Tehama CTE Teacher Prep Program
CTE Teacher Prep Program News and Updates for December 2023
This season invites us to give thanks and reflect on the gifts in our lives. Kim, Erin, Jessica, and I would like to thank each of you for trusting us to guide you through the CTE Credentialing Process. We are committed to serving our rural community, creating relationships with each of you, and being responsive to your needs.
During the Spring Semester, a team from the California Teaching Commission (CTC) will conduct a three-day site visit to measure our program’s progress toward meeting the Career Technical Program Standards that guide our program structure.
While we are in year six of our accreditation cycle, we practice continuous improvement through the collection of survey data from our candidates, mentors, advisory council members, and the districts we serve. Our overarching goal is to determine the quality and effectiveness of the program and to use this data to make improvements.
The key highlights of the Career Technical Education Teacher Preparation Program include:
Curriculum development and instructional planning skills aligned to CTE content standards
Learning and instruction strategies that support CTE teachers in facilitating student learning
Developing multiple measures of student assessment including formative and summative strategies
Supporting CTE teachers in selecting and using technological practices in the classroom
Developing effective classroom and lab management strategies based in theory to provide a safe and effective learning environment
Learning fundamental issues, theories, and research aligned with CTE Foundations
Providing learning opportunities for all students served in California’s diverse classrooms, including multilingual learners, students with disabilities, and gifted and talented students
What does the research say? “There is a growing consensus that CTE can improve economic mobility by increasing the number of students who earn career-focused postsecondary credentials and get better paying jobs. CTE is one of the few areas of policy that enjoys bipartisan interest, and it can attract cooperation from educators, workforce policymakers, and regional and national employers.”
As always, please reach out if we can be of service to you in any way,
The Tehama Career Technical Education (CTE) Teacher Preparation Program offers a purposeful, developmentally designed sequence of coursework that effectively prepares CTE teachers to successfully teach all students in public education to perform in a competitive workplace. The program is based on a clearly stated rationale that has a sound theoretical and practical foundation anchored to the knowledge base of teacher education. The program consists of 135 hours of approved professional preparation that is aligned to the state-adopted 7-12 CTE curriculum standards and framework and bases CTE teachers’ competence on California’s Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs) and the California Standards for the Teaching Profession (CSTP).
While Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers are typically considered to be experts in their industry or field, they often join the teaching profession without extensive background and formal training in teaching practices and instructional strategies. The CTE Teacher Preparation Program was established to provide an effective transition into teaching focused on increasing the efficacy and retention rates of beginning teachers in California.
Our program offers synchronous and asynchronous components which can all be completed virtually. We understand the strengths and challenges of building and supporting CTE pathways in the Northstate. Our goal is to not only support CTE teachers in the credentialing program but to help them successfully develop their students' skill sets to enable them to continue their education or enter the workforce. We offer a high level of support and individualization within the program. We monitor each candidate's progress providing them timely and personalized feedback to enhance their effectiveness.
Our goal is to support your district in the retention of quality CTE teachers and help them build connections with industry partners in our area.
CTE Industry Sectors
CALPads Codes
Our team participated in an event hosted by Reach Higher Shasta featuring Dr. Kevin Fleming, Founder & CEO of Catapult. The session focused on educating administrators, teachers, counselors, and community partners about the diverse career pathways available to students. You can access the recorded session through the link provided below.
Educating for Careers- Adapting to Change
CA ACTE and CA Partnership Academies
Sunday, Mar 3, 2024, 08:00 AM
SAFE Credit Union Convention Center, K Street, Sacramento, CA, USA
Rochelle Barajas (Red Bluff High School CTE Coordinator) and Kim Clawson (Tehama CTE Teacher Prep Consultant) attended the Expect More Tehama Conference.
Exploring State Secondary CTE Funding
Advance CTE Webinar
Providing high-quality Career Technical Education (CTE) requires robust, sustained funding designed to be responsive to industry and learner needs. Funding continues to be an important topic with at least 35 governors discussing funding and recent increased investments in K–12 funding in their state addresses. Advance CTE embarked on an analysis of states’ secondary CTE funding models to gather a view of what’s happening in the field. Advance CTE and two state leaders will share an overview of state secondary CTE funding models across all 50 states and the District of Columbia, provide examples from state funding models, and elevate recommendations about state funding models to ensure all learners have access to, feel welcome in and find success through CTE. This work was generously supported by the Walton Family Foundation.
- Dr. Laura Maldonado, Senior Research Associate, Advance CTE, she/her
- Dr. Beth Hargis (KY)
- Clay Long (ID)
Wednesday, Jan 24, 2024, 03:00 PM
CS for CA Mid State Collaborative
$125 Stipend Available
Tuesday, Dec 12, 2023, 04:00 PM
ACTE- Association for Career & Technical Education
The ACTE site hosts professional development opportunities and lesson plan resources.
*Parent Info* "High-Paying Jobs That Don't Need a College Degree?
Youth@Work- Talking Safety Curriculum for California
The new Youth@Work—Talking Safety is a fun, free, and engaging curriculum that helps teachers and school/community-based job placement staff educate young people about the basics of job safety and health. Site Link
What are CA CTE Career Pathways?
The article discusses the details of each career pathway to see how California approaches CTE compared to the rest of the country. Link to Article
ACTE High-Quality CTE Library
ACTE’s High-quality CTE Library includes key resources to help practitioners achieve quality in each of the 12 elements of high-quality CTE defined in the ACTE Quality CTE Program of Study FrameworkTM. Resources include reports, research studies, toolkits, guides, frameworks, webinars, online courses and more from ACTE and many other respected sources.
CTE Article- Combining CTE with World Language Instruction
Tailoring world language instruction to the trades that students study in CTE programs can equip them for on-the-job conversations.
TIps & Tools for CTE Mentorship Success- ACTE Site
Mentorship experiences are critical to the future of career and technical education (CTE). Organizations can make a positive difference in the retention of quality practitioners through cultivating and prioritizing mentorship programming. Link to article
High- Quality CTE: Business and Community Partnerships
explore resources that align with the Business and Community Partnerships element of the ACTE Quality CTE Program of Study FrameworkTM. Link to site
5 Minute Chats with Students
Personal connection and relationships are a gateway to engagement in learning. Download this tool for ideas about how to foster open conversation. Link to article
Elevating Family Voice in Career Pathways
Our Elevating Family Voice in Career Pathways brief in partnership with Education Strategy Group provides strategies to center family engagement in each stage of #CTE program development Link to Site
CTE Teacher Prep Team
Email: CTEteacherprep@tehamaschools.org
Website: Tehama CTE Teacher Prep Program Site
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