Top 10 Reasons
to visit the Autrey Mill MS Learning Commons in 2020!
Let's make 2020 the best year yet!
- traveled over 50,000 miles to participate in author visits, Skype-A-Scientist, and classroom collaborations!
- collaborated on research projects, BreakoutEDU lessons, reading programs, STEM challenges, embedded Compassionate Makers into our MakerSpace, and shared technology uses in professional development with teachers.
- hosted the Lions Literacy Alliance book club each month to build up the reading lives of our students, staff, and parents.
- hosted the AMMS Technology Fair, from which 6 teams are moving on to the state competition in March.
- celebrated Banned Books Week with every student at AMMS to teach students about our freedom to read and think critically about what they read.
- participated in the Hour of Code with coding challenge stations.
- hosted our Open Mic morning to celebrate the interests and talents of our community
- hosted a Harry Potter themed Book Fair & trivia day that ended in over 1,000 students walking away with a brand new book and gifted books to 15 students who could not afford a new book.
- added 400 new physical books and 300 new ebooks/audiobooks to our collection!
- continue to add high interest reads to our genrefied fiction selections to help motivate our reluctant readers and expose students to different types of reading materials.
- encouraged our students to participate in the 40 Book Challenge.
- hosted reading clubs during lunch for 90 students each week.
Check out the top 10 reasons you should visit the Autrey Mill Middle School Learning Commons and to work with your library media specialist in 2020. Our goal is to help enhance what you're doing in the classroom and help students become empowered learners and creators. Bring your students and let's have an awesome year!
Reason #10: School Library Website
We also try to keep our blog updated with the awesome lessons, challenges, and projects that go on in the learning commons. Students already have the AMMS Library website bookmarked on their iPads so they have access to it whenever they have WiFi.
Reason #9: digital literacy
Reason #8: Our MakerSpace
We also have an online MakerSpace you can access from the classroom on iPads or desktops. Visit it here:
Reason #7: Instructional Partnerships
Reason #6: Research & Digital Literacy Skills
Reason #5: Social-Emotional Learning
In our MakerSpace, we have included Compassionate Maker challenges, destress coloring activities, and hands-on collaboration challenges to build community within our school.
Most recently our library acquired two stationary exercise bikes! Learn about the benefits of this here.
Reason #4: Professional Development
Reason #3: Virtual Field Trips and Mystery Skypes
Reason #2: Author Visits and Literary Connections
We Skyped with 12 authors in 2019 with 7 of them being on the Georgia Children's Award list.
This year for World Read Aloud Day, we are working on collaborating with other schools and to connect with more authors.
Reason #1: Reading
THE BOOKS, of course!!! The primary purpose of the library STILL remains THE BOOKS! All of our books are now genrefied and we've added over 700 new books this school year already!
If you haven't read Donalyn Miller's The Book Whisperer yet, do yourself a favor and read it. Here are a couple of important quotes from The Book Whisperer:
“Readers are made, not born. Few students spring out of the ground fully formed as readers. They need help, and we cannot assume that they will get it from home, but they should always get it from us, their teachers.”
“By middle school, students have an image of themselves as readers or nonreaders. Students who do not read see reading as a talent that they do not have rather than as an attainable skill.”
"Students will read if we give them the books, the time, and the enthusiastic encouragement to do so. If we make them wait for the one unit a year in which they are allowed to choose their own books and become readers, they may never read at all. To keep our students reading, we have to let them."
Martha Bongiorno
Email: bongiornom@fultonschools.org
Website: http://discoveringtheremarkable.com
Phone: 470-254-8257
Twitter: @Mrs_Bongi