Monday Kick-Off
Horn Frog Nation
August 19, 2024
Dear Family,
I hope you had a peaceful and relaxing weekend. Continue to get to know your students and their families. Moving forward continue to build your room communities and positive relationships. I understand we are still waiting on curriculum. If your students are able to access the curriculum online, please have them do that for now. If your students cannot access the online curriculum and you need to make copies, please plan ahead.
To Do's:
- You must complete your required annual training and upload your certificates to Eduphoria by September 13th.
- Make it your morning habit to open up your email and calendar. Take a minute to look over your emails and what is on your calendar for the day. We all will have required meetings (504 & ARD) in the next couple of weeks of school.
- It looks like speech will be on Wednesdays. The dyslexia & interventionist schedules have not been sent to me yet. Once the schedules are released I will share them with you.
- If you have not had your students log into their computers yet, please have them do so this week. Please assign computers to students and keep a roster. If you have any problems with logging in please let me know. If you do not have enough computers in your cart, let me know.
"Though you can't always drive improvements through other people and sometimes not even through a team. You can always be an example of Improvement. Remember the way the word is spelled says it the best, "IMPROVEMENT BEGINS WITH I." - Lean Strategies International LLV
With gratitude,
Dr. Wendy Gamble
Belief Statements
We Believe
STUDENTS are engaged partners in a challenging, relevant education provided within a safe and nurturing environment.
PARENTS and FAMILIES are invited, informed, and engaged educational partners.
FACULTY and STAFF MEMBERS are invested professionals who are equipped and supported to inspire lifelong learners.
Essential Five
Vision-Mission-Essential Five
We will maximize the time that we do have with our students and focus on the Essential Five.
- Identify desired results
- Determine acceptable evidence
- Plan learning experiences & instruction
2. Prioritize small group instruction over whole group instruction.
- It allows you to react & respond in real time on a personalized level to questions, misconceptions, & successes.
3. Post & review learning targets everyday with your students.
- Tell them what you want them to learn, and how they will know they learned it.
4. Model the concept or skill.
- Always provide plenty of practice together and independently.
- Questioning
- Observations
- Monitoring small group discussions
- Facilitate small group instruction
2024-2025 Academic Goals
Student Achievement
Where we are
STAAR Reading 23-24: 16% DNM, 31% Approached, 27% Meet, 26% Mastered
STAAR Math 23-24: 30% DNM, 33% Approached, 26% Meet, 11% Mastered
STAAR Science 23-24: 48% DNM, 35% Approached, 13% Meet, 4% Mastered
Where we are going
Grades 3 - 8: % of Nolan Creek students will meet the approaches performance level, % will reach the meets performance level and % will reach the masters performance level in all subjects as measured by the STAAR.
Grades K -2: % Above % At % Below % Well Below as measured by mClass.
BOY Measure 2024
mClass K-2: % Well Below, % Below,% At Grade level, % Above Grade Level
Math IXL: 1 Far Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above
ELAR IXL: % Far Below, % Below, % At Grade Level, % Above
MOY Measure 2024 - 2025
mClass K-2: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
Math IXL: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
ELAR IXL: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
Math Interim: % DNM, % Approach, % Meet, % Master
RLA Interim: % DNM, % Approach, % Meet, % Master
Science Interim: % DNM, % Approach, % Meet, % Master
EOY Measure 2025
mClass K-2: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
Math IXL: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
E:LAR IXL: % Well Below, % Below, % At Grade level, % Above Grade level
Staff Birtdays
The following Horn Frog(s) are celebrating a birthday this summer:
Jamie Martinez 14th
Kimberly Beshansky 28th
We hope you enjoy your special day!
Previous Newsletters
May 20 https://secure.smore.com/n/8w4gm
July 29 https://secure.smore.com/n/3sdrv
August 5 https://secure.smore.com/n/h8exk
Principal Wendy Gamble
Email: wendy.gamble@orendaeducation.org
Website: https://www.nolancreekschool.org/
Location: 505 E Ave C Belton TX. 76513
Work Phone: 254-939-4491
Cell Phone: 254-833-1205