Sea Lion Spotlight
Malibu Elementary Parent Newsletter #15 - November 18, 2024
Table of Contents
2. Highlights - Photos of Recent Events
3. Important Dates - Coming Soon
4. Looking farther forward - Events to anticipate farther out in time
5. Articles - Timely information for parents
6. More Highlights
7. Useful Resources and Links
Principal's Pen
Hello MES Families,
The Holiday Season is ramping up everywhere and at MES too. Zoe's Lunchtime Theater for 1st through 3rd grade students launches next week on Monday with the Nutcracker. The final production is in the calendar below. The Holiday Show is back too. This year we welcome theater teachers Maureen Ganz and Cassie Copperfield-Sloser to lead rehearsals and the show. This all starts in December and the show date is in the calendar. PTA Room Parents will soon be organizing holiday parties. Please see our "Holiday Party" guidelines in the articles below. Lastly, the MBGC has launched their annual Holiday Toy and Provisions Drive. These details are also in an article below.
Parents may use the Aeries Parent Portal to access their child's trimester Star Assessment scores. Please see the steps here. This information is also found in the Parent Handbook.
For the safety of our youngest students, we have added sliding gate locks on our main front pedestrian gates. Please note that there are signs on those gates directing all visitors to always leave campus by checking out within the office. These locks cannot be reset from the outside. So, if you are on campus during school hours and are then leaving, please do not unlock these gates. Rather, check out with office staff. Thank you for helping us with safety.
Speaking of safety, I am frequently asked by parents and staff to write to parents about parking lot safety. Please always drive carefully in the school parking lot. If you see another moving slowly or stopped, it may be because there is a child in front of that car (either in the crosswalk or jaywalking). Remember, don't hurry. Rather, be cautious. Thank you for helping to create and maintain a culture of safety at MES.
Lastly, please enjoy a few photos of our various data-collection field trips to Little Dume Beach. Our Marine Science program is designed to help our students see themselves as knowledgeable stewarts of the sea. There are also photos of our 5th grade students Isla and Madden who were selected to receive this year's Optimist Awards. We are proud of our students.
Thank you for your partnership,
Proud Principal Chris Hertz
Important Dates Coming Soon
24-25 Academic Calendar
24-25 PTA Calendar
24-25 Malibu Community Events Calendar
Thur 11/21 - PTA Members Meeting / 8:30 - 9:30 @ cafeteria (Agenda: forthcoming)
- SSC Meeting / 3:30 - 4:45 (Draft Agenda)
- Bingo Night (5th grade EOY Fundraiser) / 5-7pm
Fri 11/22 - Career Day / Spirit Day
Looking farther forward...
Nov 1 - Nov 26 - Annual Parent Climate Survey
- November 27, 28, & 29, 2024 -- Thanksgiving Break (No School)
12/09 - 12/13 - Book Fair (Literati) / 20% to PTA
Fri 12/13 Zoe Theater - Nutcracker / 9:10 - 9:40 am @ cafeteria
- Fri 12/20 – Holiday Show! / 8:30 - 10am K-2nd & 10:30 - 12pm 3-5th @ cafeteria
- Bake Sale (5th grade EOY Fundraiser) / 8:30 - 12 @ library courtyard
- Last Day before Winter Break
Articles for Parents
Come one, come all, to the one of the funnest events of the year for the whole family to enjoy! Bingo Night is 5th grade's biggest fundraiser of the year, and they've been rounding up some amazing prizes and raffle items for you! - Surfboard, gift cards, (Malibu Farm, Becker, Ollo, + more!) Aloha Collection, Aviator Nation, lego sets, plush toys, ... the list keeps going!! This event fundraises for their EOY Promotion, and field trip so let's send them off with a bang 🎉!
Parent sponsored food truck will be at the event and you can purchase bingo cards and raffle tickets at the door. No Cash - only venmo, zelle, and check! Buy your tickets now at the PTA Store: https://www.malibuelementary.org/shop.
Upcoming event: Friday November 22nd 1:15-2:15pm
➡️ Malibu Jiu-Jitsu Beginner Studio Class ⬅️
Hosted by the Donfeld Family right here on the point on Heathercliff Dr.
Check out the link for more details!
🥳 Interested in hosting your own Party Book? These are privately hosted events that raise funds for MES 💙!
There are so many ideas you can do for the upcoming holidays and it can be for adults and/or kids! Some ideas:
- Gingerbread house decorating
- Ornament creating / decorating
- Class on flower arranging
- Mimosas and Tablescapes (?! ) a how-to for the holidays!
- Mindful Movement into the Holidays - yoga and meditation
- ???
The list is endless and the world is your oyster on what kind of event you'd like to host. Reach out to emilyrreynolds@yahoo.com with the following info:
short description of event (specify if its for adults and or kids)
cost per person
host name(s)
host email
Local Family Events
- Park Tales & Fall Fun: Stories & Art for ages 2-5, Malibu Bluffs Park, Nov. 14, 10-11 a.m.
- Night Hike: Learn about natural surroundings and experience one of Malibu’s best hiking venues. Wear hiking boots/layered clothing. Children must be accompanied by an adult. Free with pre-registration. Charmlee Wilderness Park, Nov. 15, 5-6:30 p.m.
Holiday Parties
All holiday parties are to be coordinated in advance with the teacher. Parties may occur at any time of the day of the teacher’s choosing. Sugary foods are allowable, but craft activities are preferable. Please, first consult with the teacher. The three holiday party days are Halloween, Winter Holidays, and Valentine’s Day.
MBGC Information - Annual Holiday Drive is On
We would like all fifth grade students to complete the CA Healthy Kids Survey sponsored by the California Department of Education (CDE). This is a very important survey that will help promote better health and well-being among our youth, improve the school learning environment and combat problems such as drug abuse and violence. To allow your grade 5 student to participate, you must OPT IN by submitting this form before October 31, 2024. More information can be found here. Here is the student survey for your preview.
Parents, SMMUSD would like you to share your thoughts on our school which will help guide district and school efforts to promote safety, enhance learning supports, and improve student achievement. This survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete. The survey window is from November 1 - November 26. For more info, and to take the survey, CLICK HERE.
After-School Program Interest Survey
The City of Malibu, Community Services Department and the Boys & Girls Club of Malibu are distributing a community survey for Afterschool Programs at Webster and Malibu Elementary schools to provide feedback for future sessions to meet the community’s needs. Please complete the survey here: https://malibucity.org/FormCenter/Parks-and-Rec-Forms-8/Community-Program-Interest-Survey-266
MES Minimum Days Schedule / 12:45 Dismissal for All Students (TK-5)
- May 22 (Open House and Celebration of Learning)
- June 11 (2nd to last day of school)
- June 12 (last day of school)
Volunteering at MES
More Highlights
Useful Resources and Links
Principal Chris' Past Newsletters
PTA Website and Store
PTA Spirit Wear "Akaway Collection"
Student Services Registration Documents
Volunteering at MES: Information and Signup form
Medications at School Form Send to School Nurse Marion Mayer: mmayer@smmusd.org
Connect with Chris Hertz
Email: chertz@smmusd.org
Website: malibues.smmusd.org
Location: 6955 Fernhill Drive, Malibu, CA, USA
Phone: 310-457-9370
Twitter: @hertzinator