Linn Lion's Roar
September 2024
- Sept. 2: No School
- Sept. 12: Title 1 Night: Ice Cream Social
- Sept. 16: Picture Day
- Sept. 20: Pajama Day
- Sept. 24: BLT/SITE Council Meeting @3:30pm
- Sept. 26: Student of the Month Breakfast @7:30am
- Sept. 26: PTO Meeting @3:30pm
Title 1 Night
Pajama Day!
Grade Level News
Kindergarten: Mrs. Hernandez and Mrs. Moore
Kindergarten has gotten off to a great start!
We will learn and grow so much this year. We will begin Reading with listening for the beginning sounds in words, the alphabet, and talking about stories that are read to us. In Math, we will begin with learning all about numbers to ten while counting forwards, backwards, and making groups. Your students participation in class is very important for their learning. Please talk to them about working hard and practicing with us.
Let's have a fantastic year!
Math Home Support
1st Grade: Mrs. Fry and Ms. Hernandez
Hello 1st Grade families!
We have started the year with a great start and are excited to see the progress and growth in all of our students. We are currently working on learning our letter names, sounds, and being able to blend/connect these words together to make words. One of our main goals for our students is for them to be able to start reading. They love checking out their library books and any little bit of time they take to read or look through the pictures of their books will be beneficial for them. Please encourage your child to read at home for a least 15 minutes each day. For math, we are working with number bonds, and in learning to make a ten. As for reading we have been working on Narrative and Informative text. For Science we are finishing up on Animal Parts and will be moving to Animal Survival as our next topic. We will also be doing fun experiments that will help all students learn and keep them engaged. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call, email or send a TalkingPoints we are here to help your students be successful!
Thank you 1st Grade Team
Mrs. Fry/Ms. Ramos
Ms. Hernandez
Math Home Support
2nd Grade: Miss Rosales, Ms. Salmans, and Ms. Solis
Dear Families,
We hope this message finds you well and enjoying the beginning of the school year! It has been wonderful to see our students back in the classroom, eager to learn and grow together.
Important Announcements:
In Reading, we have been focusing on:
- Short and long vowel sounds
- Discussing characters in a story
- Writing stories in sequence
In Math, we are reviewing prior knowledge and learning new ways to use friendly numbers (10,20...) for addition and subtraction.
In Science, we are currently exploring the fascinating topic of properties and states of matter.
- Liquids, Solids, and Gases
Additional Information
- Library: Second graders will visit the library on Monday and check out on Tuesday. Please remind your child to bring library books back to school by Tuesday.
Celebrations from the Week:
- We are thrilled to celebrate our successful Back to School routines! Students have shown great enthusiasm in reconnecting with friends and teachers!
Math Home Support
3rd Grade: Ms. Hernandez and Mrs. Laskowsky
Greetings 3rd-Grade Family & Friends,
We are very excited to be working with you and your students this year! We are off to a great start learning 3rd-grade expectations and routines.
We are practicing the proper printing strokes so students can learn cursive writing. Please have students use their print resource in their homework folder as a resource. All students have a resource to use at school, too!
In SEL (social-emotional learning) we are reviewing the ZONES of REGULATION and upgrading our academic language beyond the basics of happy, sad, and mad. We are also learning the importance of FOCUSING ATTENTION to be prepared to learn.
In Math we jump right into multiplication and division, so please support your child with learning their multiplication facts, but don’t forget about addition and subtraction too! Practice makes progress!
In ELA students are enjoying a chapter book as we focus on narrative stories in reading and writing, along with learning vocabulary to support better understanding and awesome conversations.
Economics is the focus of Social Studies. Needs, Wants, and Resources, oh my! Students are learning about how people get their wants and needs. The next time your student asks for something, see if they can tell you if it is a want or need and why?!
We Want to have a successful year! If you Need anything, please keep in contact with us using Talking Points. Let us know what questions you have or how we can assist you. It’s going to be a GREAT year of LEARNING and GROWING!!
The 3rd-Grade Team
Ms. Hernandez
Mrs. Laskowsky
Math Home Support
4th Grade: Mrs. Castro, Mrs. McLean, and Mrs. Rolle
Hello 4th Grade Family,
We had a great start in 4th grade. We start our first Reading unit learning about scientist and informative writing. In Math we are reviewing place value, rounding and how to add multi-digit numbers. Lastly, in Social Studies we have been learning how our country started and all the important events that have taken place since.
Remember to reach out to us through Talking Points if you have any questions or concerns. We are very excited for this new school year!
4th Grade Team
Math Home Support
5th Grade: Mrs. Adame, Ms. Harlan, Miss Sughroue
Hello, from the 5th grade! Following are the topics we are
currently learning about in 5th grade.
ELA: 5th grade has begun reading our first chapter book of the year Night of the Spadefoot toad. This is a great book to start the school year with.
Writing: Students are working on writing conventions and writing a story about a scarecrow.
Math: Students are multiplying and dividing by 10’s, 100’s, and 1000’s. We are also learning how to divide and multiply decimals.
Science: Our first module in science, is discussing our ecosystem and how every living thing uses the sun for energy.
Reminders: Please make sure your student is reading 20-30 minutes every evening. They also should be practicing their multiplication facts every evening. Please make sure your student is getting to bed at a reasonable time, this allows their brains to rest and be prepared for learning. We are getting into cold and flu season, if your student is running a fever, please take them to a doctor and/or keep them home. We want to keep everyone safe and healthy. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please message us on talking points or call the school to talk to us.
Mrs. Harlan, Mrs. Adame, Ms. Sughroue
Math Home Support
Music: Mr. Adams and Mrs. Shuler
3rd Grade- We will be earning about 16th notes while performing songs and games with 16th Notes in them. We just finished with our Dance Assessment. The 3rd graders are mighty fine dancers!
4th Grade- We will be working on new rhythms. Also, we will becoming experts of naming our notes on the staff
PE: Mr. Williams and Miss. Morales
During the month of September our kindergarten thru 5th grade students will focus on Chasing & Fleeing.
Students will be able to identify who the chasers and fleers are during activity.
Students will also understand the importance of moving around the gym safely.
Librarian's Corner: Mrs. Nolan-Santy
For success in reading, students need many opportunities to interact with good books by reading them and by hearing them read aloud both at school and at home. It is for this reason that our school library policy permits students to take their borrowed library books home.
We will be discussing the meaning of this responsibility with your child. We will need your help in making sure that the books are kept in good condition and are returned to the school library on time. Parents will be expected to pay to replace any lost or damaged books. The price will depend on the type of book and how much the school paid for that book.
The following are ways to help your son or daughter assume this responsibility:
- Model careful handling of library books.
- Help your child find a safe place to keep the books during the borrowing period.
- Help your child remember to return the books on time.
While the books are in your home, we hope you will:
- Read them aloud with your child.
- Have your child read to you.
- Have your child read silently.
Giving all students access to library resources at school and at home is one way we hope to improve your child’s opportunity for academic success. Your child will be permitted to bring one book home for a period of two weeks. Kindergarteners keep their books in their classrooms.
Counselor's Corner
We're off to an exciting start this school year with out new and returning students. They're doing a remarkable job of listening and showing respect.
In our first lesson, we compared the counselor's role to the rabbit in the story The Rabbit Listens for K-1 students. Like the rabbit, the counselor listens, loves, stays by our side, and helps, playing a vital role in our school community.
For 2-5 students, we learned the five activities counselors do:
1. Love spending time with their students teaching class, leading small groups, and providing individual counseling.
2. Helping them positively manage their strong feelings.
3. Helping students have effective problem-solving skills and strengthen friendships.
4. Believe in their students and help the student recognize their strengths and set goals.
5. Helping students work hard and overcome challenges.
The next lessons will be on kindness, the bullying policy, respect and paying attention, responsibility, and acceptance. At the end of the month, all but kinder will begin Xello the district's online career program.
Linn Elementary
Email: medrano.carla@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/543274_3
Address: 1900 W. Linn St. Dodge City, KS
Phone: 620-471-2114
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linnlions95/