The Bolt
Franklin's Family Newsletter

May 24, 2024
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Friday, May 24th, 6:00pm, Auditorium: Franklin Film School Narrative Capstone Screening
Saturday, May 25th, 7:00-10:00pm, REDD on Salmon, 831 SE Salmon: Senior Prom (Chaperones Needed)
Monday, May 27th: Memorial Day/NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, May 28th, 6:00pm, Auditorium: Franklin Film School Documentary Capstone Screening
Friday, May 31st, 3:30-6:00pm: 6th Annual Franklin 'Ohana Luau/Pacific Islander Festival
Friday, May 31st: Last Day for Seniors (See IMPORTANT Clearance/Grad Ticket Info Below)
Friday, May 31st: Last Day to Complete the Successful Schools Survey
Monday, June 3rd, 11:00am-7:00pm, 2845 E Burnside: Franks-A-Lot/PTSA Restaurant Partnership
Tuesday, June 4th, 7:30pm, Providence Park: Class of 2024 Graduation
Wednesday, June 12th: Finals, Periods 1/2/4
Thursday, June 13th: Finals, Periods 5/6/8
Friday, June 14th: Finals, Periods 3/7
Dear Franklin Families,
We can’t believe there are only 4 more days left of school for our seniors! As I shared at the Senior Recognition Assembly on Thursday we are so proud of you and your accomplishments. I love speaking with seniors about their plans after high school. Thank you for sharing your plans with me! Be sure to read through the Bolt newsletter for more details about Senior Clearance Day on Friday, May 31st to learn about what is needed before acquiring graduation tickets.
There is still time to take the Successful Schools Survey. The window for the survey closes on Friday, May 31st. Parents and families can still enter the gift card drawing by emailing me that you have completed the survey. We will draw the names for the raffle during the first week of June and let you know if you are a winner.
Have a great three-day weekend!
Thank you,
Dr. Z
NEW: Read Issue 7 of The Franklin Post!
This academic year's final issue of the Franklin Post is in classrooms, online, and being mailed out to subscribers! This print and color issue reflects the hard work of both incoming and outgoing editors and writers. Head to to read it!
Please help us congratulate this year's Franklin Post graduating seniors: Ava Anderson, Gigi Bareilles, Eloise Beauvais, Emmet Bolls, Wrigley Cook, Hazel Karon Snow, Lucas Lash, Jesse Miller, Dominic Papworth, Opal Rockett, Elliot Silva, Alyson Sutherland, Hazel Weisberg. Thank you for your contributions and best wishes in the future!
UPDATE: Yearbooks Are Here!
If you pre-ordered a yearbook and did not pick it up at Franklin Fest, you can get it from the bookkeeper (M-136) or Elizabeth in the main office between 8:00am-4:00pm (NOT during class time). ID numbers are required to get your book.
If you DID NOT pre-order a yearbook and would like to be put on a waitlist to purchase one, you should contact the bookkeeper ASAP. Very limited sales will happen next week, and seniors are being prioritized.
Follow the yearbook on Instagram for further updates.
FHS Film School Screenings
The Capstone Documentary Film Screenings will be the following Tuesday, May 28th at 6:00pm. Both events are free! Please enjoy several of the documentary film posters here.
Prom Chaperones Needed
NEW: Franklin 'Ohana Luau
You are invited to the 2024 Franklin 'Ohana Luau. At this festival, students (both Pacific Islanders and students who are interested in the culture) facilitate authentic Hawaiian activities for the community to participate in including Hawaiian Olympic Games, Hawaiian Mythology/Storytelling, and Hawaiian crafts.
This event will take place at the Franklin Gym on Friday, May 31st from 3:30-6:00pm. It’s free to attend and authentic Hawaiian food will be provided from Noho’s Hawaiian Grill.
The luau will also have a Konane Tournament. Konane is an ancient Hawaiian Strategy game which is a blend between Checkers and Chess. We have been selling these Konane games all year. Now, it's time to take those skills and earn prizes. Players in the tournament will be divided into three divisions: beginner, intermediate, and expert. If you would like to learn the rules, feel free to watch the instructional video that Mr. Stroup and Mr. Garcia made. If you are interested in participating in the tournament, please fill out this survey so brackets can be created.
FINAL UPDATE: PTSA Spring Appeal Success!
Thank you Franklin Community for rallying together to ensure the PTSA can fund $10,000 in grants for the 2024-25 school year. We set a goal of raising $10,000 and we are thrilled to announce that we have met that goal!
Of course no donation is too late, and every extra dollar will be used to further enhance the student & staff experience at FHS. If you feel inclined to continue to help with your tax-deductible donation please donate through SchoolPay with zero fees or via Square. If you own a business that’s considering a sponsorship or are an individual that would like to help develop sponsorships, contact Joy at for more details.
ONE WEEK LEFT: Successful Schools Survey
The annual Successful Schools Survey allows us to gather data to make informed decisions about school climate and culture. Students and family members, please take a few minutes to share your experience so Franklin administrators can set goals for the future. The end date for the survey is Friday, May 31st.
Case of Pertussis
A case of whooping cough (also known as pertussis) was confirmed last week at Franklin.
What is whooping cough? Whooping cough is an infection that causes severe coughing. It spreads easily in groups. Infants and young children can become very ill with this infection, but anyone, young or old, can become ill. Most people get a shot to prevent whooping cough, but protection wears off over time.
Symptoms: The illness usually begins with cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose or an irritating
cough. The cough can become severe, with violent episodes of coughing, and can last for weeks to
months. Sometimes there can be a “whooping” sound in young children, and some people vomit after coughing. Usually, there is no fever.
If you or your child has symptoms, or you have other questions or concerns, please call the Metropolitan Area Pertussis Surveillance program at 503-988-3406. For more information see:
NEW: Healthcare Resources
- 211info
- Coalition of Community Health Clinics
- Multnomah County Free Community Vaccination Clinic (Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays)
(English) (Spanish) (Vietnamese) (Chinese) (Russian) (Somali) Neighborhood Pharmacy- Many of Oregon pharmacies offer immunizations to adults, adolescents, and children (7 and older).
Insurance- Most health insurance plans cover the cost of vaccines. If you have insurance, you can always call your insurance company to see if you're covered. If you need help finding medical coverage for your child or yourself, visit or call 1-800-318-2596.
The Multnomah County Student Health Centers, including the one right here at Franklin, is like having a regular doctor’s office at school. They serve all K-12 Multnomah County youth ages 5 to 18 with or without insurance. There are no out-of-pocket costs for their services, and they welcome everyone, regardless of immigration status.
Graduation Volunteers
It's that time of year again, and we need help from families or younger students to make the Franklin High School 2024 Commencement on Tuesday, June 4th a success! Please review the available volunteer opportunities and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
Narcan Available in Student Health Center
Naloxone, also known as Narcan, is a life-saving medicine that can reverse an opioid overdose. Any student can come to the student health center for a visit and get this medicine for free during their appointment, along with training on how to use it. Stop by the student health center in room M-138 to make an appointment, or call 503-988-3370.
Spring Break in Paris 2026!
We are beginning to organize our biennial Paris trip and there are many benefits to starting early. If you're interested, please sign up here for our virtual meeting on Wednesday, May 29th at 6:30pm. For any questions, please reach out to Dana Miller.
NEW: IMPORTANT Senior Clearance Info
In order to graduate and receive guest graduation tickets, every senior must be academically cleared, return all materials/equipment, clear all accounts, return all technology including chromebooks, hotspots, cords, and pay fees. TO streamline this process, all seniors will need to attend Senior Clearance in the Library on Friday, May 31st. The schedule will be as follows:
- 8:30 - 10:00am: Last Names P - Z (Counselors Triplett & Bridges)
- 10:10 - 11:30am: Last Names Ham - O (Counselors Toderick & McLaughlin)
- 12:25 - 1:50pm: Last Names A - Hal (Counselors Huerta & Headley)
Attendance will be taken every period and the expectation is that seniors return to class following Senior Clearance.
Please read the letter below for more information regarding technology and library returns. Failure to return all school-issued items may result in the withholding of your diploma. We appreciate your cooperation.
Graduation Tickets
Starting today, the link at the QR Code below will be open for students and parents to request up to 10 free tickets to graduation. Once seniors have officially cleared on Friday, May 31st, tickets will be issued through SeatGeek to the email provided.
IMPORTANT: You must download the SeatGeek app to be able to receive your tickets.
REMINDER: Senior Letter & Calendar
Class of 2024, graduation is quickly approaching and we want to be sure you are kept up to date about all of the important dates coming up. Please bookmark this letter, print it out to hang on your fridge, and/or reference it often on the Senior Corner portion of the website.
LAST CHANCE: Senior Lawn Signs
Be sure to purchase your senior lawn sign (great for windows too!) before they sell out. Once you have reserved your sign online ($20), please email to arrange a pick-up time.
Franklin Athletic Boosters May Newsletter
Click the link below to read FAB's May 2024 Newsletter, with important year-end updates, including a volunteer appreciation party on Wednesday, May 29th!
NEW: Cultural Exchange Opportunity
Franklin families, you have the opportunity to host an Italian student and enjoy a true cultural exchange. Then, your child will be invited to Italy in the summer of 2025! Ergon specializes in a rigorous selection process ensuring that students are responsible, adaptable, respectful, willing to integrate in their host family. Students are fully insured and arrive with credit card for all expenses, including recreation activities and vacations. We devote great care to matching students with host families. For parents and children alike, the experience of sharing their home with an Italian student often leads to lifelong friendships. To complete the cultural exchange, your son or daughter will enjoy an-all expense paid vacation to visit the family of your Italian student in the summer of 2025. Ergon sponsors the flight! Please read the link below for all the details!
NEW: SE 59th & Woodward Traffic Change
The Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) plans to install an intersection improvement close to Franklin at SE 59th Avenue and SE Woodward Street. This is a traffic safety improvement project to support the city’s Safe Routes to School and Neighborhood Greenway networks. The project will add a traffic island in the middle of SE 59th Avenue to reduce the amount of space in the roadway. PBOT has received reports of dangerous driving at the intersection and this traffic safety improvement should eliminate the space that allows people to do donuts with their vehicles. The image above shows the proposed changes to the intersection. There will be no changes to parking or traffic operations. People can still use SE 59th Avenue to travel north from and south to SE Woodward Street. Construction of the intersection improvement is scheduled for later in 2024. More project information is available on a program website, Upcoming Program Highlight:
Why install an intersection improvement?
• SE Woodward Street is a priority safe route to school street and a neighborhood greenway that prioritizes bicycling and walking.
• The large area street area in the intersection encourages fast speeds and makes walking, biking, and rolling less safe.
• Community members developed project ideas and have interest in creating a safer street.
We run items in The Bolt family newsletter for two weeks unless there is a good
reason to run them longer. To submit an item, fill out this form by 4pm on Thursday.
You can find past issues of The Bolt on the FHS website or on our Smore homepage.
There is a lot going on at Franklin. Make sure to download Trivory, bookmark the
FHS website, and follow the PTSA Facebook page for the latest information.