Fernbrook Elementary School PTO
Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Upcoming Virtual General PTO Meeting
Upcoming Virtual PTO Meeting: Wednesday, January 22, 2025 | 7:00 PM
Join us for the opportunity to get informed, share ideas and connect with members of the Fernbrook community. Please RSVP to Sam Skokandich at: recordingsecretary@fernbrookpto.org. Sam will email you the meeting agenda and the meeting link and password for Google Meet.
We hope to see you all there!
Fifth Grade Movie Night Event
The Fernbrook PTO and Fifth Grade Committee are proud to announce our next Fifth Grade event of the school year, "Fifth Grade Movie Night" on Friday, January 24, 2025 at 6:30 PM (Movie will begin promptly at 7:00 PM) at the Fernbrook School Cafeteria.
This is NOT a drop off event: A parent/guardian must stay with the child for the duration of the event.
For $12 per student (parent/guardian is free), there will be water and a snack provided to all students courtesy of the Fifth Grade Committee. A concession stand will have additional snacks for cash purchase. Make sure to remember to bring your blanket and/or a chair to the event.
The movie will be selected through a poll of the Fifth Grade Class. The title will be announced shortly.
Note: Only Fernbrook Fifth Grade Students can attend these events! The pre-registration deadline is Wednesday, January 22, 2025.
Questions? Email the Fifth Grade Committee at: grade5committee@fernbrookpto.org
Save the Date - Second Annual Fernbrook Hero Dance
The PTO is pleased to announce the return of the Annual Hero Dance to Fernbrook! On Friday, February 7, 2025, we will be hosting a dance for all students and one special adult in their life. Registration will open later this month to attend the event and also to assist as a volunteer at the event.
Questions? Please email events@fernbrookpto.org and they will be happy to assist you with them.
Fifth Grade Fundraiser Event: For All Students!!!
Join your Fernbrook friends at NJ Battle Zones (in Randolph) on February 17, 2025 at 2:00 PM for an exciting (and safe) 90 minutes of fun to support the Fernbrook Fifth Graders.
A portion of the admission fee ($36.25) will go toward the fifth-grade students for their end of the year events. Please register for the event ahead of time, but walk-ins will be welcome.
Questions about the event? Please email the Fifth Grade Committee at: grade5committee@fernbrookpto.org
Recap: Thank You: Outreach Committee
The Fernbrook Winter Drive Outreach Initiative was a tremendous success! The Outreach Committee would like to extend a huge THANK YOU to all of the families that contributed to the drive. We were able to provide gift cards, warm winter jackets, hats, and gloves to ten of our very own Fernbrook families in need.
We could not have done this without the help of our wonderful school nurse, Mrs. Jennifer Cutri and the support of Dr. Bernal and Mrs. Amin.
In addition, the PTO Executive Board would also like to send a special THANK YOU to the members of the Outreach Committee: Jodi McLean and Kelly Meola. We appreciate all of the time you put into the planning and execution for this effort.
Fernbrook School PTO Executive Board
Brittany Bassett | Co-President
Nina Lifshey | Co-President
Loren Darzano | Administrative Vice President
Dana Pineiro | Treasurer
Samantha Skokandich | Recording Secretary
Melissa Issa | Corresponding Secretary