Shark Bites 🦈
October Newsletter
Principal's Message
October Newsletter 2024
Hello Shark Families and Happy October!
There is a lot happening this month: 4-6th grade dance, Fall Festival, STEM Night, Title 1 Parent Meeting, and our annual Halloween Parade in the park next to us on Halloween. Please make sure to sign the permission slip for the POV/MIA Park usage. It is considered a field trip off campus.
It is cold season again. COVID is still prevalent in our community. However, the regulations for students to return to school is less severe. Student can come back as soon as a fever or major symptoms for 24 hours. You can always check in with the office in the morning of a positive COVID test.
We have had many parents check off that their child/children cannot be pictured on social media. Our site showcases our students in this newsletter and on our Facebook account. No names are used. Please let your teacher know if you meant for us to use your child's face for celebrations but not the district. It will be helpful! We love to show off what we do at Edgewater.
Ms. Henderson
Edgewater Empowers Global Leaders
Vice Principal's Message
Hello Shark Families,
We are starting up Watch D.O.G.S (Dads of Great Students) again this year and are in search of some fathers, uncles, or grandpas who would like to join us to support student achievement. The program provides positive male role models for the students, demonstrating, by their presence, that education is important. Meanwhile, the volunteers provide extra sets of eyes and ears to enhance school safety, reducing bullying and other issues students experience.
Please stop by the office to see how to get involved. If you served as a watch dog in the past two years, and want to continue, you will be contacted to set up some days and times to volunteer. Thanks again.
September's Dates to Remember
May Dates
Oct. 2 - Minimum Day
Oct. 3 - Title 1 Parent Meeting 5:30-6:00 pm
Oct. 3 - Family Community STEM Night 6:00-7:30
Oct. 4 - Recycle Friday
Oct. 4 - Popcorn Friday $1.00 per bag
Oct. 4 - Parent's Night Out Courtesy our PTO
Oct. 9 - Minimum Day
Oct. 9 - MJUSD College and Career Block Fair 4:pm Downtown
Oct. 10 - ELAC Meeting at 1:30 pm
Oct. 11 - Watch DOGS meeting at 8:45 am
Oct. 11 - Sharkie Store Opens online for 4-6th grades
Oct. 11 - Super Ball - 4-6 grades superhero dance 6"00-8:00 pm
Oct. 15 - SSC Meeting via Google Meet 4:00 pm
Oct. 18 - Sharkie Store open for TK-3 grades
Oct. 18 - Fall Festival at 5:00 pm
Oct. 23 - Minimum Day
Oct. 28 - Student of the Month Assembies
Oct. 31 - Edgewater Halloween Parade at the POW MIA Park at 9:00 am
Important Events
Edgewater's Family Community Nights
Please join us next time for the Edgewater Family and Community Nights
Safety Awareness Around Campus
Hello Families!
We are always focused on student safety here at Edgewater. We ask that you keep two things in mind.
- If you choose to park, please park and walk your student to the front office area.
- Please be extra cautious near the entry and exit driveways because walking and biking students do cross the driveways.
Thank you for being very vigilant of students.
Best Attendance Awards in a Grade for August
Mrs. Schlussler's class won the flag this month
Third Grade won the Golden Sharks!
Student of the Month
Around Campus
A Moon Tree at Edgewater
Edgewater Elementary was honored to learn recently that we will be receiving a moon tree from NASA's Artemis 1 mission to return to the moon. In 2022, NASA placed seeds from 5 different species of trees in an unmanned Orion spacecraft, which traveled to the moon and orbited several times before returning back to Earth. Last year NASA took applications from over 1300 educational institutions across the US and our school was one of the 200 organizations that were selected
We are excited to have this tree as part of our campus for our students to enjoy. Our giant sequoia will be a connection to countless life science and STEM activities for all grades and stand as a permanent connection between our school and mankind's next effort to get to the moon. Be on the lookout for pictures of the dedication ceremony for our new tree, and of our 6th grade class caring for and protecting this legacy during the school year.
Farm Day 2024 for 3rd Grade
Our third-grade classes were the first students to take a field trip this year. Mrs. Hartridge was able to capture some wonderful photos of the students as they explored farm animals at the Yube County Fair Grounds.
Ms. Chao's Kindergarten Class Experienced Johnny Appleseed Day
Ms. Chao had students learning all about apples through exploration and science. They truly enjoyed their apple decorated classroom and the activities of the day!
Happy Custodian's Day
Our district and site are so grateful for the work our custodians do every day to support our students! We appreciate them so much!
Kinder and TK are doing Drums Alive in Music Class
When you see 23 young Sharks working with Mrs. Pelfrey on Drums Alive for hand-eye coordination as well as social emotional learning, it is an amazing class! All students were following the rhythm directions and having the greatest time. The smiles on their faces told all you needed to know.
AR Points to Date
For students to get GOLD, the grade levels need to reach the following:
K = 25pts, 1st = 45 pts, 2nd = 75 pts, 3rd = 100, pts 4th = 125 pts, 5th = 145 pts, 6th = 155pts.
Please encourage your student to read more and take AR tests to get to the Golden Ball!
Current AR Data
Student can take AR tests in the library M-T from 2:25-3:00 pm. Encourage them!!
LEXIA Super Stars!
We celebrated our student who leveled up or completed their Lexia during our SOM assembly! Congratulations to all of our students for working hard to make great growth this year in ELA!
Kinder L5, 1st L9, 2nd L12, 3rd L15, 4th L18, and 5th L21
Lexia Data
We are already making progress in student working at or above grade level. Remember, all students can access Lexia from home and all they need it their QR badge to access practicing beyond the school day.
Edgewater's Climate and Culture Corner
Beginning of the Year STAR Data
After we completed the STAR test in August and September, we compared it to the data collected at the end of the 2023-24 school year. We found what we expected in the math scores with a slight summer slide. However, we were very pleased to see our students doing better a the onset of this year in Reading when comparing the data. Our students have made growth over the summer break. It could be many reasons, summer school, the pandemic is in the past, or students are getting back into school again. Either way, we are proud of our young Sharks!
Behavioral Data for August 2024
This marks the 3rd year Edgewater is collecting behavioral data to support students' social emotional needs, in turn, supporting their academics. August shows to be high in behavior tracking, but with more teachers using the system, it is expected. Over the next few years, it will more accurate data when comparing year over year.
🎼Music Notes🎶
Students in music are learning note reading and how to create songs using Boomwhackers. Boomwhackers are colorful hollow tubes of different lengths that produce a sound when tapped against a surface. These percussion instruments are a fun way for students to learn about melodic direction and how the size of an instrument affects the pitch. We love using them for group music making as well as for reinforcing beat and rhythm!
Edgewater PTO Events for September
Join PTO Today!
We are in need of your support for the 2024-25 school year. With the budget cuts experienced this year, our PTO has become more and more vital as part of your child's success. Please join us in our endeavors to sustain a positive climate and culture at Edgewater. Go Sharks!
Friday October 4, 11, 18, 25 - Recycling Friday
Friday October 4th - Popcorn Friday
Friday October 4th - Parent’s Night Out
Thursday, October 10th - PTO Meeting
Friday, October 18th - Fall Festival
Empowering Global Leaders in All Students
About Edgewater
Email: rhenderson@mjusd.k12.ca.us
Website: https://edgewater.mjusd.com/
Location: 5715 Oakwood Drive, Marysville, CA, USA
Phone: (530) 741-0866