PJHS Weekly Update
February 23, 2025

From the Principal's Office:
Hello PJHS families,
It was a wonderful week here at PJHS with many things happening. First, ten of our 7th and 8th grade students were able to attend the Holocaust museum in Skokie for The School Leadership Conference. We are so proud of them, as they represented our school in positive ways and shared ideas on how to help our community thrive. Way to go!
In addition, we had our winter dance on Friday and the students danced the night away, while playing, "Rock, Paper, Scissors" for a chance to get prizes. Thank you to all students who attended the evening, as well as all the volunteers and support received.
Below, you will see the information regarding our PJHS performance of "Charlotte's Web". Students in the cast and stage crew have been working hard to put on a great show! Please come out and support them. The performances will be on Saturday, March 1st at 7pm and Sunday, March 2nd at 2pm in the PHS auditorium.
Additionally, please keep in mind that special classes (Art, Computers, and Health) will end Trimester 2 on Friday, February 28th. Students will move to their third and final specials class for the year on Monday, March 3rd.
A couple of things to make mention of coming up...
***Any PJHS students who would like to audition for the talent show, auditions will be taking place on Tuesday, February 25th at 3:30 in the PJHS band room. The actual scheduled talent show date is for Friday, April 4th. All students auditioning are required to have their act ready to go!
Lastly, please look at all of the additional reminders below regarding any upcoming events, important dates, and other information.
Have a great week!
PJHS E-Learning Plan/Expectations
Please read the attached letter that explains expectations for PJHS students when it is an E-Learning Day. The School Improvement Schedule (attached in the letter) will be followed for an E-Learning Day (12:00 Dismissal).
Come Check out PJHS Students Perform!
Performance dates:
Friday, February 28 for PIC & PES
Saturday, March 1 @ 7 PM
Sunday, March 2 @ 2 PM
at the PHS Auditorium
Tickets $5
Student Chromebook Policy:
Please see the attached document that explains the student Chromebook policy.
Parents, please assist with this and review with your child. The office has noticed a lot of phones being brought down for students using them or taking them out in class. Please refer to the policy and review with your child about phones being off and put away. I recommend to students either leaving them in their backpacks or lockers (locked up). If your child's phone is brought to the office for usage in school, the office will hold the phone until the end of the day and a consequence will be issued. If for some reason you or your child ever had to get ahold of each other, you can always call the office. Your child may also use the office phone if needed. We are trying to not only alleviate usage in school with cell phones, but also students loosing phones throughout the day. I thank you in advance for your support with this!
Lost and Found
If your child is missing any items or clothing, there are multiple items on the front table by the office that need to be claimed.
Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, February 25th- PJHS Bookfair (during library classes)
Wednesday, February 26th- PJHS Bookfair during volleyball game (until 6pm)
Friday, February 28th- PJHS Bookfair (during library classes)
Friday, February 28th-Charolette's Web Performance for PES and PIC
Saturday, March 1st-Charolette's Web Performance at 7pm at PHS auditorium
Sunday, March 2nd-Charolette's Web Performance at 2pm at PHS auditorium
Friday, March 7th-Early Release, 12:00 Dismissal (NO LUNCH will be served)
Thursday, March 13th- 5th-12th Grade Band Concert at 7 p.m. at PHS
Friday, March 14th-Early Release, 1:40 Dismissal (Lunch WILL be Served)
Monday, March 17th-Board of Education Meeting at 6 p.m.
Sunday, March 16th-PIC and PJHS Choirs perform at the Chicago Wolves Game
Thursday, May 22nd-PJHS 8th Grade Graduation at 7pm in the gym at PHS
March 24th-March 28th - SPRING BREAK (Classes resume on March 31st)
PTO Information
Check out the links below with some information from the PTO!
Chromebooks - Charged and Packed!
Is your child's Chromebook charged? Please help us build good routines by reminding your child to charge their Chromebook every night and make sure it is packed for school each morning!
A reminder that students participating in athletics or extracurriculars must remain eligible. Please click here to see the PJHS Eligibility document.
Student Grades
Do you have questions about your child's grades? Please remember to check PowerSchool for up-to-date information regarding your child's grades, including missing assignments. If you have questions after talking with your child, please reach out to the classroom teacher for any further information. All email addresses are the first initial, then the last name, followed by @peotoneschools.org.
School Calendars
Sports Physicals
All students need a sports physical on file with the nurse's office if they plan to participate in a school sport. Students will not be allowed to try out or participate until we have a sports physical.
Sports physicals are good for 13 months.
Social Media
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