EVS Newsletter
February 2025
Principal's Notes
We are entering the second half of the school year. Students have been working hard on their mid-year benchmark testing in AimsWeb and will begin working on NWEA next week. As we look at the results of these assessments, I am really excited to see how much progress so many of our students have made. The students and teachers have been working really hard and it shows!
Next week students grades 1-4 will continue taking the NWEA mid year benchmark. We hope our students are well rested and look forward to seeing how hard they work!
Please be looking for Kindergarten and Preschool registration notification for the 2025-2026 school year. We look forward to adding a new group of Mighty Owls to our school community. Call Carol Bostwick in the office if you have any questions.
Upcoming Important Dates
January 27 - February 7 - NWEA testing Grades 1-4
February 17 - 21 - NO School February Vacation
March 20 - Early Release Day
March 21 - No school for Students - Teachers Professional Learning Day
EVS parents interested in joining PTA or volunteering for events, please click the link and fill out the form.
EVS PTA Spiritwear
If you need fresh EVS Owls gear, check out the Spirit shop: http://www.spiritshop.com/school/new-hampshire/enfield/enfield-village-school. A portion of proceeds goes to the EVS PTA! Show your EVS Spirit!
Student Support Center
At EVS, we have a student support center (SSC) where students can go when they earn a break, but it is also a place for them to go if they break a school rule and need some time to process what happened. Students meet with an adult to talk about the rule that was broken and how they will "make it right!" This can look like an apology to a student or staff member face to face, it could be a written apology, and could also be some missed recess or classroom time.
Students that need to spend time in the SSC will complete a reflection sheet about the incident. Once completed, they bring this sheet to their classroom teacher for a signature and then it will be sent home. Please have a conversation with your student about what happened and how they made it right, sign the form and send it back to school the next day.
We are working hard to ensure that our students know we are all on the same team to support them. It can be really helpful for students to know that school is sharing these things with home and that we have similar expectations about what should and should not be happening at school.
Please reach out any time with questions!