to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally? Enroll them in our YMCA Before and After School Program conveniently located on-site at Alameda. Our programs provide a supportive atmosphere where your child can explore interests, acquire new skills, and engage in interactive learning. With dedicated staff fostering personal growth, your child will gain confidence for the future. For families looking for financial support, the YMCA accepts ERDC. The Y also has the Open Door Program, where families can apply for a discounted rate.
Current participating families will have an opportunity to register prior to the open registration date listed below. Please contact your location's Site Director for more information.
Open Registration: May 21, 7:00am