The Rules of the “Game”
WSI Webinar: October 31 at 14:00 CET
Webinar: Rethinking how to change the power structures in sports organizations
Join us on the WSI Webinar on "The Rules of the “Game” - Rethinking how to change the power structures in sports organizations".
Date: Thursday, October 31, 2024
Time: 14:00 CET (9:00am EDT, 10:00pm JST)
Format: Presentation, Q & A, and discussion
Language: English (Closed Captions available)
Guest Speaker: Dr. Hanne Elisabeth Sogn, Department of Sport and Social Sciences at The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences
Moderator: Dr. Kari Fasting, WSI Emeritus Director
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Guest Speaker: Dr. Hanne Elisabeth Sogn
Dr. Hanne Sogn works as a researcher at the Department of Sport and Social Sciences at The Norwegian School of Sport Sciences (DSSS, NIH). Last year she functioned as the leader at the Child and Youth Sport Research Center at NIH. Her main area of research is sport sociology rooted in feminist theory, focusing on power structures and leadership processes in sports organizations. In 2022 she finished her PhD about gender inequality among top leaders in sport, where she concluded that a shift in perspective is needed to strengthen diversity among top leaders in sport organization. She also works on projects about safeguarding in child- and youth sport and sport for LGBTQ+ people. Sogn also has extensive experience from being a top leader (secretary general) in Norwegian sport, for about eight years.
Presentation Overview
During my doctoral research, I conducted a thorough review of both Norwegian and international studies on the gender dynamics and power structures within sports organizations. I found a common thread: research on gender disparities typically centers on women's experiences. To broaden this perspective, I interviewed 30 male top leaders, including presidents and secretary generals, and observed various settings, including meetings and formal and unformal social gatherings. Rather than bolstering those already in power, my goal was to delve into the "rules of the game"- the dynamics that underpin and perpetuate established gendered practices and power structures. A key question I'll attempt to answer in my presentation is: If our strategies were informed by a more profound understanding of the experiences and practices of those in power, what would those strategies look like? My intention is to ignite a discussion among researchers and practitioners on how we can address a persistent, global challenge in sports organizations, despite numerous attempts over the last 50 years, or more.
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