Panther Pamphlet
October 27th, 2024
Principal's Corner
Parkwood Weekly Updates
- Picture Retakes are Tuesday, October 29th.
- There is no School this Friday November 1st.
- Who: Peep-3rd Grade,
- 4th and 5th graders will watch the parade.
- What: Parkwood UpJohn Literacy Parade showing off costumes students made at school. Please don't send in costumes from home for these students.
- When: Tuesday, Oct. 31, parents may start lining the parade route around 2:30. The actual parade will start walking at 2:45
- Where: Students will begin the parade exiting out the doors closest to the garden. They will go down Inkster, make a right onto Crane and then make the final right at Parkwood until they reach the school.
- Students may be signed out after the parade. We will have tables with sign out sheets before the parade begins. Please find these tables and put any children and/or siblings down that you would like to sign out after the parade. During the parade I will put all the names on a spreadsheet and send it out to teachers. After the parade, parents will wait by the front doors. Teachers will bring students to their class, check the spreadsheet and send any students who are being signed out, out through the front doors. We will have multiple staff outside and in the halls to help students find their families. This is the same process we had started to implement last year during performances and it worked well.
- 4th and 5th grade will hold low level activities as designated by their individual class teacher. They will communicate their specific class plans to families directly.
- Any costume weapons or scary costume elements should not be brought/worn to school. If for some reason they accidentally make their way to school, adults will hold on to them until it's time to go home.
- Ms. Fields 4th grade class will be at the nature center Monday and Tuesday. Ms. White will be at the nature center Wednesday and Thursday. If your child is one of these classes, make sure you are at school right when the bell rings so you don't miss the bus at 9.
- Thanks again and I hope everyone has a fantastic week!
-Principal Jessica Rosecrans
(269) 337-0720
5th Grade Camp
5th Grade Camp- Tuesday, December 3rd- Friday, December 6th.
Here are some dates to remember:
Thursday, November 21st- Student meeting with camp representatives during school. Students will view a slide show about camp and hear about the various activities and principles of camp.
Thursday, November 21st- Virtual Parent meeting with Sherman Lake at 6:00 p.m.
You will learn about the camp experience and have any questions answered. The link will also be sent out again on Remind, so please make sure you are connected to your child’s class.Tuesday, December 3rd- Friday, December 6th- Fifth graders will attend Sherman Lake Camp.
5th Grade students will return on Friday, December 6th between 2:00-2:30. They will most likely be tired and can be picked up at that time.
Below is the registration packet for Sherman Lake. Please take time to review the packet and turn in the registration forms.
This information will be sent out to you again in teacher newsletters as well. Thanks!
Community in Schools - Girls on The Run Coaches
Girls on the Run is looking for Coaches!
Coach Applications are now open for Girls on the Run! The program begins in March, and each Parkwood team requires 3 coaches to get started. You do not need to be a runner; you simply need to have a desire to support and encourage the next generation of female athletes. Email geikenperezmc@kalamazoopublicschools.net for more information or apply here: https://www.girlsontherunkazoo.org/coach.
Save the Date
Dates to Remember:
Oct 28th- 29th- Ms. Fields Class at Nature Center
Oct 29th- Picture Retakes
Oct 30th-31st- Ms. White's Class at Nature Center
Oct. 31st-Peep-3rd grade Literacy Parade line the sidewalk 2:45
No 1st K-12 No School
Nov 5th- 3rd through 5th grade field trip @ Miller Auditorium
Nov 6th- Kindergarten through 2nd grade field trip @ Miller Auditorium
Nov 8th- KPL brings Mobile Library to Parkwood for Kindergarten
Nov 15th K-12 No School records day
Nov 26th K-12 half day Dismissal at 12:06
Nov 27th No School
Nov 28th-29th No School Thanksgiving Break
Dec 11th- K-12 Half Day Dismissal at 12:06
Dec 23rd- Jan 3 Winter Break