What's Happening??!!
~ Hawley Elementary School Newsletter: December 6, 2022 ~
From the Desk of Mr. Moretti.....
Dear Hawley Parents/Guardians, Teachers, and Staff,
Just like everywhere else, Hawley is extremely BUSY this time of year. It is so exciting, lots to do, checking my list (twice ;0)
Buckle up, stay seated, and keep your hands and feet in the car at all times, as you read on to find out What's Happening at Hawley .....
~ Kindness Month ~
The Big Umbrella, by Amy June Bates, is a beautiful story about Friendship, Being Welcoming, and Inclusion. Each classroom gets a copy of the book to read and discuss.
Each school (Sandy Hook & Reed) will have a Big Umbrella Bulletin Board. Under the umbrella, we will hang names of students recognized for visible acts of inclusion and/or being a good friend.
The Kindness Cart will visit each classroom. The cart is full of books with the theme of kindness. There are also craft activities where students can make their own umbrellas and write about including others and being a good friend.
Spirit Week: The week before vacation is Spirit Week (12/19-12/23):
- Mon: PJ Day ( see PJ Day for Kids donations below )
- Tues: Dress like a Super Hero
- Wed: Bright Colors
- Thurs: Shirts with Positive Messages or Red (for the umbrella)
- Fri: Hawley Spirit Wear or Blue & White
Kindness Assembly: We all gather as a school (see below ;0) to hear students' writings about Kindness & Inclusion. Each grade also leads the school with a meaningful song.
The BIG Hawley-Day Gathering
Friday, 12/23, is a 3-Hr Early Release Day. No Staff or Students will go to SH. Buses in the morning will drop off ALL Students at Reed. ALL Parent Drop Offs will be at Reed. We will have our Kindness Assembly and spend the rest of the day with Buddy Classes enjoying Winter-Themed Movies, doing crafts and enjoying Hot Cocoa. Movies will either by Rated G or PG. If you do not approve of a PG winter-themed movie, please reach out to me.
ALL students will need a bag lunch from home on this day.
At the end of the day (12:37 pm) ALL Students will board buses at Reed or be picked up at Reed.
It is going to be a Glorious Day, TOGETHER!!
~ PTA Holiday Bazaar ~
Unfortunately, due to space constraints, we are only able to house it on the stage at Reed.
- The Bazaar runs Tues, 12/13 & Thurs, 12/15 & Fri, 12/16
- Grades 2-4 will visit the Bazaar during the school day
- Parents can bring K-1 students before or after school on 12/15
- Siblings at Reed can shop for SH students
I know this is not ideal for our K-1 students, but it is the best we could do and still hold the event. Flyers and more information are going home today (Tuesday) but here they are as well...
~ PJ Day for Kids ~
Monday, 12/19/22
We will be showing Spirit and Kindness. Click HERE to donate to our Team if you have not done so yet. THANK YOU~
Important Reminders / General Info
- State Mandated Attendance Letters must be mailed when students reach absence #6 and #9. As important as it is for students to be in school, we do not want sick students in school nor do we frown upon family time together that might fall outside of our vacation schedule. As I have always shared, if I have a serious concern about your child(ren)'s attendance, I will call you.
- Friday, 12/23: ALL students are dropped off and picked up at Reed and need a bag lunch from home.
- Since we are in two buildings that students are unfamiliar, combined with the end of the day being very busy, we ask that no students be picked up between 3:00-3:25 PM.
- If you are wondering..... ASK!
Dates to Remember
- Tues, 12/13; Thurs-Fri, 12/15-12/16: Hawley Holiday Bazaar
- Wed, 12/14: NO SCHOOL: Professional Development
- Fri, 12/23: 3-HR Early Release Day: Winter Recess
- Fri, 12/23: VERY SPECIAL Hawley-Day, ALL TOGETHER at Reed!
- Mon, 12/26-Mon, 1/2: WINTER RECESS
- Tues, 1/3: School Resumes
~ Funny Bones ~
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*For us to use your child's likeness, we need your permission. Permission must be granted annually via the ParentPortal.
Twitter: @hawley_school
The Hawley School Website
Christopher Moretti
Email: morettic@newtown.k12.ct.us
Website: http://newtown.hawley.schooldesk.net/
Location: 29 Church Hill Road, Newtown, CT, United States
Phone: (203) 426-7666
Twitter: @cmoretti66