Granger School Weekly Newsletter
January 7-10, 2020
Quick Reminders/Planning Ahead
Jan. 10 ACET and NAFEPA Scholarships due
Jan. 9 Student Council Meeting during Advisory Period
Jan. 15 School Board Meeting 6:30
Jan. 16 Elementary Awards *NOTE DATE CHANGE*
Jan. 20 No School
Jan. 27 PTO & SHAC meeting 6pm in cafeteria
Weather Watch:
*Please check the school website ( https://www.grangerisd.net ) or social media platforms (Facebook/Twitter) for any updates and possible school closures during inclement weather.
*Check your phones, emails, and phone call messages for closures and updates.
*Check local news.
*The website will have all of the protocols and procedures posted for inclement weather for your reference.
***Please make sure your child's contact information is up-to-date!***
January Character Development
Perseverance: I believe in myself that I can accomplish my goals. I know that when I make mistakes I am learning and growing. I work hard to make progress and celebrate each small step it takes to accomplish goals.
It's Okay to Ask for Help
*Intervention Services: Alana Arndt or Aspen Weber are on campus daily during the school year for individual/family therapy and support (512-713-9886)
*Mobile Outreach Team: available for mental health crisis and can offer mental health resources in Williamson County area. (512-864-8277)
*The Christi Center: Offers free, ongoing support groups for adults grieving the loss of a child, spouse, parent, sibling or other loved one. (512-467-2600) http://christicenter.org/services/williamson-county/
* Bluebonnet Trials 1-800-841-1255
*Crisis Hotline Text 741741
*Crisis Hotline 1-800-273-8255
Thank you to the Granger Volunteer Fire Department
We are truly thankful for the Granger Volunteer Fire Department and all they do for the community and outlying areas. You are appreciated!
A Few Class Snap Shots of Santa's Visit Before Winter Break
2nd Grade
1st Grade
Purple Santa Success
Wednesday: Chicken Stripes W/ Dinner Roll
Thursday: Spaghetti
Friday: Grilled Chicken Sandwich
Riddle Me This
Answer: One.
Granger Jr. High UIL One-Act-Play District Champs
3 Honorable Mention All-Star-Cast members were Nick Vanderslice, Onasis Mendez, and Aidan Dooley.
2 All-Star-Cast members were Emma Corona and Maika Irisawa.
And Best Actor award went to Alexi Montagnino.
Granger Jr. High UIL One-Act-Play Shining Stars
Come Watch the Granger Lion Basketball Players!
2020 ACET and NAFEPA Scholarships for students and adults
Application Deadlines:
* January 10, 2020 = NAFEPA
* February 14, 2020 = ACET (student and adult)
* Must be postmarked no later than the established deadline.
Mail completed applications to:
Natalie Weber
ACET Region #13 Director
1150 County Road 336
Granger, TX 76530
* No fax applications will be accepted.
Should you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to contact me by phone at (512) 365-4319 or by email at nbweber@utexas.edu.
Natalie B. Weber
Administrative Specialist
District Support
Congratulations Roaring Readers
3rd Grade:
Hope Alvarez
Case Bohac
Maura Buenrostro
Siena Cortez-Calderon
Ryker Ellison
Brodie Fudge
Syndi Good
Tyler Hamende
Kristopher Kelley-Dufrain
Jenson Kuecker
Cohen Repa
Jayden Samaniego
Casey Schaefer
Syanne Smith
Ayden Stevens
Kevyn Stevens
Mason Vanek
4th Grade
Sadvita Acharya
Daniel Finch
Grant Hand
Rylee Irisawa
Allen Martinez
Avery Michalek
James Springer
Skyla Thorsen
Rikki Weatherford
Kendall Welles
Special Acknowledgement: Ian Lamoureux, 4th grade, set his own reading goal at a lofty level, and gave it a good try, making the highest amount of points earned in the entire school at 80.1. Way to go Ian! Don't be discouraged. We are proud of you. Read on. Read on.
January is...
Brainteaser Month
International Creativity Month
Jan. 1st New Year's Day
Jan. 2 National Science Fiction Day
Jan. 7 First Presidential Election (1789)
Jan. 20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 25 Chinese New Year
Achoo! Well, no wonder...
Past Pollen Count:
30,961 1/10/06
27,750 1/23/09
27,639 1/6/20
25,270 12/21/18
23,559 1/12/17
23,039 1/19/10
22,600 1/7/01
21,250 1/25/01
20,096 1/15/02
*Remember to check school website and Dojo in case of any last minute changes due to situations beyond GISD control.
Elementary Awards Dates
Time: PreK-2nd: 8:10AM - 9:10AM 3rd-4th: 9:20AM - 10:20AM
2nd 9 weeks, January 16, 2020
3rd 9 weeks, March 27, 2020
4th 9 weeks, May 27, 2020
Renaissance Universal Screening
Jan. 13-17 Reading MOY
Jan. 20-24 Math MOY
April 6-10 Reading EOY
April 13-17 Math EOY
STAAR Testing
STAAR EOC December Retakes:
Eng I – Dec 10
Algebra – Dec 11
Eng II and Bio – Dec 12
STAAR Spring Dates:
ENG I – April 7
4th/7th Writing – April 7
5th/8th Math – April 7
5th/8th Reading – April 8
ENG 2 – April 8
ALG 1 – May
BIO – May
US Hist – May
8th Science – May 7
8th Social Studies – May 8
3rd/4th/6th/7th Math, 5th/8th Retake – May 12
3rd/4th/6th/7th Reading, 5th/8th Retake – May 13
5th Science – May 14
Secondary Bell Schedule
Jr. High Class Periods
1st 8:00-8:46
2nd 8:50-9:36
3rd 9:40-10:26
4th 10:30-11:16
Lunch 11:16-11:46
5th 11:50-12:36
6th 12:40-1:26
Advisory 2:20-2:50
8th 2:54-3:40
High School Class Periods
1st 8:00-8:46
2nd 8:50-9:36
3rd 9:40-10:26
4th 10:30-11:16
5th 11:20-12:06
Lunch 12:06-12:36
6th 12:40-1:26
7th 1:30-2:16
Advisory 2:20-2:50
8th 2:54-3:40
· Pre K 10:25 – 10:55
· Kinder – 1st 10:30 – 11:00
· 2nd-3rd 10:35 – 11:05
· 4th 10:40 - 11:10
· 5th 11:10 - 11:40
· 6th - 8th 11:16 – 11:46
· 9th - 12th 12:06 - 12:36
8:50-9:36 Ivicic
12:40-1:26 Mr. Irisawa 3B
8:50-9:36 Chapman
12:40-2:50 5th Grade Classes
2:50-3:20 Pre-K
8:50-9:36 Steffek
12:40-1:26 Marek
8:50-9:36 Repa
10:30-11:16 Q. Kubacak
12:40-1:26 Michalik
1:30-2:16 Lewis 3A
12:40-1:26 Vanek
1:30-2:16 Sessums
Ninth grade every other Friday during 2nd, 4th, 7th Periods
Morning Pickup: Between 6:50 am and 7:20 am.
Afternoon Routes: Depart campus at 3:50 pm.
NW Quadrant – Bus 23, Mr. Terry
NE Quadrant – Bus 18, Ms. Baker
SW Quadrant – Bus 22, Mr. Holubec
SE Quadrant – Bus 16, Mr. Davidson AM/Mr. Valdez PM
Monthly Character Development Themes:
October: Responsibility
November: Respect
December: Friendship
January: Perseverance
February: Honesty
March: Self-Discipline
April: Leadership
School Board:
Sandra Carpenter, Secretary
Chelsey Ellison, Member
Tommy Filla, President
Mark Harwell, Member
Scott Murrah, Member
Daryl Stefek, Member
Timmy Tidwell, Vice President
Helpful Links:
Academic Counseling Service link: https://www.grangerisd.net/79539_2
Accelerated Reader Bookfinder: https://www.arbookfind.com
Video guides to college financial aide:
Overview of the Financial Aid Process : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H_iS7gmQd9o
How to Create Your FSA ID : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K7ihhGk8mCY&t=2s
2019-2020 FAFSA Full Walkthrough : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d1GmaBMD-oY
After the FAFSA: What Happens Next : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c1gNefSw78
Parent resource on E-Cigarettes and JUUL prevention: https://www.catch.org/pages/cmb-parent-resources
Parent Portal to grades & attendance: https://ascportal.esc13.net/ParentPortal/login?distid=246905
In Memory of Travis "T-Mill" Miller
June 28, 2002-December 23, 2019
Forever in our hearts.
Granger ISD
Email: dgriffis@granger.txed.net
Website: grangerisd.net
Location: 300 North Colorado, Granger, TX, USA
Phone: 512-567-5928
Facebook: facebook.com/GrangerISD
Twitter: @Granger_Lions