E&C Newsletter
July 2024
The power of the pilgrimage! Read the blog post below!
Entering the YEAR OF MISSION: YEAR 3
MISSION: To form Catholics to live out of their Eucharistic encounters with Jesus and to send them as credible witnesses to the joy of the Gospel; to encourage centers of mission (parishes, dioceses, religious communities, apostolates, etc.) to continue providing opportunities for encounter that lead to a deeper Eucharistic identity and sustain a Eucharistic life.
VISION: To raise up a company of Catholics from across the country who have been healed, converted, formed, unified, and sent out on Eucharistic mission for the life of the world
Here are some highlights of the suggestions for the Year of Mission found in the Playbook below:
1. Have regular Masses and times of Adoration for staff. That could mean your parish staff, or your volunteer staff!
2. Begin and end each meeting with substantial prayer and scriptural reflection.
3. Ask Jesus if the apostolic activity you are about to undertake—or have already begun—is truly what he calls you to do, being receptive to his voice, and embracing his call with a humble and joyful spirit.
4. Commit to the daily gift of yourself, in concrete acts of service to others, which is at the heart of missionary discipleship.
5. Encourage parish leaders and parishioners to seek and to engage actively in spiritual direction. If there is a spiritual director within the parish community or broader local community, invite that person to meet with people, lead classes on prayer, and to provide spiritual direction.
6. Accompany those on the margins and peripheries of life, including existential peripheries, taking the opportunity to show to each of these people the presence of a compassionate God who wants to express himself to them and to act through your deeds, words, and even just your presence.
7. Have a dedicated space in the parish bulletin or on the parish website devoted to prayer, especially including the patron of the parish, diocese, or community.
8. Commit to “Walk with One” person during this Year of Mission.
9. Offer opportunities for deeper formation in missionary work through small groups and family experiences.
10. Provide retreat and formation opportunities for people to experience the renewing and transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
These suggestions give us many ideas to discern for our ministries in the year ahead. How will you respond and join Jesus on Mission in the year ahead?
Thank you to the many parishes who have already gotten on board with the Catechetical Institute! To date, 65 of our parishes have committed to this wonderful opportunity! It is not too late for yours to get on board! If you have a school, it is an essential offering for our Catholic School teachers. If you have new employees in ministry, it is both a fast and trusted venue to train them adequately for the work of ministry. If you have new volunteers, it is an accessible and approachable way to help them understand the value of their role in the Kingdom of God!
The onboarding process has begun and soon parish leaders will receive an email inviting them to create an account. A publicity packet will be shared with each parish to help you promote Franciscan at Home in your community. In August, we will share a workshop at our Strengthen Your Core Day and both daytime and evening Zoom meetings to guide users in the use of the system. Stay tuned!
As You Plan Your Year
We developed this calendar based off the USCCB's liturgical calendar and the Jubilee celebrations along with some other civil celebrations/holidays that often get our attention.
We live in a world divided. How can you be part of unifying and bringing more peace to our world? We hope you will consider attending the Diocesan Social Ministry Conference July 24! Click on the flyer PDF below to learn more!
Be Part of Healing Our Divided World
Training & Resources Changes- July 1!
As we conclude our relationship with Catholic Faith Technologies (https://dor.training/) and become a diocesan partner of Franciscan University's Catechetical Institute (https://franciscanathome.com/), there will be changes to our training and resources. Beginning July 1, the courses and trainings pictured below will be available on https://oec.dor.org/training-and-resources/. Online Precana will also be available on the site!
Introduction to Young Adult Ministry
Called to Accompany (Youth Ministry)
21st Century Lesson Planning
Orientation to Ministry
Teen Volunteer CASE Training
The Role of a Godparent
Join USCCB staff for a 3-part summer webinar series. The webinars take place the first Tuesday of each month at 3:00 p.m.
- Part 1: Planning for Christ the King Global Celebration of Young People- May 7 | Recording here
- Part 2: The Bishops' New Framework for Ministry with Young People: "Listen, Teach, Send"- June 4 | Recording here
- Part 3: Implementing "Listen, Teach, Send" in Your Community- July 9 | Register here
Bishops Approve New Guidelines for Pastoral Ministries with Youth & Young Adults
The U.S. bishops convened in Louisville last month for their Spring Plenary Assembly. As a result of this gathering, the bishops approved a new National Pastoral Framework for Ministries with Youth and Young Adults entitled “Listen, Teach, Send.” The new framework is intended for use by pastors, ministry leaders, and families.
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth, chaired by Bishop Robert E. Barron of Winona-Rochester, developed the framework in response to “Christus vivit,” issued by Pope Francis in 2019 following the Synod on Young People. The framework is the fruit of an extensive listening and dialogue process with youth, young adults, and ministry leaders, with care taken to address the realities impacting youth and young adults across the United States.
In addition to the framework, the bishops also affirmed an introductory letter addressed directly to youth and young adults, assuring them of the love of God and the Church and encouraging them to engage more deeply with the Catholic faith. The full text of Listen, Teach, Send, as well as many accompanying pastoral resources, can be found by clicking the button below. Resources will include bulletin inserts, prayer materials, webinars and workshops, background information on youth, young adults, and ministries with young people, and implementation guides for church and family settings.
This is a great follow up to NCYC 2023 and a great way to prepare for NCYC 2025! More information will be shared in the coming months. In the meantime, check out general information by clicking the button below.
NCYC 2025
There has been some interest in getting a head start on planning for NCYC 2025. We won’t have more information on pricing, theme, hotel, deadlines, transportation, etc. and officially begin planning until late fall 2024/early winter 2025. A presentation has been put together for those communities that want to share the blessings of NCYC and have preliminary informational discussions/meetings. You can access the presentation by clicking the file below.
NFCYM Region 2 Community
NFCYM is recognized as the largest youth ministry organization in the United States and is the foundation for synodal dialogue about the needs and concerns of those who minister to youth. NFCYM networks with Catholic youth ministry leaders from across the country and gives them a platform for collaboration and mutual support. NFCYM Region 2 Community is a platform provided by NFCYM for those involved in youth ministry within New York State to collaborate with one another and engage in the work of NFCYM. For more information, email Mark here or check out the community's Facebook group below.
New prayer opportunity for the young adult community!
A new ministry for those in their 30s and 40s has formed! Click image for info!
Please advertise this great opportunity to 30+ adults in your parish!
Find Additional Opportunities for Young Adults
Connect with us!
Local Scouts Earn Religious Emblems
As you may know, the Office of Evangelization & Catechesis has hosted an annual diocesan Catholic Scouting recognition ceremony in the past. More recently, the Office has shifted from recognizing scouts at a diocesan ceremony to awarding the emblem at the end of a weekend Mass at the scout’s parish. Families have really appreciated the personal attention and it is a wonderful way to educate the greater parish community about Catholic Scouting. Below are the names of scouts who have earned emblems and been recognized over the last several months. Congratulations!
- John Schenker, Justin Colabufo, Caleb Esposito, Zachary Thiers, Antonette Volpe, Margaret Chamberlain, Marshall Harrison, Noah Quinto, Logan Schroeder, Anthony Morelle Jr., and Julietta Crowe
If there is interest in having a religious emblem presented at the end of a weekend Mass at the scout’s parish, please contact Mark here.
Ad Altare Dei Class Forming in Fall 2024
An Ad Altare Dei course is being organized to start in fall 2024! This is for all youth in BSA (including troops, venturing and sea scouts). Ideally, this is for youth ages 13-14, but any youth ages 11-17 who have completed 6th grade can work on this Religious Emblem. If youth are interested in attending or you are an adult who would like to help, please contact Colleen Trevisani here or at 585-672-5568.
OCIA Update
Ordering the Ordo
The bishop recently sent the memo below via Diocesan Updates regarding purchasing the Ritual Books. All publishers provide the same ritual book, so there are only minor ascetic changes such as cover design. The rituals may be used as soon as the First Sunday of Advent (12/1/24) and must be used as of Ash Wednesday (3/5/25). I recommend ordering soon so that you have time to familiarize yourself with any changes.
Note that there are updated requirements for recordkeeping in the updated Norms!
- Norm 14 reads: “§1. The register of those who have entered the catechumenate is to be kept in the parish archive.“
- Norm 15 reads: “§1. The register of those received into full communion of the Catholic Church is to be kept in the parish archive.”
Both go on in subsequent sections to note other information that should be kept as a part of those records. If your parish does not currently have those record books, you can find them at various Catholic publishers or where your parish purchases their other sacramental registries. One example of each are: https://shop.catholicsupply.com/store/p/28957-Register-Of-Catechumens.aspx and https://shop.catholicsupply.com/store/p/28966-Reception-Into-Full-Communion.aspx.
Planning the Year
A planning calendar with important dates is available below.
Save the Date - Day of Penance & Mercy
The Diocesan Day of Penance and Mercy will be Wednesday, April 2, 2025.
This comes three weeks before Easter, and is a great opportunity for parishes. Consider how you might make a welcoming and prayerful environment for parishioners that day.
Save the Date - Cathedral Confirmation Coordinator Meeting
There will be a mandatory meeting for Confirmation Coordinators who celebrate at the Cathedral on Tuesday, January 7 at 10am at Sacred Heart Cathedral. We will review the celebrations and expectations for the upcoming celebrations.
Welcome to Tiese Bowen and Marty Wilson who are assisting Dr. Jean Archer out at Holy Family in Wayland. We were happy to spend the day with you at our recent June gathering!
We want to welcome Kendra O'Keefe and Deacon Alex DeLucenay to our youth ministry community as they take on an official role of co-youth ministry leaders, at St John the Evangelist in Spencerport!
Congratulations to our very own Victoria Wejko who was crowned Mrs. New York AmeriCAN!
About us
Contact for information on all newsletters, evangelization, training, consultation
Mark Capellazzi, Project Coordinator of Youth and Young Adult Ministry x1375
Contact for youth ministry/young adult or Catholic scouting consultation/website questions, Certification process
Don Smith, Coordinator of Sacramental Catechesis and Family Life x1243
Contact for Sacramental information, Fully Engaged, and DOR.Training questions
Website: oec.dor.org
Location: 1150 Buffalo Road, Rochester, NY, USA
Phone: 585-328-3228