North Pole Middle School
Principal's Update - January 12, 2022
Mission Statement
Hello Parents and Families
This installment of our newsletter specifically involves COVID, I realize this isn't the most popular of topics but I do want to make you aware of resources that are now available for enrolled students at North Pole Middle School.
The School District in partnership with the State has secured at home COVID tests for enrolled students. You are not required to request a test but if you feel you might need one for your student we have them available to you, free of charge, here at the school to take home and perform yourself.
On our NPM webpage, NPM Webpage you will see a "button" called, "At Home Covid Test Kits". (Photo below for reference.)
Clicking that button will take you to a short form that asks for basic information about you and asks that you report any positive results to the state. It is also expected that you will report any positive results back to the school as well. The district is hoping that having these tests available for home use will help reduce the number of ill students that are at school.
See below for important information about eighth grade transitions to high school, volleyball open gym and tryouts and much more.
Take care all.
Rich Smith, Principal
January 10 - January 14 Schedule
8th Grade Transition Information to North Pole High School
8th grade students will visit NPH on January 19 and 20th in two separate groups. Groupings will be based on your student's fourth period class. Transportation to and from NPH will be done at the school level.
NO SCHOOL Monday, January 17th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Volleyball Open Gym for Boys and Girls
Students must have the following documents to participate:
- Concussion Acknowledgement Form (good for the school year)
- Sports Physical (good for 18 months)
- Activity Consent Form (needs to be completed for each activity a student participates in)
Volleyball Tryouts for Boys and Girls
Students must have the following documents to participate:
- Concussion Acknowledgement Form (good for the school year)
- Sports Physical (good for 18 months)
- Activity Consent Form (needs to be completed for each activity a student participates in)
After School Homework Help
School Start Times and Availability
Our new school start and end times for students are 7:50 a.m. to 2:20 p.m.
Students can be dropped off in the morning at 7:00 a.m. at which time doors will be opened.
Students should plan on leaving the school by 2:35 p.m. unless they are in an after school activity sponsored by school staff.
Morning Drop Off & Afternoon Pickup
Bus Deviations
A bus deviation is a request for your student to ride a bus that they aren't registered for already and that they don't usually ride.
A few helpful hints on how to request a bus deviation:
- It MUST be requested in writing via notes, email (contact-npm@k12northstar.org) or fax to 907-488-9213. Students may NOT write their own notes.
- If you send one by email, you will get a reply saying we received it. If you don’t get a reply please call 488-2271. Bus deviations must be submitted by 1:00 p.m. If it is an early release day bus deviations must be submitted by 11:30 a.m. If you submit an email after 11:00 a.m., please call to confirm receipt.
-Your request needs to have the following information on it:
- Your student's name
- Bus number (route) and the name of the street it stops at (if you don't know this, you can call the transportation office at 907-452-2000 and select option 4)
- How long the deviation is good for (just that day or for the whole school year as needed)
- Parent's name and contact information
- Our fax number is:(907)488-9213
- Email requests to: contact-npm@k12northstar.org
Activities and Clubs
Click the button below to get information on our current athletics and clubs in addition to scheduled competitions and meetings dates.
Breakfast/Lunch Time
Reminder that both breakfast and lunches are free for ALL STUDENTS for the 2021-2022 school year, no paperwork and no strings attached. The link for our Nutrition Services Department is here, https://www.k12northstar.org/nutrition if you would like more information.
Any “a-la-cart” items that the cafeteria may sell will be sold to students and that money will come out of their lunch account. Information about the cost of items can be found below. This link, https://k12northstar.nutrislice.com/menu/menus-eula will take you to a list of all schools in the district so you can see each schools’ breakfast and lunch menu if you are interested.
Misc. Dates
- February 21 - No School, Professional Development Day
- February 22 & 23 - No School, Parent Teacher Conferences. Information on times and structures to come.
Contact Us
School Hours 7:50 a.m. - 2:20 p.m.
Email: contact-npm@k12northstar.org
Website: https://www.k12northstar.org/northpoleM
Location: 300 East 8th Avenue, North Pole, AK, USA
Phone: 907-488-2271
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/North-Pole-Middle-School-143414512397583/?scrlybrkr=0eca0abe