Paw Prints
Westridge Elementary
From the Office
We are excited to share some wonderful news! Our recent accreditation visit from the Nebraska Frameworks team went exceptionally well. The visiting team was highly impressed with our school's commitment to providing a high-quality education for our students. They complemented our staff for their dedication, our students for their enthusiasm, and our parents for their support. We are proud of our school community and the hard work that goes into making it a success. Thank you for your continued support.
We enjoyed our author visit from Troy Cummings on Monday. Troy did a great job of sharing this talents with the students and teaching them about the writing process. Students also learned how to draw some crazy monsters. It was a great author visit!
I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Thank you,
Ryan Broshar
Principal- Westridge Elementary
402-289-2559, rbroshar@epsne.org
Important Events
November 21st- EPS District Spelling Bee @ 4:00 (TTCC building)
November 27th- 29th- No School, Thanksgiving Break
December 6th- Westridge Movie Night
December 23rd-January 3rd- No School, Winter Break
Subscribe to our calendar at- WR Calendar
Square1 Art
Hello Family,
Coming home to you soon is your child's custom catalog for the Square 1 Art fundraiser catalog - featuring their own name and art on the cover, WITH FREE STICKERS OF THEIR ART!
Get a head start, and start ordering keepsakes and gifts featuring your child's art online NOW, if you like! Simply search for your child's art using Art Search, and enter state, school name, and your student's name. Your student's art and code will appear, and you may order! NEW - *Ship to Home FREE. (*Customer pays a small processing fee at checkout and order ships to home.)
Order by: 11/25/2024
Upload additional art if you like, using Art Upload!
If you have questions, or need anything at all, contact customer care online .
Thank you for supporting our school!
Olivia Harder
Square 1 Art fundraiser coordinator
Westridge Elementary
Destination Imagination
2024-2025 Westridge Destination Imagination Signup
What is Destination Imagination?
“DI” is a nation-wide creative problem-solving program. DI is dedicated to providing opportunities for children to work together to solve unusual and stimulating challenges. It is the belief that the creativity, persistence, and cooperation needed to complete these challenges will empower students to be more successful problem solvers in their own lives and in future problem solving situations.
How does Destination Imagination work?
Teams of up to seven students will work on a long-term challenge. The challenges are developed by the national organization and, therefore, are the same throughout the country. Each team will be assigned a challenge to work on throughout the year. In addition, each team will be responsible for a Spontaneous Problem Solving Situation, an Instant Challenge. These situations will be presented to the teams the day of the competition.
How much time is needed to dedicate to Destination Imagination?
DI is a time commitment. Teams meet once a week for hour at a time determined by the volunteer Team Manager. As competition time draws closer, the frequency and duration of the meetings may increase.
Where are meetings held?
EPS requires students to meet at school.
When are meetings held?
This is dependent on the volunteer Team Manager and their schedule. I do not have this information in advance.
When are the competitions?
Regionals- February 22 Columbus Middle School
State- April 5 at University of Nebraska Kearney
Want More Information?
Check out the DI You Tube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/user/DIGlobalFinals). It has many videos showing DI in action.
*Each participant is required to pay a $20 activity fee. Nebraska DI does not allow for refunds so we will be unable to offer refunds as well.
Westridge PTO Information
Hello Westridge Families,
Thank you to everyone that attended our meeting this week! Here are the minutes from the November meeting. Reminder there will be no meeting in December, the next PTO meeting will be Tuesday, January 7th at 6:30pm.
It was fun to see smiling faces at our McDonalds restaurant night last night, thank you to the families that were able to make it and support our school!
Butter braid fundraiser sales have started! Butter braids are a delicious puff pastry that are perfect for the holidays. Orders will be open until December 2nd and items will be delivered and ready to pick up after school on Wednesday, December 11th.
As always, thank you for your participation and support in the fun activities and events to benefits our school and students. We appreciate you!
How can you stay in the know? Follow us on Facebook at
For Reminders and updates that come straight to your phone, please TEXT @wewildcat to 81010
Megan Cain, PharmD
All About Westridge...
Email: rbroshar@epsne.org
Website: https://www.elkhornweb.org/westridge/
Location: 3100 North 206th Street, Elkhorn, NE, USA
Phone: 402-289-2559
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElkhornPSWR/
Twitter: @ElkhornPS_WR