Bobcat News
Week of October 14, 2024
Spread Kindness Like Confetti
Parents, Teachers, and Students
We encourage all students and staff to wear ORANGE on Unity Day - Wednesday, October 16 to promote kindness and acceptance, and send a visible message that no child should endure bullying.
As we wrap up an exciting, informative, and inclusive Hispanic Heritage Month and prepare for spooky things at the end of October, please remember that hoodies, blankets, and slippers are not dress code items and should be left at home.
Guidance Counselors have begun Individual Grade Plans (IGP) for junior students. This means it is also time for juniors to register for the ACT or SAT. Tentatively, the date for the ACT will be Tuesday, February 25, 2025 and the SAT will be Wednesday, March 5, 2025.
See "Testing Information" for more details.
Bobcats in Action
Highlights from our incredible Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration
Mrs. Helms' class won the door decorating contest
Gabe Chirigliano performing his own arrangement
Jocelyn Rizo dazzling with historical dance performance
Quinceañera fashion and tradition.
Futbol stars showing off their skills
Presented in English and Spanish by Genesis and Sasha
Important Events
NHS Trunk or Treat needs YOU
Option 1- Trunk sponsors can decorate their vehicle’s trunk and hand out goodies themselves.
Option 2- SPONSOR A TRUNK by donating $100 worth of candy. A special trunk will be designed by our students and will display your business logo or name as the sponsoring trunk!
To register yourself, your business, or your club, please access this Google Form https://forms.gle/jVKnTF4GAbSJ4UYe6
Candy Collection
Bobcat students have been issued a challenge!
If they donate 500 bags of Halloween size candy by October 22 they will earn a dress down day.
Deliver all candy to Ms. Masotti in room 1026 before or after school.
Purchase your tickets for Bluffton Spirit Night
Click the photo for the link
Last week of College Recruitment Season
Stop by the following College Recruiter/Academic Counselor table during your lunch:
October 17 - University of Alabama
Juniors & Seniors: check your grade level Google Classroom for details.
October 18 - College Application Day at BLHS (seniors only)
USCB College Fair
University of South Carolina at Beaufort is hosting a college fair on Thursday, October 24. There will be more than 70 colleges and universities in attendance.
The is event is open to Juniors and Seniors - sign up in your grade level google classroom.
Buy your 2024-25 Yearbook now
The price will increase from $65 to $80 on October 31. There are a limited number of yearbooks in production so don't wait until the last minute. Go to yearbookforever.com and search for Bluffton High School. Select your package and personalization, you can also create a personal or business ad.
For some, the cost of a yearbook is out of their financial reach - if able, you can also donate a yearbook to a deserving student at the same website.
Club Happenings
YIG T-shirts for sale
The Youth in Government delegates are selling this year’s student designed club shirts to friends, family, and teachers to help defray the cost. At $25.00 per shirt, the proceeds can be earmarked for a specific YIG student (indicate this on the order form), or go towards the overall program. ORDER FORM
Payment can be made to Lori Martz our Campus Financial Specialist in the form of cash, check, or online school payment using the following link or scan the QR code: https://osp.osmsinc.com/p/CV098-908
Band Fundraiser
The BLHS band program is selling fresh holiday evergreens to raise money to help cover travel costs. These wreaths and evergreens are handcrafted from the boughs of trees grown high in the Cascade Mountains. They’re full, fragrant, and rich in color—perfect for your front door or above the mantle. They also make great gifts! Orders must be placed by November 10th and ship directly to you; no pickup required!
Your support makes a big difference. Click the link below to place your order!
Bobcat Athletics
Go to the Bobcat Athletics Website for
All Sports Schedules
Purchase Tickets
Athletic Packets
Booster Club Membership and Sponsorship
South Carolina High School League information and more
Scan or click the QR to go directly to Hometown Ticketing
Girls Cross Country placed 15th out of 50 at the Alexander/Asics Invitational
Boys Cross Country placed 22nd out of 50 at the Alexander/Asics Inviatational
Swim Team State Qualifiers
Congratulations to our girls and boys swim team state qualifiers listed below. The girls will compete on 10/15 at 6:00 PM and the boys will compete on 10/17 at 6:00 PM. Both meets are at University of South Carolina Blatt Pool!
Girls: Emilia Sorondo, Finlay Wrobel, Ariel Haina, Vivian Shave
Boys: Jack Shave, Andrew Gerschutz, Sam Deaton, Brian Milton, Erik Torido
Celebrate With Us!
October Student of the Month - Brady Sacha
Brady is a senior and sets a superb example for Bobcat Nation. You can find him everywhere the sports action is, capturing the spirit of competition and Bobcat Pride, excelling in the classroom, and dominating on the golf course. Brady is proof that it's better to be a Bobcat.
October Teacher of the Month - Brandon Sligh
Mr. Sligh teaches Media Technology and is the mastermind behind our newly established morning news program. Students rave about his classes and the essential communication skills that translate to real world benefits.
October Staff of the Month - Rosario Rivera
Ms. Rivera is our Registrar and incredible part of our Guidance Team. She does the absolute most to ensure smooth processing for our Bobcat families and her efforts are truly commendable.
Bobcat of the Month proudly sponsored by Outback Steakhouse
LCAHY Weekly Wellness
Testing Information
The ACT for registered seniors is Tuesday, October 15
Benchmark assessments for Algebra, Biology, and US History are ongoing.
AAPPL registration will be coming out soon for those juniors and seniors who wish to test for the bilingual seal of literacy. Students and parents should watch for a bright arrow message with the link to the registration.
SAT tentative date is February 25, 2025
ACT tentative date is March 5, 2025
For junior students who have an IEP, 504, or ILLAP plan, please see your teacher/coordinator to see if you are eligible for accommodations. Accommodations are not automatically given for these tests. You must apply for them. If you have a plan with sanctioned testing accommodations, please see your teacher, your counselor, Ms. Pacifico, Ms. Taylor, or Dr. Womble immediately.
Registration links for the SAT and ACT are in the Junior's Google Classroom.
Register by January 9, 2025
Partners in Education
Be a Bobcat Partner in Education
Details about how to support the Bobcats and various incentives for your partnership can be found in the document linked below.