OSC Family Update
June 2024/junio del 2024
Message from Principal Torres/Mensaje de la directora Torres
Students and Families of Oak Street Campus:
I am so proud of our Seniors and the work our students, staff, and families have done this year!
Again, as we come into the last week of the school year, please take time to check in with your students on due dates for their assignments, projects and summative assessments. It is important for students to meet deadlines allowing time for teachers to assess and give feedback to students.
Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if we can support in any way at 503-844-1680.
In Partnership,
Amy Torres
Estudiantes y familias del Plantel de Oak Street:
¡Estoy muy orgulloso de nuestros Seniors y del trabajo que nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias han hecho este año!
Una vez más, a medida que nos acercamos a la última semana del año escolar, tómese el tiempo para consultar con sus estudiantes las fechas de vencimiento de sus tareas, proyectos y evaluaciones sumativas. Es importante que los estudiantes cumplan con los plazos que les dan tiempo a los maestros para evaluar y dar retroalimentación a los estudiantes.
No dude en comunicarse si tiene alguna pregunta o si podemos ayudarlo de alguna manera al 503-844-1680.
En alianza,
Amy Torres
Looking Ahead/Mirando al Futuro
OSC Senior Accreditation
HBP Senior Exhibition During 3rd Period
HBP Senior Lunch
Last Day for Seniors on Track
SEED Survey During 4th Period
School After School(HWC) at Pathways Center, 3:30-4:30 pm(Alondra and Yari)
Academic Seminar Schedule-Teacher Directed
School Starts at 9:00 am
Graduation Rehearsal in OSC Gym, 9:00 am Required to participate in Graduation
Wear College/Career Gear
School After School(HWC) at Pathways Center, 3:30-4:30 pm(Alondra and Yari)
Wear OSC/HSD Gear
OSC Graduation at Hilhi, Tickets Required
PCC Spring Term Finals Week
PCC Spring Term Finals Week
School After School(HWC) at Pathways Center, 3:30-4:30 pm(Alondra and Yari)
Academic Seminar Schedule-Teacher Directed
School Starts at 9:00 am
PCC Spring Term Finals Week
Last Day of School Half Day
PCC Spring Term Finals Week
Teacher Work Day
PCC Spring Term Finals Week
Summer School Field Trip Kick Off
PCC Spring Term Final Grades Available
Link to HSD Calendar
Early College Update
Early College Families,
See your email for the most up to date information.
Take care,
Jem, Kimberly and the Early College Team
All OSC Updates
2024 OSC Summer School
Current OSC students that have one or more classes that require credit attainment will be required to attend Summer School with Oak St Campus. Summer school is a time in which students are able to partner with teachers to demonstrate their learning. Our goal is to ensure that all students are on track to graduate on time.
Summer school will take place at OSC Pathways Center from Monday, June 17th to Friday, June 28th, 8:30 am to 4:00 pm.
Additionally we will be offering 3 field trip opportunities for students to earn credit. Field trips will take place on Saturdays; 6/15, 6/22, and 6/29.
We will be communicating to students and families this upcoming week via email and letter for those students that need summer school. Please keep an eye out for that communication.
SEED Survey
The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) has instructed school districts in Oregon to administer a new survey to students in grades 3 -11. The survey was developed by ODE and is named SEED Survey, which stands for Student Educational Equity Development Survey. The survey will help ODE gather information about the educational experiences of students in Oregon. This information will help ODE to develop appropriate resources and supports for districts in Oregon, and better target those resources where they are most needed.
The SEED Survey…
Gives students the opportunity to anonymously voice their experiences in Oregon’s schools.
Is designed to capture students’ sense of belonging and experiences at school.
Gives schools information to create more equitable learning experiences for students.
Is available to meet the needs of all students. Students have access to the same accessibility supports that are available to them on statewide assessments.
Takes 10-20 minutes to complete.
Is available to students in English, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese, Mandarin, and Cantonese
Oak Street Campus will be administering the survey to students in grades 7 - 11 at school between the dates of June 4- June 7.
Parents or guardians may decline (opt-out), either verbally or in writing, to have their student participate in the SEED Survey. Students may also decline, at any time, either verbally or in writing to participate. Students may also decline to answer individual questions on the survey. Parents or guardians who prefer that their student not participate may inform their school by completing the form linked below and submitting it to your school prior to the dates of administration indicated above.
SEED Survey Opt-Out Forms: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/Page/4337
For more specific information about the survey including all of the questions that students will see on the survey, visit the Oregon Department of Education website by using the link or scanning the QR code:
This year we will be collecting all Chromebooks from students for our technology team to update, repair, and/or replace Chromebooks as needed to be ready for the 24-25 school year.
Please make sure you bring your Chromebook to school week of June 3, including the charging cord and the stylus. You do not need to clean or remove any stickers or other items on the Chromebook as we have the right cleaning solutions to take care of that for you. Students are not liable for accidental damage to the Chromebook.
However, students who do not turn in their assigned Chromebook may be charged for the loss and seniors may have their diploma withheld.
Mental Health Summer Tip Sheets
These tip sheets are a resource for families who may be interested in locating mental health services during the summer months:
MHCC Summer Tip Sheet- English
Summer Activities List/Actividades de verano:
Our counseling team has compiled a calendared list of free and low-cost activities for teens to do during the summer. Please click the link or QR code to access the form. As we learn of events throughout the summer, we may add to the form so please check the list occasionally. Some of the events at the libraries require registration, so please double check the library website before attending.
Nuestros consejeros han elaborado un calendario de actividades gratuitas y de bajo coste para los adolescentes durante el verano. Haga clic en el enlace o en el código QR para acceder al formulario. A medida que nos enteramos de eventos durante el verano, podemos añadir a la forma así que por favor revise la lista de vez en cuando. Algunos de los eventos en las bibliotecas requieren inscripción, así que por favor revise el sitio web de la biblioteca antes de asistir.
Cell Phones
One way you can partner with us to keep students engaged when we return to school is to support the HSD electronic device policy. Students should have all electronic devices (phones, earbuds) away during class unless instructed by the teacher or specified as an academic support. Please remember that your student should not be answering phone calls or text messages during instruction. This keeps them focused on their learning and connected with their teacher and peers.
Thank you very much for your partnership and support.
Seniors Class of 2024
OSC Senior Accreditation-June 3, 2024
Monday, June 3, 2024 is the deadline for students to meet the HSD requirements to walk in the June 7 Graduation Ceremony at Oak Street Campus.
- Here is what students need be completed by June 3 for OSC:
- Complete all Incompletes and Recovery credits/coursework
- Be passing all current required classes
- Have all outstanding fees paid with their home high school
- Complete their Career Development Activity and Senior Survey
- Have their Senior Project completed in their senior seminar
- Attend Senior Exhibition Showcase(HBP only) on June 3 during the school day
Caps and Gowns
If you ordered a cap and/or gown for participation in the OSC graduation ceremony. Those will be delivered on May 24, 2024. The price for the cap is $12 and the cost for the gown is $18.
FAFSA Update
Stephen Moreno, OSC School to Career Counselor has been reaching out to students and families about the 2024-2025 FAFSA/ORSAA application. If you need any assistance, please contact Stephen Moreno (morenos@hsd.k12.or.us).
Positions Available in HSD/Posiciones disponibles en HSD
¿Quiere unirse al Distrito Escolar de Hillsboro? Visite nuestro sitio para ver posiciones disponibles.
Oak Street Campus
Email: osc@hsd.k12.or.us
Website: https://www.hsd.k12.or.us/oakstreet
Location: 440 Southeast Oak Street, Hillsboro, OR, USA
Phone: (503)844-1680
Follow Us On Social Media
Instagram: oakstreetcampus
Tiktok: ms.torres_osc